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actividad integradora 1 M6

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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Group:- M6C--G---098 
 Facilitator: ---------------- 
 My presentation 
Hello, my name is María Elizabeth López Hernández 
I´m 36 years old 
I am from Guadalajara Jalisco and I currently live in Acapulco Guerrero since four years 
I´m married and I have a family with four children 
I am dedicated to my family and I am currently a student of online Prepa SEP 
My Phone number is 4 62 71 52 
I present my oldest daughter 
Her name is Lizeth Padilla López 
She is 18 years old 
She is single 
Her telephone number is 744 438 47 28 
She is a student at CONALEP and is currently a hooster at the Copacabana hotel in 
Acapulco Guerrero 
 Enlace de audio: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0bFibwnuxq3

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