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Ayudantia 4

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clear matrix
set mem 100m
cd "G:\Mi unidad\Cursos y Talleres dictados\Ayudantía EEPS\2019-2\Ayudantías\Variables Instrumentales"
use "AGR2014.dta", clear
global controles "lat_abs africa america asia f_bri f_fren "
keep if tyr05_n~=.
reg logpgdp05 tyr05_n 
outreg2 using "ols.xls", replace label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("OLS - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
 reg logpgdp05 ruleof 
 outreg2 using "ols.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("OLS - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
 reg logpgdp05 tyr05_n ruleof 
 outreg2 using "ols.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("OLS - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
 reg logpgdp05 tyr05_n ruleof $controles
 outreg2 using "ols.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("OLS - Education vs Institutions") keep(tyr05_n ruleof ) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
* Education
reg tyr05_n prienr1900 protmiss
outreg2 using "first_stage.xls", replace label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("First Stages - Education and Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
reg tyr05_n prienr1900 protmiss $controles
outreg2 using "first_stage.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("First Stages - Education and Institutions") keep(prienr1900 protmiss) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
* Institutions
reg ruleof lcapped lpd1500
outreg2 using "first_stage.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("First Stages - Education and Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
reg ruleof lcapped lpd1500 $controles
outreg2 using "first_stage.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("First Stages - Education and Institutions") keep(lcapped lpd1500) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
	ivreg2 logpgdp05 (ruleof= lcapped lpd1500 )
outreg2 using "iv_rev.xls", replace label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
	ivreg2 logpgdp05 (tyr05_n= prienr1900 protmiss )
outreg2 using "iv_rev.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
 	ivreg2 logpgdp05 (ruleof= lcapped lpd1500 ) $controles
outreg2 using "iv_rev.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") keep( ruleof) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
	ivreg2 logpgdp05 (tyr05_n= prienr1900 protmiss ) $controles
outreg2 using "iv_rev.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") keep( tyr05_n) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
* Instituciones
ivreg2 logpgdp05 (ruleof= lcapped lpd1500 ) $controles
* SARGAN 			 0.1161 (OK!)
* CRAGG-DONALD		 9.595 (20% no tan fuerte!)
* Education
ivreg2 logpgdp05 (tyr05_n= prienr1900 protmiss ) $controles
 * SARGAN 			 0.2942 (OK!)
* CRAGG-DONALD		 11.252 (15% no tan fuerte!)
* IV
reg logpgdp05 tyr05_n ruleof 
 outreg2 using "iv.xls", replace label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
	ivreg2 logpgdp05 (tyr05_n ruleof= prienr1900 protmiss lcapped lpd1500 )
outreg2 using "iv.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") ///
 addtext(Controls, No) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
 reg logpgdp05 tyr05_n ruleof $controles
 outreg2 using "iv.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") keep(tyr05_n ruleof ) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")
ivreg2 logpgdp05 (tyr05_n ruleof= prienr1900 protmiss lcapped lpd1500 ) $controles
outreg2 using "iv.xls", append label dec(3) ctitle(" ") title("IV - Education vs Institutions") keep(tyr05_n ruleof) ///
 addtext(Controls, Yes) addnote("Significance level *** p<0.01, ** p <0.1. Robust standard errors in parentheses. Each specification includes border fixed effects.")

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