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THE author wishes to thank the following Examination Boards for permission to 
publish questions set in their papers: 
The University Press, Cambridge (C.S.), 
The Secretary, Natural Science Scholarships, Oxford (O.S.), 
Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board (O. & C) , 
The Senate of London University (Lond.), 
Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (N.U.J.M.B.). 
The symbols in parentheses are those used in the text to denote the sources of the 
various questions. Some indication is given whether the questions are Advanced 
level (A) or Scholarship level (S). 
The information and diagram on the zinc blast furnace were kindly provided by 
Imperial Smelting Processes Ltd. of Avonmouth. 
The author would like to thank Dr. J. E. Spice for reading the manuscript and 
for his helpful advice. 
D. M. McC. S. 

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