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Actividad de Aprendizaje 2 My last vacation

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Nombre del alumno: Antony Arturo García Pérez
Matrícula: 132054
Grupo: CI54
Nombre de la materia: MC (08) INGLÉS II / IDIOMA II / OPTATIVA II
Nombre del docente: Mtra. Diana Paola Iñiguez Alvarez
Actividad de Aprendizaje 2. My last vacation
Sabinas, Coahuila							16/01/2021
En un documento Word redacta tus vacaciones pasadas en 120 palabras. Envía este trabajo a tu asesor incluyendo portada, instrucciones y la redacción debe ser en Arial 15.
My last vacations were the vacations of crhistmas, which were a little different as usually they are. Usually in our vacations of Winter, we have some partys were all my parents came over and have dinner, sing kareoke, hit the piñata, and spend good time all toghether. In my last vacations the things were kind the same, but not at all, many of my parents could not come because of the actual pandemic of Coronavirus, we gather of in my house because our grandmother lives here and we prefered of came only for Little time so we can spend time with her, unless this was smaller than pasts years, we all want this global emergency finish soon so we can do all the things we normally do and we can spend time with our family again.

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