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En esta parte aprenderás los siguientes temas: 
1. Imperativos. 
2. Expresiones dentro del salón de clases. 
3. Classroom objects 
4. Plurals 
5. Demonstratives 
6. Prepositions of place 
Para practicar los contenidos deberás resolver lo siguiente: 
7.- Reading Exercise 
8.- Writing exercise 
9.- Exam 
 1. Imperativos 
El imperativo se forma con el verbo sin sujeto, ejemplo: Sit down. El imperativo negativo es 
formado con Do not / Don’t y el verbo, ejemplo: Do not / Don’t talk to him. El imperativo se 
refiere a la segunda persona del singular y plural, Ejemplo: Take your books. El imperativo se 
usa para 
 dar ordenes: Stop that noise! 
 Dar instrucciones: Cut the paper in two pieces. 
 Ofrecer algo: Have some cake. 
 Hacer una petición. Agregarle PLEASE al inicio o al final para que sea una petición 
amable: Be quiet, please. or Please , be quiet. 
Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list. Use each verb only once. Some 
sentences are negative and some are affirmative. 
speak, wake, move, be, close, wash, open 
1. Always ………. your hands before you sit at the table. 
2. ………. the oven door and put the meat inside. 
3. ………. late! Your father will be angry. 
4. ……….! There’s a spider on your head. 
5. The baby is sleeping, ……… her. 
6. I’m cold ………. the windows, please. 
7. I don’t understand! ……….louder and slowly, please! 
Exercise 2. Write next to the expressions who says these expressions: a teacher T, a 
student S or the book B. 
close your books! come in! complete… 
compare correct your sentences cross 
count draw a house find 
don’t know learn by heart listen to … 
look at page 108… match the columns number the sentences 
open your books… practice with a partner raise your hand 
read the instructions… repeat say hello! 
unscramble… sit down! speak up please¡ 
stand up! Spell turn to page … 
translate underline the correct answer do you understand? 
work by yourself work in groups work in pairs 
write your name on your notebook. 
2. Expresiones dentro del salón de clases 
Sorry, I don’t understand…, How do you spell …?, Could you spell that for me, please?, How do you 
pronounce ___?, How do you write _____?, Please, speak slowly, Can you repeat, please?, Say it again, 
please, I have a question, I didn’t do homework, Can you lend me __, please?, What’s that?, What’s 
this?, What are these?, What are those?, Right! (That’s right), Correct, That’s wrong (Wrong), How do 
you say ……..…in English?, What’s the meaning of?, What does “___” mean?, May I step out? (May I go 
out?), May I come in? 
3. Classroom Objects 
Exercise 4. Revisemos vocabulario del salón de clases. Contesta las siguientes oraciones o 
escribe el nombre del dibujo en el crucigrama 
1. What time is your …? 2. 
3. 4. 
 5. 6. 
7. 8. Correct your …, please. 
9. test 10. 
11. Write a … 12. Read the … and answer. 
13. Your … is wrong. 14. Follow the … and write yours. 
15. Do you do your …? 16. Answer the …, please. 
17. 18. 
1. Your pictures are on the …… 2. 
3. You have to study two…. for the exam. 4. 
5. 6. This is the first partial …of English. 
7. 8. 
9. 10. 
11. Now, you study at the … 12. Where is your …? 
13. 14. 
15.16. You have to write 40… 
17. 18. 
 19. 20. Are you in a …? 
21. 22. 23. Is Spanish your first …? 
3. Plurals 
Es importante que conozcas el plural de los objetos porque la interferencia de nuestra lengua 
materna puede confundirte y hacerte cometer errores al querer expresarte de algunos objetos en 
plural. La gran mayoría de los sustantivos se convierten en plurales sólo añadiendo una “s” al fi-
nal de éstas y no hay algún otro cambio, a otros sustantivos podemos añadirle “-es” al final sin 
alterar tanto la palabra, sin embargo, hay sustantivos que, a diferencia de nuestro idioma, cam-
bian completamente (formas plurales irregulares) y esto puede ocasionar que cometamos erro-
res graves al querer añadir una “s” a las palabras y así formar palabras que simple y sencilla-
mente no existen en inglés. Así mismo, existen también palabras a las que debemos cambiarles 
la terminación o añadir más de una letra al final. Observa las siguientes reglas para la formación 
de plurales y la pronunciación de éstos: 
Formación de plurales 
-La forma plural de la mayoría de los sustantivos se crea simplemente agregando -s: 
a book = two books 
a key = two keys 
-A los sustantivos que terminan en o, s, z, x, ch y sh se les debe agregar -es: 
a glass = two glasses 
 2 3 4 
 6 7 
 11 10 
19 20 
22 23 
a hairbrush = two hairbrushes 
-A los sustantivos que tienen terminación “y” antecediéndole una consonante, debe cambiarse 
 por “i” y añadir “es”: 
a university = two universities 
a butterfly = two butterflies 
-A los sustantivos que tienen terminación “fe” o “f” para el plural se substituye la terminación 
 “fe” o “f” por “ves” 
Wife = wives 
Wolf = wolves 
-Sin embargo, hay varios sustantivos que tienen formas plurales irregulares: 
a child = two children 
a woman = two women 
a man = two men 
a person = two people 
a mouse = two mice 
Ejemplo: En la siguiente tabla observa diferentes palabras que se relacionan con las reglas de 
las que se te habló anteriormente. Observa que algunas palabras sufren un cambio muy visible: 
Potato potatoes 
glass glasses 
day days 
cake cakes 
Flower flowers 
child children 
lady ladies 
man men 
box boxes 
party parties 
Exercise 5. 
Escribe el plural de las siguientes palabras: 
1. City _______________ 
2. Watch ______________ 
3. Person ______________ 
4. Boy ______________ 
5. Knife ______________ 
6. Tomato _____________ 
7. Child _______________ 
8. Mouse ______________ 
9. Banana _____________ 
10. Kiss _____________ 
Para practicar plurales: 
4. Demonstratives 
En inglés se utilizan como adjetivos demostrativos singular "this" (este / esta) y "that" (ese / esa 
/aquella/aquel). La diferencia entre “this y “that” es la distancia. Mencionamos “this” cuando 
estamos relativamente cerca del objeto o persona de la que se habla. 
This is my car. Este es mi coche 
Mencionamos “that” cuando estamos alejados del objeto o persona de la que se habla. 
That is my car. Ese es mi coche 
La forma plural de los adjetivos demostrativos son: "these" (estos / estas) y "those" (esos / esas 
/ aquellos / aquellas). La diferencia entre ellos es la distancia. Mencionamos “these” cuando 
estamos relativamente cerca de los objetos o personas de la que se habla. 
These are my key. Estas son mis llaves 
Mencionamos “those” cuando estamos lejos de los objetos o personas de la que se habla. 
Those are my keys. Esas son mis llaves 
Exercise 6. Llena los espacios con: this, these, that or those. 
1. _________ is a red box. 
2. _________ is a blue box. 
3. __________are boxes. 
4. ___________are boxes 
5.________________ is a red box and __________ is a blue box. 
Ligas para practicar el tema: 
5. Prepositions of place 
Exercise 7.: Observa las fotos y haz oraciones usando las preposiciones 
1.-The pop corns are on the bed 
2.-The small teddy bear is in the 
 beautiful blue chair. 
Exercise 8. Observa las fotos y completa con las preposiciones correspondientes: 
1.- The books are ______ the desk. 
2.- The clock is ______ two posters. 
3.- The red and white socks are _______ the clothes basket. 
4.- The big book is ____________ the bed. 
5.- The tennis shoe is __________ the chair. 
6.- The chest of drawers is ___________ the bed. 
7.- The bed is ______Milly. 
Reading Exercise 
Exercise 1: Lee el siguiente e-mail y contesta las preguntas de acuerdo al texto. 
Hi Maggie 
I hope you are fine. I am very happy because I am redecorating my room. The new color of my 
bedroom is blue now. In my “new” room, the bed is in front of the window. My laptop computer is 
on the desk. The desk is next to my bed. I have a waste basket now. It is under the desk. I have 
3 posters on the wall. My new lamp is behind my bed, now I can read my comics at night! The TV 
is between my closet and the desk. The sofa is in front of the TV. My room is perfect now! I love it 
!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, tell me about you, what are you doing these days? You know you are my best friend 
and I miss you a lot, write back soon! …..xoxo Tony 
1.- What color is Tony’s room? __________________________ 
2.-Where is the bed?___________________________________ 
3.-Where is the wastebasket?___________________________ 
4.-What’s on the wall? _________________________________ 
5.-What is behind his bed? _____________________________ 
6.-Who is Maggie? ____________________________________ 
Writing Exercise 
Exercise 1: Lee la descripción que hace Tony de su cuarto y escribe algo 
parecido acerca de tu recamara. 
My bedroom is very small. It is white and pink. My bed is next to …………. 
Exercise 1. Choose the correct preposition according to the drawing. 
This is Pauli’s house. The briefcase is (1) in front of / behind the TV. The school bag is 
(2) on/ next to the briefcase. The Sunglasses are (3) under/ on the table. The Cds are 
(4) on/under the table. The wallet is (5) next to /on the armchair. The earrings are (6) 
in front of / behind the armchair. The pens are (7) next to / behind the cell phone. 
Exercise 2. Escribe en los espacios: A, AN, THIS, THESE, IT ,THEY 
Naomi is my best friend. She is (8) _____ English teacher and she works in (9) ______ 
University.(10) ________ University is very famous (11)_______ is next to the Mexican 
Restaurant. Her brothers work in (12)_____ hospital. (13) _______ are nurses. 
(14) ________ have (15)____ house next to (16) _______ park. (17) ________ boys are in 
the basketball team too. 
Exercise 3. Escribe los plurales de las siguientes palabras 
18.Man 23.Car 
19.Scissors 24.Toy 
20.Life 25.Child 
21.Baby 26.Foot 
22.Box 27.Lady 
Total points of exam : 27 
Exercise 1: 
1. wash 2. Open 3. Do not or don’t be 4. Move 5. Do not or don’t wake 6. Close 7. Speak 
Exercise 2: 
close your books! T/B come in! T complete… B/T 
compare T/B correct your sentencesB/T cross B/T 
count T draw a house B/T find S/T 
don’t know S learn by heart S listen to … B/T 
look at page 108… T match the columns B/T number the sentences B/T 
open your books… T practice with a partner B/T raise your hand T 
read the instructions…B/T/S repeat B/T say hello! T 
unscramble… B/T sit down! T speak up please¡ T 
stand up! T spell B/T turn to page … B/T 
translate B/T underline the correct answer B/T do you understand? T/S 
work by yourself T work in groups B/T work in pairs B/T 
write your name on your notebook. T 
Exercise 3: Answers may vary. Las respuestas pueden variar. 
¿Buscaste el significado de las expresiones. 
Exercise 4: 
1 w A L L 2C1 H A I R 2B 3C 4P 
 3L E S S O N 5N O A I 
 4A L 6P H A B E 7T U O S E 
5M8 O U S E S 6E X A M 7M A R K E R S C 
I 8P E N S B B E E 
S C 9L E T T E R T O 
T 10P I C 9T U R E R T F 
A L E 11U 10N I V E R 11S I 12T Y E P 
K 12S C H O O L E E P A 
13E R 13A S 14E R T 14T I C K N X L P 
 N X 15H E T T 16Q A E 
17C S A O 15B O A R 18D E U Y R 
H W M M 16W O R D E N E E 
A E P E O S 17C L A S S R O O M 
L R 19M L 18W O R K B O O K E T 
K A E O I 
19C O M P U T E R 20C O M P E T I T I O N 
 K 21D I C T I O N A R Y 
22W A S T E B A S K E T 
23L A N G U A G E 
Exercise 5: 1.-cities 2.- watches 3.-people 4.-boys 5.-knives 6.-tomatoes 7.-children 8.-mice 
9.-bananas 10.-kisses 
Exercise 6: 1.-this 2.-that 3.-these 4.-those 5.-this, that 
Exercise 7: 3.-The glasses are on the box. 4.-The rug is under the bed. 5.-The dark 
brown teddy bear is behind the other two teddy bears. 6.-The light teddy bears are in front of 
the dark teddy bear. 7.-The night table is next to the bed. 
Exercise 8. 
Answer key:1.-on 2.-between 3.-in 4.- under 5.- in front of 6.- next to 7.- behind 
Answer key Exam: 
Exercise 1. 1. in front of 2. next to 3. on 4. under 5. on 6. behind 7. next to 
Exercise 2. 8. an 9. a 10. This(the) 11. It 12. a 13. They 14. They 15. a 16. The(a) 
17. these 
Exercise 3. 18. men 19. scissors 20. lives 21. babies 22. boxes 23. cars 24. toys 
25. children 26. feet 27. ladies 
Puntos totales del examen: 27 
Para obtener tu calificación divide el total 
de aciertos entre el total de puntos. 
Luego multiplica el resultado por 10 
Ejemplo: 24 aciertos 
24 / 27 =.88 x 10 = 8.8

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