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who lives where

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Versión: Abril 2015 
©UVEG. Derechos reservados. Esta obra no puede ser reproducida, modificada, distribuida, ni transmitida, parcial o totalmente, mediante cualquier medio, método o 
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 Who lives where? 
Por: Susana Anguiano Torres 
Lee cuidadosamente la información de la tabla e identifica las características de los lugares y los tipos de 
vivienda de Alicia, Mirelle y Roger para poder responder correctamente el cuestionario. 
Alicia Molina 
Figura 1. Pretty Girl Sitting On Floor, Legs 
Crossed (stockimages & 
Freedigitalphotos.net, 2013). 
Mirelle Leblanc 
Figura 2. Young Lady Looking Forward 
(adamr & Freedigitalphotos.net, 2012). 
Roger Muller 
Figura 3. Retrato (Mona sin restricción, 
My name is Alicia Molina. I live 
in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My 
family has a very nice house 
with a two-car garage; it has a 
big and beautiful garden. 
We have a large living room, a 
large dining room and a large 
colorful kitchen. There are four 
bedrooms upstairs. And we 
have many bathrooms—five in 
My father has an office upstairs. 
We really like our house. 
I am Mirelle Leblanc and I am 
from France. I live in a three 
bedroom apartment in Lyon. 
The building has a garage with a 
big garden. 
I have one bathroom, a big living 
room, and a small white kitchen. 
There's no dining room but 
there's a balcony. 
My favorite room is the living 
room because it has a TV! It's a 
small apartment but it's OK. 
I'm Roger Muller, from 
Germany. I am a teacher. I live 
in a small house with my wife, 
We have three floors and a 
garage. There are two 
bedrooms and a small living 
room, a small kitchen, a small 
dining room and a bathroom. 
My favorite room is the kitchen 
because I love to cook on 
weekends. I really want a 
garden, but unfortunately we 
don't have one. 
Versión: Abril 2015 
©UVEG. Derechos reservados. Esta obra no puede ser reproducida, modificada, distribuida, ni transmitida, parcial o totalmente, mediante cualquier medio, método o 
sistema impreso, electrónico, magnético, incluyendo el fotocopiado, la fotografía, la grabación o un sistema de recuperación de la información, sin la autorización por 
escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato. 
Referencias de imágenes 
adamr & Freedigitalphotos.net. (2012). Young Lady Looking Forward. Recuperada 
de http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/Younger_women_g57-
Young_Lady_Looking_Forward_p91242.html (imagen publicada bajo 
licencia Royalty free, de acuerdo a 
Mona sin restricción. (2008). Retrato. Recuperada de 
(imagen publicada bajo licencia Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic de acuerdo a 
stockimages & Freedigitalphotos.net. (2013). Pretty Girl Sitting On Floor, Legs 
Crossed. Recuperada de http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/pretty-
girl-sitting-on-floor-legs-crossed-photo-p184790 (imagen publicada bajo 
licencia Royalty free, de acuerdo a 

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