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Actividad de Aprendizaje 4 Foro

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Nombre del alumno: Antony Arturo García Pérez
Matrícula: 132054
Grupo: CI54
Nombre de la materia: MC (16) INGLÉS / OPTATIVA / IDIOMA IV
Nombre del docente: Mtra. Mariela Niño Flores
Actividad de Aprendizaje 4. Foro
Sabinas, Coahuila							27/09/2021
Hello everyone, I think one of my most treassuring possessions are my train toys that I have since I was a Little kid, I have had them for like fifteen years and I feel that they are really special because I remember that my parents use them so I can learn about the value of money, because I remember my parents gave me some money so I can save and buy my little trains. Other of my most treassuring possessions are my stuff dolls, they were given to me by my parents when I was like 3 or 4 years old they are really special to me because they have been with me for all my childhood, and I remember I like them so much that I went to every where with them 
I couldn’t live without my 
It’s important to me because…
It was given to me by…
I’ve had it for…
It reminds me of…

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