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# robot goes forward and then slows to a stop when it detects something 
from pyrobot.brain import Brain 
import math
def adjust(theta):
 while theta > math.pi:
 theta -= 2 * math.pi
 while theta < - math.pi:
 theta += 2 * math.pi
 return theta
class Practica(Brain): 
 # Give the front two sensors, decide the next move 
 def determineMove(self, front, left, right): 
 if front < 0.5: 
 #print "obstacle ahead, hard turn" 
 return(0, .3) 
 elif left < 0.8:
 #print "object detected on left, slow turn"
 return(0.1, -.3) 
 elif right < 0.8: 
 #print "object detected on right, slow turn" 
 return(0.1, .3) 
 #print "clear" 
 return(0.5, 0.0) 
 def step(self): 
 # front = min([s.distance() for s in self.robot.range["front"]])
 # left = min([s.distance() for s in self.robot.range["left-front"]])
 # right = min([s.distance() for s in self.robot.range["right-front"]])
 # translation, rotate = self.determineMove(front, left, right) 
 goal_x = 4.5
 goal_y = 8.0
 x = self.robot.simulation[0].getPose(0)[0]
 y = self.robot.simulation[0].getPose(0)[1]
 th = self.robot.simulation[0].getPose(0)[2]
 phi = math.atan2(goal_y-y, goal_x-x) - math.pi/2
 cmd = adjust(phi) - adjust(th)
 print phi, adjust(phi), th, adjust(th), cmd
 self.robot.move(0.5, cmd)
def INIT(engine): 
 return Practica('Practica', engine) 
A PyrobotSimulator world. A large room with two robots and
two lights.
(c) 2005, PyroRobotics.org. Licensed under the GNU GPL.
from pyrobot.simulators.pysim import *
def INIT():
 # (width, height), (offset x, offset y), scale:
 sim = TkSimulator((443,466), (22,420), 40.357554)
 # x1, y1, x2, y2 in meters:
 sim.addBox(0, 0, 10, 10)
 sim.addLight(4.5, 8.0, 0.1, "blue")
 # port, name, x, y, th, bounding Xs, bounding Ys, color
 # (optional TK color name):
 sim.addRobot(60000, TkPioneer("RedPioneer",
 4.99, 1.32, 6.28,
 ((.225, .225, -.225, -.225),
 (.175, -.175, -.175, .175)),
 # add some sensors:
 return sim

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