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nican-mopohua - bryan garcia godinez

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Aquí se narra, se conjunta, cómo hace poco, de manera portentosa, se 
apareció la perfecta Virgen Santa María Madre de Dios, nuestra Reina, allá en el 
Tepeyac, nariz del monte, de renombre Guadalupe. 
Primero se dignó dejarse ver de un indito, su nombre Juan Diego; y 
después se apareció su preciosa y amada Imagen delante del recién electo obispo 
don fray Juan de Zumárraga. 
1. Diez años después de conquistada el agua, el monte, la ciudad de México, 
cuando ya estaban depuestas las flechas y los escudos, cuando por todas partes 
había paz en los pueblos, sus aguas y sus montes 
2. Así como brotó, ya verdece, ya abre su corola la fe, el conocimiento del Dador 
de la vida, el verdadero Dios. 
3. Entonces, en el año 1531, a los pocos días del mes de diciembre, sucedió que 
había un indito, un macehual, un pobre hombre del pueblo, 
4. su nombre era Juan Diego, según se dice, vecino de Cuauhtitlán 
5. y en las cosas de Dios, en todo pertenecía a Tlatelolco. 
6. Era sábado, muy de madrugada, venía en pos de Dios y de sus mandatos. 
7. Y al llegar cerca del cerrito, donde se llama Tepeyac, ya relucía el alba en la 
8. Allí escuchó cantar sobre el cerrito, era como el canto de variadas aves 
preciosas. Al interrumpir sus voces, como que el cerro les respondía. 
Sobremanera suaves, deleitosos, sus cantos aventajaban a los del coyoltototl y 
del tzinitzcan y a otras aves preciosas que cantan. 
9. Se detuvo Juan Diego, se dijo: “¿Por ventura soy digno, soy merecedor de lo que 
escucho? ¿Tal vez estoy sólo soñando? ¿Quizá solamente lo veo como entre 
10. ¿Dónde estoy? ¿Dónde me veo? ¿Acaso allá, donde dejaron dicho los ancianos, 
nuestros antepasados, nuestros abuelos: en la tierra de las flores, en la tierra del 
maíz, de nuestra carne, de nuestro sustento, acaso en la tierra celestial?” 
11. Hacia allá estaba mirando, hacia lo alto del cerrillo, hacia donde sale el sol, 
hacia allá, de donde procedía el precioso canto celestial. 
12. Y cuando cesó de pronto el canto, cuando dejó de escucharse, entonces oyó que 
le llamaban de arriba del cerrillo, le decían: “Juanito, Juan Dieguito.” 
13. Luego se atrevió a ir a donde lo llamaban; ninguna turbación inquietó su 
corazón ni ninguna cosa lo alteraba, antes bien se sentía alegre y contento por 
todo extremo, fue a subir al cerrillo para ir a ver de dónde lo llamaban. 
14. Y cuando llegó a la cumbre del cerrillo, contempló una noble Doncella que allí 
estaba de pie, 
15. Ella lo llamó para que fuera juntito a Ella. 
16. Y cuando llegó frente a Ella, mucho le maravilló cómo sobrepasaba toda 
admirable perfección y grandeza: 
17. su vestido como el sol resplandecía, así brillaba. 
18. Y las piedras y rocas sobre las que estaba, como que lanzaban rayos 
19. como de jades preciosos, como joyas relucían. 
20. Como resplandores del arco iris en la niebla reverberaba la tierra. 
21. Y los mezquites y los nopales y las demás variadas yerbitas que allí se suelen 
dar, parecían como plumajes de quetzal, como turquesas aparecía su follaje, y su 
tronco, sus espinas, sus espinitas, relucían como el oro. 
22. En su presencia se postró, escuchó su venerable aliento, su venerable palabra, 
que era sumamente afable, extremadamente noble, como de quien lo atraía y le 
mostraba amor. 
23. Le dijo Ella: “Escucha, hijo mío, el más pequeño, Juanito, ¿a dónde te diriges?” 
24. Y él le contestó: “Señora mía, Reina mía, Muchachita mía, allá llegaré, a tu 
venerable casa en México Tlatelolco, a seguir las cosas de Dios que nos dan, que 
nos enseñan, quienes son las imágenes del Señor, Señor Nuestro, nuestros 
25. En seguida, así le habla Ella, le descubre su preciosa voluntad; 
26. le dice: “Sábelo, ten por cierto, hijo mío, el más pequeño, que yo soy en verdad 
la perfecta siempre Virgen Santa María, que tengo el honor y la dicha de ser 
Madre del verdaderísimo Dios por quien se vive, el Creador de las personas, el 
Dueño de la cercanía y de la inmediación, el Dueño del cielo, el Dueño de la 
tierra. Mucho quiero, mucho deseo, que aquí me levanten mi casita sagrada, 
27. en donde lo mostraré, lo ensalzaré al ponerlo de manifiesto, 
28. lo entregaré a las gentes en todo mi amor personal, a Él que es mi mirada 
compasiva, a Él que es mi auxilio, a Él que es mi salvación. 
29. Porque, en verdad, yo me honro en ser tu madre compasiva, 
30. tuya y de todos los hombres que vivís juntos en esta tierra, 
31. y también de todas las demás variadas estirpes de hombres, los que me amen; los 
que me llamen, los que me busquen, los que confíen en mí. 
32. Porque ahí, en verdad, escucharé su llanto, su tristeza, para remediar, para curar 
todas sus diferentes penas, sus miserias, sus dolores. 
33. Y para realizar lo que pretende mi compasiva mirada misericordiosa, anda al 
palacio del obispo de México, y le dirás cómo yo te envío, para que le descubras 
cómo mucho deseo que aquí me provea de una casa, me erija en el llano mi 
templo; todo le contarás, cuanto has visto y admirado, y lo que has oído. 
34. Y ten por seguro que mucho lo agradeceré y lo pagaré, 
35. que por ello, en verdad, te enriqueceré, te glorificaré; 
36. y mucho de allí merecerás con que yo retribuya tu cansancio, tu servicio con que 
vas a solicitar el asunto al que te envío. 
37. Ya escuchaste, hijo mío el menor, mi aliento mi palabra; anda, haz lo que esté de 
tu parte.” 
38. E inmediatamente en su presencia se postró, le dijo: “Señora mía, Niña, ya voy a 
realizar tu venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra; por ahora te dejo, yo, tu 
humilde servidor.” 
39. Luego vino a bajar para poner en obra su encomienda: vino a encontrar la 
calzada, viene derecho a México. 
40. Cuando llegó al interior de la ciudad, luego fue derecho al palacio del obispo, el 
cual muy recientemente había llegado, el Gobernante Sacerdote; su nombre era 
don fray Juan de Zumárraga, sacerdote de San Francisco. 
41. Y en cuanto llegó, luego hace el intento de verlo, les suplica a los que le sirven, 
a sus criados, que vayan a decírselo. 
42. Después de pasado largo rato vinieron a llamarlo, cuando mandó el señor obispo 
que entrara. 
43. Y en cuanto entró, en seguida ante él se arrodilló, se postró, luego ya le 
descubre, le comunica el precioso aliento, la preciosa palabra de la Reina del 
Cielo, su mensaje, y también le dice todo lo que le había maravillado, lo que vio, 
lo que escuchó. 
44. Pero el obispo habiendo escuchado todo su relato, su mensaje, como que no 
mucho lo tuvo por cierto. 
45. El obispo le respondió, le dijo: “Hijo mío, otra vez vendrás, aún con calma te 
oiré, bien aún desde el principio miraré, consideraré la razón por la que has 
venido, lo que es tu voluntad, lo que es tu deseo.” 
46. Salió; venía triste porque no se realizó de inmediato su encargo. 
47. Luego se volvió, al terminar el día, luego de allá se vino derecho a la cumbre del 
48. y llegó delante de Ella, la Reina del Cielo: allí cabalmente donde la primera vez 
se le apareció, allí lo estaba esperando. 
49. Y en cuanto la vio, ante Ella se postró, se arrojó por tierra, le dijo: 
50. “Patroncita, Señora, Reina mía, Hija mía la más pequeña, mi Muchachita, ya fui 
a donde me mandaste a cumplir tu venerable aliento, tu venerablepalabra. 
Aunque difícilmente entré a donde es el lugar del Gobernante Sacerdote, lo vi, 
ante él expuse tu venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra, como tú me lo 
51. Me recibió amablemente y con atención escuchó, pero, por lo que me respondió, 
como que su corazón no lo reconoció, no lo tuvo por cierto. 
52. Me dijo: ‘Otra vez vendrás; aún con calma te escucharé, bien aún desde el 
principio veré por lo que has venido, lo que es tu deseo, lo que es tu voluntad. 
53. Bien en ello miraré,” según me respondió; que piensa que tu venerable casa 
divina que quieres que aquí te hagan, tal vez yo nada más lo invento, o tal vez no 
viene de tus venerables labios. 
54. Por esto, mucho te suplico, Señora mía, Reina mía, Muchachita mía, que a 
alguno de los estimados nobles, que sea conocido, respetado, honrado, le 
encargues que conduzca, que lleve tu venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra 
para que le crean. 
55. Porque en verdad yo soy un hombre del campo, soy la cuerda de los cargadores, 
en verdad soy parihuela, sólo soy cola, soy ala; yo mismo necesito ser 
conducido, llevado a cuestas, no es lugar de mi andar ni de mí detenerme allá a 
donde me envías, mi Muchachita, mi Hija la más pequeña, Señora, mi Niña. 
56. Por favor, dispénsame, afligiré con pena tu rostro, tu corazón; iré a caer en tu 
enojo, en tu disgusto, Señora Dueña mía.” 
57. Le respondió la Perfecta Virgen, digna de honra y veneración: 
58. “Escucha, tú, el más pequeño de mis hijos, ten por cierto que no son escasos mis 
servidores, mis mensajeros, a quien encargue que lleven mi aliento, mi palabra, 
para que efectúen mi voluntad; 
59. pero es necesario que tú, personalmente, vayas, ruegues, que por tu intercesión 
se realice, se lleve a efecto mi querer, mi voluntad. 
60. Y mucho te ruego, hijo mío el menor, y con rigor te mando, que otra vez vayas 
mañana a ver al obispo. 
61. Y de mi parte hazle saber, hazle oír mi querer, mi voluntad, para que realice, 
edifique mi casa sagrada que le pido. 
62. Y bien, de nuevo dile de qué modo yo, personalmente, la siempre Virgen Santa 
María, yo, que soy la Madre de Dios, te envío a ti como mi mensajero.” 
63. Juan Diego, por su parte, le respondió, le dijo: “Señora mía, Reina mía, 
Muchachita mía, que no angustie yo con pena tu rostro, tu corazón; en verdad 
con todo gusto iré, a poner por obra tu venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra; 
de ninguna manera lo dejaré de hacer, ni tengo por molesto el camino. 
64. Iré ya, a cumplir tu voluntad, pero tal vez no seré oído y, si fuere escuchado, 
quizá no seré creído. 
65. Pero en verdad, mañana en la tarde, cuando se meta el sol, vendré a devolver a 
tu venerable aliento, a tu venerable palabra, lo que me responda el Gobernante 
66. Ya me despido de Ti respetuosamente, Hija mía la más pequeña, mi Muchachita, 
Señora, Niña mía, descansa otro poquito”. 
67. Y luego él se fue a reposar a su casa. 
68. Al día siguiente, Domingo, bien todavía en la nochecilla, todo aún estaba oscuro, 
de allá salió de su casa hacia acá derecho a Tlatelolco, vino a aprender las cosas 
divinas y a ser contado en lista; luego para ver al Gobernante Sacerdote. 
69. Y a eso de las diez fue cuando ya estuvo preparado, así ya había oído Misa y fue 
contado en la lista, y toda la gente se había ido. 
70. Pero él, Juan Diego, luego fue al palacio, la casa del señor Obispo. 
71. Y en cuanto llegó, puso todo su empeño para verlo y, con mucha dificultad, otra 
vez lo vio. 
72. A sus pies se arrodilló, lloró, se puso triste al hablarle, al descubrirle el 
venerable aliento, la venerable palabra, de la Reina del Cielo. 
73. Que ojalá fuera creída la embajada, la voluntad de la Perfecta Virgen, de hacerle, 
de erigirle, su casita sagrada, en donde Ella lo había dicho, en donde Ella la 
74. Mas el gobernante Obispo muchísimas cosas le preguntó, le investigó, para 
poder cerciorarse, dónde la había visto, cómo era Ella. Todo, absolutamente, se 
lo refirió al Señor Obispo. 
75. Y aunque todo, absolutamente, se lo declaró y todo lo que vio, lo que admiró, 
que aparecía con toda claridad que Ella era la Perfecta Virgen, la Amable, 
Maravillosa Madre de Nuestro Salvador, Nuestro Señor Jesucristo; 
76. sin embargo, no luego se cumplió su deseo. 
77. Dijo el Obispo que no sólo por su palabra, su petición se haría, se realizaría lo 
que él pedía, 
78. que era muy necesaria alguna señal para que bien pudiera ser creído cómo a él lo 
enviaba como mensajero la Reina del Cielo en persona. 
79. Tan pronto como lo escuchó Juan Diego, le dijo al Obispo: 
80. “Señor Gobernante, considera cuál será la señal que pides, porque luego iré a 
pedírsela a la Reina del Cielo que me envió.” 
81. Y como vio el Obispo que él ratificaba, que en nada vacilaba ni dudaba, luego lo 
hizo irse. 
82. Y en cuanto se va, en seguida el Obispo manda a algunos de los de su casa, en 
los que tenía absoluta confianza, que lo vayan a seguir, que bien lo observaran a 
dónde iba, a quién veía, con quién hablaba. 
83. Y así se hizo. Y Juan Diego se fue derecho, siguió la calzada. 
84. Pero los que lo seguían, donde se abre la barranca, cerca del Tepeyac, en el 
puente de madera, lo vinieron a perder. Y aunque por todas partes buscaron, en 
ninguna parte lo vieron. 
85. Y así se volvieron, no sólo porque con ello se fastidiaron grandemente, sino 
también porque él los disgustó, los hizo enojar. 
86. Así le fueron a contar al Señor Obispo, le metieron en la cabeza que no le 
creyera, le dijeron cómo nomás le contaba mentiras, que sólo inventaba lo que 
venía a decirle, o que sólo soñaba o imaginaba lo que le decía, lo que le pedía. 
87. Y bien así lo determinaron que si otra vez venía, regresaba, allí lo agarrarían, y 
fuertemente lo castigarían, para que ya no volviera a decir mentiras ni a 
alborotar a la gente. 
88. Entre tanto, Juan Diego estaba con la Santísima Virgen, diciéndole la respuesta 
que traía del Señor Obispo: 
89. la que, oída por la Señora, le dijo: 
90. “Bien está hijito mío, volverás aquí mañana para que lleves al Obispo la señal 
que te ha pedido; 
91. con eso te creerá y acerca de esto ya no dudará ni de ti sospechará; 
92. y sábete, hijito mío, que yo te pagaré tu cuidado y el trabajo y cansancio que por 
mí has prodigado. 
93. Ea, vete ahora; que mañana aquí te aguardo.” 
94. Y al día siguiente, lunes, cuando Juan Diego debía llevar alguna señal para ser 
creído, ya no volvió. 
95. Porque cuando fue a llegar a su casa, a un tío suyo, de nombre Juan Bernardino, 
se le había asentado la enfermedad, estaba muy grave. 
96. Aun fue a llamar al médico, todavía se ocupó de él, pero ya no era tiempo, pues 
ya estaba agonizando. 
97. Y cuando anocheció, le rogó su tío que cuando aún fuere de madrugada, aún a 
oscuras, saliera hacia acá, viniera a llamar a Tlatelolco, a alguno de los 
sacerdotes para que fuera a confesarlo, para que fuera a prepararlo, 
98. porque eso ya estaba en su corazón, que en verdad ya era tiempo, que ya 
entonces moriría, porque ya no se levantaría, ya no se sanaría. 
99. Y el martes, cuando todavía estaba muy oscuro, de allá vino a salir, de su casa, 
Juan Diego, a llamar al sacerdote a Tlatelolco, 
100. y cuando se acercó al lado del cerrito, al pie del Tepeyácac, terminación de la 
sierra, donde sale el camino, hacia donde se pone el sol, en donde antes él había 
salido, dijo: 
101. “Si sigo derecho el camino, no vaya a ser que me vea esta Noble Señora y 
seguro, como antes, me detendrá para que le lleve la señal al sacerdote que 
gobierna, como me lo mandó. 
102. Que primero nos deje nuestra aflicción; que antes yo llame de prisa al sacerdote 
religioso al que el pobre de mi tío no hace más que aguardarlo.” 
103. En seguida rodeó al cerro, subió por en medio y de allí, atravesando, vino a 
pasar hacia donde sale el sol; para rápido ir a llegar a México, para que no lo 
detuviera la Reina del Cielo. 
104. Piensa que por donde dio la vuelta no lo podrá ver la que perfectamentea todas 
partes está mirando. 
105. La vio cómo vino a bajar Ella de la cumbre del cerrito, desde allí lo había estado 
mirando, de donde antes lo vio. 
106. Le vino a salir al encuentro, a un lado del cerro, le vino a atajar los pasos; le 
107. “Hijo mío el más pequeño ¿qué pasa?, ¿a dónde vas, a dónde te diriges?” 
108. Y él, ¿tal vez un poco se apenó, o quizá se avergonzó?, ¿o tal vez de ello se 
asustó, se espantó? 
109. Ante Ella se postró, la saludó, le dijo: 
110. “Mi Jovencita, Hija mía la más pequeña, Niña mía, ojalá que estés contenta: 
¿cómo te amaneció? ¿Acaso sientes bien tu amado cuerpecito, Señora mía, Niña 
111. “Con pena angustiaré tu rostro, tu corazón: te hago saber, Muchachita mía, que 
está muy grave un servidor tuyo, tío mío. 
112. Una gran enfermedad se le ha asentado, seguro que pronto va a morir de ella. 
113. Y ahora, iré de prisa a tu venerable casa de México, a llamar a alguno de los 
amados de Nuestro Señor, a uno de nuestros sacerdotes, para que vaya a 
confesarlo y a dejarlo preparado. 
114. Porque en realidad para esto nacimos, los que vinimos a esperar el trabajo de 
nuestra muerte. 
115. Mas, si voy a llevarlo a efecto, luego aquí otra vez volveré para ir a llevar tu 
venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra, Señora, Muchachita mía. 
116. Perdóname, todavía tenme un poco de paciencia, porque con ello no te engaño, 
Hija mía la más pequeña, Niña mía, mañana sin falta vendré a toda prisa.” 
117. En cuanto oyó la palabra de Juan Diego, le respondió la compasiva, la Perfecta 
118. “Escucha, ponlo en tu corazón, Hijo mío el menor, que no es nada lo que te 
espantó, lo que te afligió; que no se perturbe tu rostro, tu corazón; no temas esta 
enfermedad ni ninguna otra enfermedad, ni cosa punzante y aflictiva. 
119. ¿No estoy yo aquí, que tengo el honor y la dicha de ser tu madre? ¿No estás bajo 
mi sombra y resguardo? ¿No soy yo la fuente de tu alegría? ¿No estás en el 
hueco de mi manto, en el cruce de mis brazos? ¿Acaso tienes necesidad de 
alguna otra cosa? 
120. Que ninguna otra cosa te aflija, que no te inquiete; que no te acongoje la 
enfermedad de tu tío, porque de ella no morirá por ahora, ten por cierto que ya 
121. (Y luego en aquel mismo momento sanó su tío, como después se supo). 
122. Y Juan Diego, cuando escuchó el venerable aliento, la venerable palabra, de la 
Reina del Cielo, muchísimo con ello se tranquilizó, bien con ello se apaciguó su 
123. y le suplicó inmediatamente que lo enviara como mensajero a ver al gobernante 
Obispo, a llevarle su señal, de comprobación, para que él le creyera. 
124. Y la Reina Celestial luego le mandó que subiera a la cumbre del cerrito, en 
donde él la había visto antes. 
125. Le dijo: “Sube, tú el más pequeño de mis hijos, a la cumbre del cerrito y allí 
donde tú me viste y donde te di mi mandato; 
126. allí verás extendidas flores variadas: córtalas, reúnelas, ponlas todas juntas: 
luego baja en seguida; tráelas aquí, a mi presencia.” 
127. Y luego Juan Diego subió al cerrito, 
128. y cuando llegó a la cumbre, mucho se maravilló de cuantas flores allí se 
extendían, tenían abiertas sus corolas, flores las más variadas, bellas y hermosas, 
como las de Castilla, no siendo aún su tiempo de darse. 
129. porque era cuando arreciaba el hielo. 
130. Las flores estaban difundiendo un olor suavísimo, eran como perlas preciosas, 
como llenas de rocío de la noche. 
131. En seguida comenzó a cortarlas, todas las juntó, las puso en el hueco de su tilma. 
132. Por cierto que en la cumbre del cerrito no se daban ningunas flores, porque es 
pedregoso, hay abrojos, plantas con espinas, nopaleras, abundancia de 
133. Y si acaso algunas hierbas pequeñas se solían dar, entonces era el mes de 
diciembre, todo lo come, lo echa a perder el hielo. 
134. Y en seguida vino a bajar, vino a traerle a la Niña Celestial las diferentes flores 
que había ido a cortar 
135. y cuando las vio, con sus venerables manos las tomó; 
136. luego las puso de nuevo en el hueco de la tilma de Juan Diego, y le dijo: 
137. “Hijo mío, el más pequeño, estas diversas flores son la prueba, la señal que 
llevarás al Obispo; 
138. de mi parte le dirás que vea en ellas mi deseo y que por ello realice mi querer, 
mi voluntad; 
139. y tú, tú que eres mi mensajero, en ti absolutamente se deposita la confianza. 
140. Y mucho te ordeno con rigor que únicamente a solas, en la presencia del Obispo, 
extiendas tu tilma y le muestres lo que llevas; 
141. y le contarás todo puntualmente, le dirás que te mandé que subieras a la cumbre 
del cerrito a cortar las flores, y cada cosa que viste y admiraste; 
142. así tú convencerás en su corazón al que es el Gobernante Sacerdote, así él 
dispondrá que se haga, se levante, mi casa sagrada que le he pedido.” 
143. Y en cuanto le dio su mandato la Celestial Reina, vino a tomar la calzada, viene 
derecho a México, ya viene contento, 
144. ya está calmado su corazón, porque va a salir bien, bien llevará las flores. 
145. Mucho viene cuidando lo que está en el hueco de su tilma, no vaya a ser que 
algo se le caiga. 
146. Viene disfrutando del aroma de las diversas flores preciosas. 
147. Cuando llegó al palacio del Obispo, lo fueron a encontrar el portero y los demás 
servidores del Sacerdote gobernante. 
148. Él les suplicó que le dijeran que deseaba verlo, pero ninguno de ellos quiso; no 
querían escucharlo, o tal vez porque aún estaba muy oscuro. 
149. O tal vez porque ya lo conocían, que nomás los molestaba, los importunaba. 
150. Y ya les habían contado sus compañeros, los que lo fueron a perder de vista 
cuando lo habían ido a seguir. 
151. Durante muchísimo rato estuvo esperando la razón. 
152. Y cuando vieron que por muchísimo rato estuvo allí, de pie, cabizbajo, sin hacer 
nada, por si era llamado. Y como que venía trayendo algo que estaba en el hueco 
de su tilma; luego pues, se le acercaron para ver qué es lo que traía y satisfacer 
su corazón. 
153. Y cuando vio Juan Diego que de ningún modo podía ocultarles lo que llevaba y 
que por eso lo molestarían, lo empujarían o tal vez lo golpearían, un poquito les 
mostró que eran flores. 
154. Y cuando vieron que todas eran finas, variadas flores como las de Castilla, y 
como no era tiempo entonces de que se dieran, mucho se admiraron, de que 
estaban muy frescas, con sus corolas abiertas, lo bien que olían, preciosas. 
155. Y quisieron coger y sacar unas cuantas. 
156. Y tres veces sucedió que se atrevieron a tomarlas, pero de ningún modo 
pudieron hacerlo, 
157. porque cuando hacían el intento ya no veían las flores, sino como una pintura o 
un bordado, o cosidas en la tilma las veían. 
158. Inmediatamente fueron a decirle al Gobernante Obispo lo que habían visto, 
159. y cómo deseaba verlo el indito que otras veces había venido, y que ya hacía 
muchísimo rato que estaba allí aguardando el permiso, porque quería verlo. 
160. Y el Gobernante Obispo, en cuanto lo escuchó, tuvo ya en su corazón de que 
aquello era la señal para ser convencido, para que él llevara a cabo la obra que 
solicitaba el hombrecito. 
161. Enseguida ordenó que pasara a verlo. 
162. Y habiendo entrado, en su presencia se postró, como ya antes lo había hecho. 
163. Y de nuevo le contó todo lo que había visto, lo que había admirado y su 
164. Le dijo: “Señor mío, Gobernante, en verdad ya hice, ya cumplí según me 
165. así fui a decirle a la Señora, mi Ama, la Niña Celestial, Santa María, la Amada 
Madre de Dios, que tú pedías una señal para poder creerme, para que le hicieras 
su casita sagrada, allá donde Ella te pedía que la construyeras; 
166. y también le dije que yo te había dado mi palabra de venir a traerte alguna señal, 
alguna prueba de su venerable voluntad, como me lo encargaste. 
167. Y Ella escuchó bien tu venerable aliento, tu venerable palabra, y recibió con 
alegría tu petición de la señal, de la prueba, para que se haga, se cumpla su 
168. Y ahora, cuando era todavía de noche, me mandó para que otra vez viniera a 
169. y yo le pedí su señal para ser creído, como me dijo que me la daría, e 
inmediatamente lo cumplió. 
170. Y me mandó a la cumbre del cerrito en donde antes yo la había visto, para que 
allí cortara diversas flores como las de Castilla. 
171. Y yo las fui a cortar, se las fui a llevar allá abajo; 
172. y con sus venerables manos las tomó. 
173. Luego, de nuevo, las puso en el hueco de mi tilma. 
174. para que te las viniera a traer, para que a ti personalmente te las entregara. 
175. Aunque bien yo sabía que no es lugar donde se den flores la cumbre del cerrito, 
porque sólo es pedregoso, hay abrojos, plantas espinosas, nopales silvestres, 
mezquites, no por ello dude, no por ello titubeé. 
176. Fui a acercarme a la cumbre del cerrito, miré que ya era la Tierra florida. 
177. Allí habían brotado variadas flores, como las rosas de Castilla, de lo más fino 
que hay, llenas de rocío, esplendorosas; así luego las fui a cortar. 
178. Y Ella me dijo que de su parte te las diera, y que así yo probaría; para que tú 
vieras la señal que le pedías para realizar su venerable voluntad, 
179. y para que aparezca que es verdad mi palabra, mi mensaje. 
180. Aquí las tienes; hazme favor de recibirlas.” 
181. Y luego extendió su blanca tilma, en cuyo hueco estaban las flores. 
182. Y al caer al suelo todas las variadas flores como las de Castilla, 
183. luego allí en su tilma se convirtió en señal, se apareció de repente la Amada 
Imagen de la Perfecta Virgen Santa María, Madre de Dios, en la forma y figura 
en que ahora está, 
184. en donde ahora es conservada en su amada casita, en su sagrada casita en el 
Tepeyácac, que se llama Guadalupe. 
185. Y en cuanto la contempló el Obispo Gobernante y también todos los que allí 
estaban, se arrodillaron, mucho la admiraron, 
186. se pusieron de pie para verla, se conmovieron, se afligió su corazón, como que 
se elevó su corazón, su pensamiento. 
187. Y el Obispo Gobernante con lágrimas, con tristeza, le suplicó, le pidió perdón 
por no haber realizado su venerable voluntad, su venerable aliento, su venerable 
188. Y el Obispo se levantó, desató del cuello de donde estaba atada, la vestidura, la 
tilma de Juan Diego, 
189. en la que se apareció, en donde se convirtió en venerable señal la Reina 
190. Y luego la llevó allá, la fue a colocar en su oratorio. 
191. Y todavía allí pasó un día entero Juan Diego en la casa del Obispo, quien hizo 
que se quedara allí. 
192. Y al día siguiente, le dijo: “Anda, vamos a que muestres dónde es la venerable 
voluntad de la Reina del Cielo que le levante su templo.” 
193. De inmediato se dio orden de hacerlo, levantarlo. 
194. Y Juan Diego, en cuanto mostró en dónde había mandado la Señora del Cielo 
que se le levantara su casita sagrada, luego pidió permiso que 
195. quería ir a su casa para ir a ver a su tío Juan Bernardino, que estaba muy grave 
cuando lo dejó, y había ido a llamar a uno de los sacerdotes a Tlatelolco para 
que lo confesara y lo dispusiera, de quien la Reina del Cielo le había dicho que 
ya estaba sanado. 
196. Pero no lo dejaron ir solo, sino que lo acompañaron a su casa. 
197. Y cuando llegaron vieron a su venerable tío que estaba sano, absolutamente nada 
le dolía. 
198. Y él, por su parte, mucho se admiró de la forma en que su sobrino era 
acompañado y muy honrado; 
199. le preguntó a su sobrino por qué así sucedía, el que mucho le honraran; 
200. y él le dijo que cuando lo dejó para ir a llamarle un sacerdote para que lo 
confesara, lo dispusiera, allá en el Tepeyácac se le apareció la Señora del Cielo. 
201. Y lo envió a México a ver al Gobernante Obispo, para que allí le edificara su 
casa en el Tepeyácac. 
202. Y que Ella le dijo que no se afligiera, porque ya su tío estaba curado, y con esto 
mucho se tranquilizó su corazón. 
203. Su tío le dijo que era verdad, que en aquel preciso momento Ella lo sanó, 
204. y que la contempló exactamente en la misma forma como se le había aparecido a 
su sobrino. 
205. Y le dijo cómo a él también lo había enviado a México para que viera al Obispo; 
206. y que también, cuando fuera a verlo, todo absolutamente se lo manifestara, le 
dijera lo que había contemplado 
207. y la manera maravillosa en que lo había sanado, 
208. y que bien así se le llamara, bien así se le nombrara: LA PERFECTA VIRGEN 
209. Y en seguida llevaron a Juan Bernardino a la presencia del Gobernante Obispo, 
para que viniera a hablarle, delante de él diera testimonio. 
210. Y junto con su sobrino Juan Diego, el Obispo los hospedó en su casa unos 
cuantos días, 
211. mientras que se levantó la casita sagrada de la Niña Reina allá en el Tepeyácac, 
donde se le mostró a Juan Diego. 
212. Y después de que el Señor Obispo la tuvo algún tiempo, trasladó a la Iglesia 
Mayor la preciosa reverenciada Imagen de la amada Niña Celestial. 
213. La vino a sacar de su palacio, de su oratorio en donde estaba, para que todos la 
vieran, se admiraran de su preciosa Imagen. 
214. Y absolutamente todos, toda la ciudad, sin faltar nadie, se estremecieron cuando 
fueron a contemplar, a admirar su preciosa Imagen. 
215. Venían a conocerla como algo divino. 
216. Venían a presentarle sus plegarias. 
217. Mucho se admiraban en qué milagrosa manera se había aparecido 
218. puesto que absolutamente ningún hombre de la tierra pintó su amada Imagen. 
Here is told and set down in order how a short time ago the Perfect 
Virgin Holy Mary Mother of God, our Queen, miraculously appeared out at 
Tepeyac, widely known as Guadalupe. 
First she caused herself to be seen by an Indian named Juan Diego, poor 
but worthy of respect; and then her Precious Image appeared before the recently 
named Bishop, Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga. 
1. Ten years after the City of Mexico was conquered, with the arrows and shields 
put aside, when there was peace in all the towns, 
2. just as it sprouted, faith now grows green, now opens its corolla, the knowledge 
of the One by whom we all live: the true God. 
3. At that time, the year 1531, a few days into the month of December, it happened 
that there was a humble but respected Indian, a poor man of the people; 
4. his name was Juan Diego; He lived in Cuauhtitlán, as they say. 
5. And in all the things of God, he belonged to Tlaltelolco. 
6. It was Saturday, not yet dawn; he was coming in pursuit of God and his 
7. And as he drew near the little hill called Tepeyac, it was beginning to dawn. 
8. He heard singing on the little hill, like the song of many precious birds; when 
their voices would stop, it was as if the hill were answering them; extremely soft 
and delightful, their songs exceeded the songs of the coyoltotl and the tzinitzcan 
and other precious birds. 
9. Juan Diego stopped to look. He said to himself: “By any chance am I worthy, 
have I deserved what I hear? Perhaps I am only dreaming it? Perhaps I’m only 
10. Where am I? Where do I find myself? Is it possible that I am in the place our 
ancient ancestors, our grandparents, told about, in the land of the flowers, in the 
land of corn, of our flesh, of our sustenance, possible in the land of heaven?” 
11. He was looking up toward the top of the hill, toward the direction the sun rises 
from, toward where the precious heavenly song was coming from. 
12. And then when the singing suddenly stopped, when it could no longer be heard, 
he heard someone calling him, from the top of the hill, someone was saying to 
him: “Juan, dearest Juan Diego.” 
13. Then he dared to go to where the voice was coming from. His heart was not 
disturbedand he felt extremely happy and content. He started to climb to the top 
of the little hill to see where they were calling him from. 
14. And when he reached the top of the hill, a Maiden who was standing there spoke 
to him, 
15. She called to him to come close to her. 
16. And when he reached where she was, he was filled with admiration for the way 
her perfect grandeur exceeded all imagination: 
17. Her clothing was shining like the sun, as if it were sending out waves of light, 
18. and the stone, the crag on which she stood, seemed to be giving out rays. 
19. Her radiance was like precious stones, it seemed like an exquisite bracelet (it 
seemed beautiful beyond anything else); 
20. the earth seemed to shine with the brilliance of a rainbow in the mist. 
21. And the mesquites and cactus and the other little plants that are generally there 
seemed like emeralds. Their leaves seemed like turquoise. And their trunks, their 
thorns, and their prickles were shining like gold. 
22. He prostrated himself on her presence. He listened to her voice [her breath], her 
words, which gave great, great glory, which were extremely kind, as if from 
someone who was drawing him toward her and esteemed him highly. 
23. She said to him, “Listen, my dearest and youngest son, Juan. Where are you 
24. And he answered her: “My Lady, my Queen, my little girl, I am going as far as 
your little house in Mexico-Tlatelolco, to follow the things of God that are given 
to us, that are taught to us by the ones who are the images of Our Lord: our 
25. Then she talks with him, she reveals her precious will; 
26. Then she says to him: “Know, know for sure, my dearest and youngest son, that 
I am the perferct ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the one great God of truth 
who gives us life, the Inventor and Creator of people. The Owner and Lord of 
what is around us and what is touching us or very close to us, the Owner and 
Lord of the sky, the Owner of the earth. I want very much that they build my 
sacred little house here. 
27. In which I will show Him, I will exalt Him on making Him manifest: 
28. I will give Him to the people in all my personal love, in my compassionate 
gaze, in my help, in my salvation: 
29. because I am truly your compassionate mother, 
30. yours and all of the people who live together in this land, 
31. and all of the other people of different ancestries, those who love me, those who 
cry to me, those who seek me, those who trust in me, 
32. because there I will listen to their weeping, their sadness, to remedy, to cleanse 
and nurse all their different troubles, their miseries, their suffering. 
33. And to bring about what my compassionate and merciful gaze is trying to do, go 
to the residence of the bishop of Mexico, and you will tell him how I am sending 
you, so that you may reveal to him that I very much want him to build me a 
house here, to erect my temple for me on the plain; you will tell him everything, 
all that you have seen and marveled at, and what you have heard. 
34. And know for sure that I will appreciate it very much and reward it, 
35. that because of it I will enrich you, I will glorify you; 
36. and because of it you will deserve very much the way that I reward your fatigue, 
your service in going to request the matter that I am sending you for. 
37. Now, my dearest son, you have heard my breath, my word: go, do what you are 
responsible for.” 
38. And immediately he prostrated himself in her presence; he said to her: “My 
Lady, my little girl, now I am going to make your venerable breath, your 
venerable word, a reality; I, your poor Indian, am leaving you for a while.” 
39. Then he came down (the hill) to put her errand into action: he came to get onto 
the causeway, he went straight to Mexico City. 
40. When he reached the center of the city, he went straight to the palace of the 
Bishop, the Governing Priest, who had just recently arrived; his name was Don 
Fray Juan de Zumárraga, a Franciscan priest. 
41. And as soon as he got there, he then tried to see him, he begged his servants, his 
helpers, to go and tell him he needed to see him; 
42. after a long time, when the Reverend Bishop ordered that he enter, they came to 
call him; 
43. and as soon as he entered, first he knelt before him, he prostrated himself, then 
he revealed to him, he told him the precious breath, the precious word of the 
Queen of Heaven, her message, and he also told him everything that made his 
marvel, what he saw, what he heard. 
44. And having heard his whole story, his message, as if he didn’t particularly 
believe it to be true, 
45. he answered him, he said to him: “My son, you will come again. I will still hear 
you calmly, I will look at it carefully from the very beginning, I will consider the 
reason why your have come, your will, your desire.” 
46. He left; he came out sad, because the errand entrusted to him was not 
immediately accepted. 
47. Then he returned, at the end of the day, he went straight from there to the top of 
the little hill, 
48. and he had the joy of meeting the Queen of Heaven: there exactly where she 
had appeared to him the first time, she was waiting for him. 
49. As soon as he saw her, he prostrated himself before her, he threw himself to the 
ground, he said to her: 
50. “My dear little Patroness, Lady Queen, my littlest daughter, my dear little girl. I 
did go to where you sent me to carry out your dear breath, your dear word; 
although I entered with difficulty to where the place is of the governing priest, I 
saw him, I put your breath, your word, before him, as you ordered me to. 
51. He received me kindly and he listened to it perfectly, but from the way he 
answered me, it’s as if he didn’t understand it, he doesn’t think it’s true. 
52. He said to me: ‘You will come again: I will still listen to you calmly, I will look 
well at what you have come for, from the very beginning, to your desire, your 
53. The way he answered me, I could clearly see that he thinks your house that you 
want them to build for you here, maybe I’m only making it up, or that maybe it 
is not from your lips. 
54. I beg you, my Lady, Queen, my little girl, to have one of the nobles who are 
held in esteem, one who is known, respected, honored, (have him) carry, take 
your dear breath, your dear word, so that he will be believed. 
55. Because I am really a man from the country, I am a porter’s rope, I am a 
backframe, a tail, a wing, a man of no importance: I myself need to be led, 
carried on someone’s back, that place you are sending me to is a place where 
I’m not used to going or spending any time in, my little Virgin, my youngest 
daughter, my Lady, little girl; 
56. please excuse me: I will grieve your face, your heart; I will fall into your anger, 
into your displeasure, my Lady, my Patroness.” 
57. The Perfect Virgin, worthy of honor and veneration, answered him: 
58. “Listen, my youngest and dearest son, know for sure that I have no lack of 
servants, of messengers, to whom I can give the task of carrying my breath, my 
word, so that they carry out my will; 
59. But it is very necessary that you, personally, go and plead, that my wish, my 
will, become a reality, be carried out through your intercession. 
60. And I beg you, my youngest and dearest son, and I order you strictly to go again 
tomorrow to see the bishop. 
61. And in my name make him know, make him hear my wish, my will, so that he 
will bring into being, he will build my house of God that I am asking him for. 
62. And carefully tell him again how I, personally, the ever Virgin Holy Mary, I, 
who am the mother of God, am sending you.” 
63. For his part, Juan Diego responded to her and said to her “My Lady, Queen, my 
little girl, let me not give you anguish; let me not grieve your face, your heart. I 
will most gladly go to carry out your breath, your word; I will absolutelynot fail 
to do it, nor do I think the road is painful. 
64. I will go and carry out your will, but perhaps I won’t be heard, and if I am 
heard, perhaps I won’t be believed. 
65. Tomorrow afternoon, when the sun goes down, I will come to return to your 
word, to your breath, what the governing priest answers to me. 
66. Now, I respectfully say goodbye to you, my youngest daughter, young girl, 
Lady, my little girl, rest a little more.” 
67. And then he went to his house to rest. 
68. On the following day, Sunday, while it was still night, everything was still dark, 
he left there, he left his house, he came straight to Tlatelolco, he came to learn 
what pertains to God and to be counted in roll call; then to see the reverend 
69. And around ten o’clock everything had been taken care of: Mass was over and 
roll had been called and the crowd had gone away. 
70. And Juan Diego went to the Reverend Bishop’s residence. 
71. And as soon as he arrived he went through the whole struggle to see him, and 
after much effort he saw him again; 
72. he knelt at his feet, he wept, he became sad as he spoke to him, as he revealed to 
him the word, the breath of the Queen of Heaven. 
73. that would to God the errand, the will, of the Perfect Virgin would be believed, 
of making for her, of building her sacred little house for her, where she had said 
she wanted it. 
74. And the governing bishop asked him many, many things, pursued many, many, 
questions with him, to make certain of where he had seen her, what she was like; 
he told absolutely everything to the Señor Bishop. 
75. And although he told him absolutely everything, and that in everything, he saw 
and marveled that it appeared with absolute clarity that she was the Perfect 
Virgin, the Kind and Wondrous Mother of Our Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
76. nevertheless, it still didn’t happen (his message was still not believed). 
77. He said that not only because of his word would his petition be carried out, 
would what he asked for happen. 
78. That some other sign was very necessary if he was to believe how the Queen of 
Heaven in person was sending him. 
79. As soon as Juan Diego heard that, he said to the Bishop: 
80. “Señor Governor, think about what the sign you ask for will be, because then I 
will go to ask for it of the Queen of Heaven who sent me.” 
81. And when the Bishop saw that he was in agreement, that he did not hesitate or 
doubt in the slightest, he dismissed him. 
82. And as soon as he is on his way, he orders some of household staff in whom he 
had absolute trust to go following him, to carefully observe where he was going, 
whom he was seeing, to whom he was talking. 
83. And that’s what they did. And Juan Diego came directly. He took the causeway. 
84. And those who were following him lost him on the wooden bridge where the 
brook comes out near Tepeyac. And even though they searched all over for him, 
they couldn’t find him anywhere. 
85. And so they turned back. He made them angry, not just because they had made 
terrible fools of themselves, but also because he had frustrated their attempt. 
86. So they went to tell the Señor Bishop, they put into his head that he shouldn’t 
believe him, they told him how he was only telling him lies, that he was only 
making up what he came to tell him, or that he was only dreaming or imagining 
what he was telling him, what he was asking of him. 
87. Therefore they decided that if he came again, if he returned, they would grab 
him right there and would punish him severely, so that he would never come 
again to tell lies or get the people all excited. 
88. Meanwhile, Juan Diego was with the Most Holy Virgin, telling her the response 
that he was bringing from the Señor Bishop; 
89. when she had heard it, she said to him: 
90. “That’s fine, my dear son, you will come back here tomorrow so that you may 
take to the bishop the sign he has asked you for; 
91. With this he will believe you, and he will no longer have any doubts about all 
this and he will no longer be suspicious of you; 
92. And know, my dear son, that I will reward your care and the work and fatigue 
that you have put into this for me. 
93. So, go now: I will be waiting here for you tomorrow.” 
94. And on the following day, Monday, when Juan Diego was to take some sign in 
order to be believed, he did not return. 
95. Because when he arrived at his house, sickness had struck an uncle of his, 
named Juan Bernardino, and he was very ill. 
96. He went to get the native healer, who treated him, but it was too late; he was 
very ill. 
97. And when night came, his uncle begged him to come to Tlatelolco shortly after 
midnight, while it was still dark, to call some priest to go to hear his confession, 
to go to get him ready, 
98. because he was sure that the time and place had now come for him to die, 
because he would no longer get up, he would no longer get well. 
99. And on Tuesday, while it was still night, Juan Diego left his house to come to 
Tlatelolco to get the priest. 
100. and when he finally reached the little hill which ended the mountain range, at its 
foot, where the road comes out, on the side that the sun sets on, where he always 
passed before, he said: 
101. “If I go ahead on the road, I don’t want this Lady to see me, because for sure, 
just like before, she’ll stop me so I can take the sign to the church governor for 
her, as she ordered me to; 
102. because first our tribulation must leave us; first I must quickly call the religious 
priest; my uncle is anxiously waiting for him.” 
103. He immediately turned toward the hill, climbed up across it where there is a 
pass, and emerged on the eastern side, so that he could quickly go to Mexico so 
that the Queen of Heaven would not detain him. 
104. He thinks that where he made the turn, the one who is looking everywhere 
perfectly won’t be able to see him. 
105. He saw how she was coming down from up on the hill, and that from there she 
had been looking at him, from where she saw him before. 
106. She came to meet him beside the hill, she came to block his way; she said to 
107. “What’s happening, youngest and dearest of all my sons? Where are you going, 
where are you headed for?” 
108. And he, perhaps he grieved a little, or perhaps he became ashamed? Or perhaps 
he became afraid of the situation, he became fearful? 
109. He prostrated himself before her, he greeted her, he said to her: 
110. “My little Maiden, my smallest daughter, my girl, I hope you are happy; how are 
you this morning? Does your beloved little body feel well, my Lady, my girl? 
111. Although it grieves me, I will cause your face and your heart anguish: I must 
tell you, my little girl, that one of your servants, my uncle, is very ill. 
112. A terrible sickness has taken hold of him; he will surely die from it soon. 
113. And now I shall go quickly to your little house of Mexico, to call one of our 
priests, the beloved ones of our Lord, so that he will go to hear his confession 
and prepare him, 
114. because we really were born for that who came to wait for the painful effort of 
our death. 
115. But, if I am going to carry it out, I will return here after that to go carry your 
breath, your word, Lady, my little young one. 
116. I beg you to forgive me, be patient with me a little longer, because I am not 
deceiving you with this, my youngest daughter, my little girl, tomorrow without 
fail I will come as fast as possible.” 
117. As soon as she heard the explanations of Juan Diego, the Merciful Perfect 
Virgin answered him. 
118. “Listen. Put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that 
frightened you, the thing that afflicted you is nothing: do not let it disturb you; 
do not fear this sickness or any other sickness, nor any sharp and hurtful thing. 
119. Am I not here, I who has the honor and joy to be your mother? Are you not 
undermy shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not 
in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need something 
120. Let nothing else worry you, disturb you; do not let your uncle’s illness pressure 
you with grief, because he will not die of it now. You may be certain that he is 
already well.” 
121. (And at that very moment his uncle became well, as they later found out.) 
122. And when Juan Diego heard the lovely word, the lovely breath of the Queen of 
Heaven, he was greatly comforted by it, his heart became peaceful. 
123. And he begged her to send him immediately to see the governing bishop, to take 
him something for a sign, for proof so that he would believe. 
124. And the Queen of Heaven ordered him then to go to the top of the little hill, 
where he had seen her before: 
125. She said to him: “Go up, my dearest son, to the top of the hill, to where you saw 
me and I told you what to do; 
126. There you will see that there are different kinds of flowers: cut them, gather 
them, put them all together; then come down here; bring them here, into my 
127. Juan Diego climbed to the top the top of the hill right away. 
128. And when he reached the top, he was astonished by all of them, blooming, open, 
flowers of every kind, lovely and beautiful, when it still was not their season: 
129. because really that was the season in which the frost was very harsh. 
130. They were giving off an extremely soft fragrance; like precious pearls, as if 
filled with the dew of the night. 
131. Then he began to cut them, he gathered them all; he put them in the hollow of 
his tilma. 
132. The top of the little hill was certainly not a place in which any flowers grew; 
there are only plenty of rocks, thorns, spines, prickly pears and mesquite trees, 
133. and even though some little herbs or grasses might grow, it was then the month 
of December, in which the frost eats everything up and destroys it. 
134. And immediately he came back down, he came to bring the Heavenly Maiden 
the different kinds of flowers which he had gone up to cut. 
135. And when she saw them, she took them with her precious hands; 
136. Then she put them all together into the hollow of his tilma again and said: 
137. “My youngest and dearest son, these different kinds of flowers are the proof, the 
sign that you will take to the bishop; 
138. you will tell him for me that he is to see in them my desire, and that therefore he 
is to carry out my wish, my will. 
139. And you, you who are my messenger, in you I place my absolute trust; 
140. and I strictly order that you only open your ayate alone in the presence of the 
bishop, and show him what you are carrying. 
141. And you will tell him everything exactly, you will tell him that I ordered you to 
climb to the top of the little hill to cut flowers, and everything that you saw and 
142. so that you can convince the governing priest, so that he will then do what lies 
within his responsibility so that my temple which I have asked him for will be 
made, will be raised.” 
143. And as soon as the Heavenly Queen gave him her orders, he took the causeway, 
he went straight to Mexico City, he went happily now. 
144. His heart is tranquil now, because his errand will come out well, he will carry it 
our perfectly. 
145. Along the way, he is very careful of what is in the hollow of his garment, lest he 
lose something: 
146. As he comes, he enjoys the fragrance of the different kinds of exquisite flowers. 
147. When he arrived at the bishop’s residence, the doorkeeper and the other servants 
of the governing priest went to meet him. 
148. And he begged them to tell him how much he wanted to see him, but none of 
them were willing; they pretended they didn’t understand him, or perhaps 
because it was still very dark; 
149. or perhaps because they felt by now that all he did was bother them and keep on 
150. and their companions had already told them, the ones who lost him from sight 
when they were following him. 
151. For a long, long time he waited for his request to be granted. 
152. And when they saw that he was simply standing there for a long, long time with 
his head down, without doing anything, in case he should be called, and that it 
looked as if he was carrying something, as if he was bringing it in the hollow of 
his tilma – then they came up close to him to see what he was bringing and thus 
satisfy their curiosity. 
153. And when Juan Diego saw that there was no way in which he could hide from 
them what he was carrying, and that therefore they might harass him or push 
him perhaps rough him and the flowers up, he finally gave them a little peek and 
they saw that it was flowers. 
154. And when they saw that they were all exquisite different flowers and that it 
wasn’t the season for them to be blooming, they were very, very astonished by 
how fresh they were, how good they smelled, how handsome they seemed. 
155. And they wanted to grab and pull a few out; 
156. they dared to try to grab them three times, but there was no way in which they 
could do it, 
157. because when they would try, they could no longer see the flowers, they saw 
them as if they were painted or embroidered or sewn on the tilma. 
158. They went immediately to tell the governing bishop what they had seen, 
159. and how much the lowly Indian who had come other times wanted to see him, 
and that he had been waiting a very long time there for permission, because he 
wanted to see him. 
160. And as soon as the governing bishop heard it, he realized that this was the proof 
to convince him to get started on what the humble man was asking him for. 
161. He immediately ordered that he come in to see him. 
162. And when he had come in, he prostrated himself in his presence, as he had done 
163. And again he told him what he had seen and admired, and his message. 
164. He said to him, “Your Excellency, sir, I have done it. I have carried out your 
165. That is, I went to tell my Patroness, the Heavenly Maiden, Holy Mary, the 
Beloved Mother of God, that you were asking for proof so you could believe 
me, so that you would make her sacred little house, where she as asking you to 
build it; 
166. and I also told her that I had given you my word to come to bring you some sign, 
some proof of her will, as you told me to. 
167. And she listened carefully to your breath, your word, and was pleased to receive 
your request for the sign, the proof, so that her beloved will can be done, can be 
carried out. 
168. And today, while it was still night, she ordered me to come again to see you; 
169. and I asked her for the proof so that I would be believed, as she had said that she 
would give it to me, and she kept her promise immediately. 
170. And she ordered me to the top of the little hill where I had seen her before, to cut 
different flowers up there; Castillian roses. 
171. And when I had cut them, I took them down to her at the bottom; 
172. and she took them with her holy hands, 
173. again she placed them in the hollow of my tilma, 
174. so that I would bring them to you, so I would give them only to you. 
175. Although I knew very well that the top of the hill isn’t a place where flowers 
grow, because there are only a lot of craggy rocks, thorns, spiny acacias, prickly 
pears, mesquite bushes. I didn’t doubt because of that, I didn’t hesitate because 
of that. 
176. When I reached the top of the hill I saw that it was now paradise. 
177. Every kind of different precious flowers were there, each one perfect, the very 
finest that there are, full of dew and shining so I immediately cut them; 
178. and she told me that I should give them to you from her, and that in this way I 
would show the truth; that you should see the sign that you were asking for in 
order to carry out her beloved will,179. and so that it will be clear that my word, my message, is truth, 
180. here they are; please receive them.” 
181. And then he held out his white tilma, in the hollow of which he had placed the 
182. And just as all the different precious flowers fell to the floor, 
183. then and there the beloved image of the Perfect Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of 
God, became the sign, suddenly appeared in the form and figure in which it is 
184. where it is preserved in her beloved little house, in her sacred little house at 
Tepeyac, which is called Guadalupe. 
185. And as soon as the governing bishop and all those who were there saw it, they 
knelt, they were full of awe and reverence. 
186. They stood up to see it, they became sad, they wept, their hearts and minds were 
in ecstasy. 
187. And the governing bishop weeping and with sadness begged and asked her to 
forgive him for not having immediately carried out her will, her holy breath, her 
holy word. 
188. And when he got up, he untied Juan Diego’s garment, his tilma, from his neck 
where it was tied, 
189. on which the Heavenly Queen appeared, on which she became the sign. 
190. And then he took it and placed it in his private chapel. 
191. And Juan Diego still stayed for the day in the bishop’s house, he still kept him 
192. And on the next day he said to him: “Come on! Let’s go so you can show where 
the Queen of Heaven wants her chapel built.” 
193. People were immediately invited to make it, to build it. 
194. And Juan Diego, as soon as he showed where the Lady of Heaven had ordered 
her sacred little house to be built, asked for permission: 
195. he wanted to go to his house in order to see his uncle, Juan Bernardino, who was 
very ill when he left him to go to Tlatelolco to call a priest to hear his confession 
and prepare him, the one whom the Queen of Heaven had told him had already 
been cured. 
196. But they didn’t let him go alone, rather people went with him to his house. 
197. And when they arrived they saw that his uncle was now healthy; he had 
absolutely no pain of any kind. 
198. And he, for his part, was greatly surprised by the way in which his nephew was 
accompanied, and very honored; 
199. he asked his nephew why it was that they were honoring him so much; 
200. and he told him how, when he left to go call a priest for him who would hear his 
confession and prepare him, the Lady of Heaven appeared to him there at 
201. and she sent him to Mexico City to see the governing bishop, so that he would 
make her a house at Tepeyac. 
202. And she told him not to worry, because his uncle was now happy, and she 
consoled him very much with this news. 
203. His uncle told him that it was true, that she healed him at that exact moment, 
204. and he saw her in exactly the same way she had appeared to his nephew, 
205. and she told him that she was also sending him to Mexico City to see the bishop; 
206. and also that when he went to see him, he should reveal absolutely everything to 
him, he should tell him what he had seen 
207. and the marvelous way in which she had healed him, 
208. and that he would properly name her beloved image thus: THE PERFECT 
209. And then they brought Juan Bernardino into the presence of the governing 
bishop, they brought him to speak with him, to give his testimony, 
210. and together with his nephew Juan Diego, the Bishop lodged them in his house 
for a few days. 
211. While the sacred little house of the lovely Little Queen was built out there at 
Tepeyac, where she revealed herself to Juan Diego. 
212. And the Reverend Bishop moved the beloved image of the Beloved Heavenly 
Maiden to the principal church. 
213. He took her beloved image from his residence, from his private chapel in which 
it was, so that all could see it and admire it. 
214. And absolutely this entire city with no exception, was deeply moved as everyone 
came to see and admire her precious image. 
215. They came to acknowledge its divine character. 
216. They came to offer her their prayers. 
217. They marveled at the miraculous way it had appeared, 
218. since absolutely no one on earth had painted her beloved image. 
Qui si racconta, ordinatamente, il modo in cui poco tempo fa apparve 
miracolosamente la Perfetta Vergine Santa Maria Madre di Dio, Nostra Regina, 
là sul colle Tepeyac, conosciuto come Guadalupe. 
Dapprima si fece vedere da un indio di nome Juan Diego; e poi la sua 
Preziosa Immagine apparve davanti a fra' Juan de Zumárraga, fatto vescovo da 
poco tempo. 
1. Dieci anni dopo la conquista della città di México, quando erano ormai già stati 
deposti gli scudi e le frecce, quando dappertutto regnava la pace nei villaggi, 
2. cosi come sbocciò, ora già rinverdisce e apre la sua corolla la conoscenza di 
Colui per il quale si vive: il vero Dio. 
3. In quel tempo, era l'anno 1531, verso i primi giorni del mese di dicembre, 
accadde che vi era un indio, un povero uomo del popolo, 
4. il cui nome era Juan Diego, che viveva, secondo quanto si dice, a Cuauhtitlan, 
5. e che, riguardo a tutte le cose di Dio, apparteneva in tutto a Tlatilolco. 
6. Era un sabato, ancora prima dell'alba, e veniva alla ricerca di Dio e dei suoi 
7. Giunto nei pressi del piccolo colle chiamato Tepeyac, cominciava ad albeggiare. 
8. Udì cantare in cima al colle, sembrava il canto di molti uccelli preziosi; quando 
quelle voci cessavano, sembrava quasi che fosse il colle a rispondere; i loro 
canti, così straordinariamente dolci e deliziosi, oltrepassavano quelli del 
coyotototl e del tzinitzcan e di altri uccelli rari. 
9. Juan Diego si fermò per guardare. Disse tra sé: "Sono forse io degno, merito 
davvero ciò che sto udendo? Non lo sto forse solo sognando? Non lo sto forse 
vedendo in dormiveglia? 
10. Dove sto? Dove mi trovo? Forse là dove ci hanno tramandato i nostri antenati, i 
nostri nonni: nella terra dei fiori, nella terra del mais, della nostra carne, del 
nostro sostentamento; forse nella terra celeste? 
11. Guardava verso la cima del colle, nella direzione in cui sorge il sole, proprio da 
dove proveniva il prezioso canto celestiale. 
12. E quando improvvisamente il canto cessò, quando non si udì più, allora sentì 
che lo chiamavano dalla cima del colle, dicendogli: "Juanito, Juan Dieguito". 
13. Osò allora dirigersi verso il luogo da dove lo chiamavano; nessun turbamento 
passava nel suo cuore e niente lo alterava, anzi si sentiva oltremodo felice e 
contento; cominciò a salire sul colle per vedere da dove lo chiamavano. 
14. E quando giunse alla cima del colle, non appena lo vide una Signora che stava 
proprio lì in piedi, 
15. lo chiamò affinché Le si avvicinasse. 
16. E non appena fu davanti a Lei, si meravigliò per quanto la sua perfetta bellezza 
oltrepassasse ogni immaginazione: 
17. il suo vestito splendeva come il sole, come se riverberasse, 
18. e la pietra, il masso su cui era ritta in piedi, come se lanciasse raggi; 
19. lo splendore di Lei simile ad una pietra preziosa, come se fosse un bracciale 
(ineguagliabilmente bello) 
20. la terra sembrava risplendere per i riflessi di un arcobaleno nella nebbia 
21. Ed i mezquites e i nopales e le altre erbe che normalmente ivi crescevano 
sembravano smeraldi. Le foglie sembravano turchesi. E il loro tronco, le spine e 
i frutti splendevano come l'oro. 
22. Si prostrò alla sua presenza. Ascoltò la sua voce, la sua parola, che era 
estremamente glorificatrice, sommamente affabile, come di qualcuno che 
desiderasse attirarlo a sé e lo stimasse molto. 
24. Ed egli Le rispose: "Mia Signora, Regina,Fanciulla mia, sto andando alla tua 
casa di México Tlatilolco, per seguire le cose di Dio che ci danno, che ci offrono 
coloro che sono le immagini di Nostro Signore: i nostri sacerdoti". 
25. In seguito, parla con lui e gli rivela la sua volontà 
26. gli dice: "Sappi, sappi con certezza, mio piccolo figlio amatissimo, che io sono 
la Perfetta Sempre Vergine Santa Maria, Madre del Verissimo Dio per il quale si 
vive, il Creatore delle persone, il Signore di tutto ciò che ci circonda e ci 
avvolge, il Padrone del cielo, il Padrone della terra, desidero molto che proprio 
qui si costruisca la mia piccola casa sacra 
27. dalla quale io lo rivelerò, lo esalterò rendendolo manifesto: 
28. lo darò alle genti mediante tutto il mio amore personale, il mio sguardo 
misericordioso, il mio aiuto, la mia salvezza: 
29. poiché io sono in verità la vostra madre misericordiosa 
30. la tua e quella di tutti gli uomini che su questa terra sono uno solo, 
31. e di tutti gli altri popoli che mi amano, che mi invocano, che mi cercano, che in 
me confidano, 
32. poiché da lì ascolterò il loro pianto, la loro tristezza, per guarire, per curare tutte 
le loro pene, le loro miserie, i loro dolori. 
33. E per realizzare ciò che il mio amorevole sguardo pretende, va' al palazzo del 
vescovo di México, e digli che sono io a mandarti, affinché tu gli manifesti 
quanto desidero che mi faccia costruire qui una casa, erigere per me un tempio; 
gli racconterai tutto ciò che hai visto e ammirato, e tutto cio' che hai udito. 
34. E sii certo che te ne sarò molto grata e te lo ripagherò, 
35. che con tutto questo ti arricchirò, ti glorificherò; 
36. e molto meriterai ciò con cui io ti ricompenserò della fatica, del servizio con cui 
tu ti farai carico di tutto verso colui al quale ti invio. 
37. Ora hai ascoltato, figlio mio il più piccolo, il mio desiderio, la mia parola; va', 
fa' ciò che a te spetta". 
38. E immediatamente si prostrò alla sua presenza: "Signora mia, Fanciulla, vado 
subito a realizzare il tuo venerabile anelito, la tua venerabile parola; ed ora mi 
separo da Te, io, il tuo povero piccolo indio". 
39. Scese dunque per venire a mettere in opera il suo compito: venne verso la strada 
rialzata, viene direttamente a Messico. 
40. Non appena giunse all'interno della città, si diresse al palazzo del vescovo, che 
solo da poco tempo era giunto, sacerdote governante; il suo nome era D. Fra' 
Juan de Zumárraga, sacerdote di San Francesco. 
41. E una volta arrivato cerca subito di vederlo, prega i suoi servitori, i suoi 
aiutanti, che glielo vadano a dire; 
42. dopo che fu passato molto tempo, vennero a chiamarlo, quando il signor 
vescovo ebbe comandato che entrasse. 
43. Appena entrato, si inginocchiò davanti a lui, si prostrò, e poi subito gli rivela, 
gli racconta il prezioso anelito, la preziosa parola della Regina del Cielo, il suo 
messaggio, e gli riferisce anche tutto ciò che aveva ammirato, visto, udito. 
44. Ed avendo ascoltato tutto il suo racconto, il suo messaggio, come se non lo 
ritenesse vero, 
45. gli rispose, gli disse: "Figlio mio, torna un'altra volta, ancora con calma ti 
ascolterò, ancora per bene dal principio vedrò, considererò la ragione per la 
quale tu sei venuto, la tua volontà, il tuo desiderio". 
46. Uscì; se ne andava triste, poiché non si era realizzato subito il suo incarico. 
47. Poi verso sera, verso la fine del giorno, tornò, da lì andò diretto al la cima del 
48. ed ebbe la gioia di incontrare la Regina del Cielo: proprio lì dove le era apparsa 
la prima volta, lo stava aspettando. 
49. E non appena la vide, davanti a Lei si prostrò, si gettò a terra, le disse: 
50. "Mia piccola dolce Padrona, Signora, Regina, Figlia mia la più piccola, 
Fanciulla mia, sono stato dove mi hai ordinato per realizzare il tuo amabile 
anelito, la tua amabile parola; anche se sono entrato con difficoltà dove è il 
luogo del sacerdote governante, l'ho visto, davanti a lui ho esposto il tuo 
desiderio, la tua parola, come mi hai comandato. 
51. Mi ricevette amabilmente ed ascoltò tutto perfettamente, ma, per come mi 
rispose, è come se non l'avesse capito, non crede che sia vero. 
52. Mi disse: "Torna un'altra volta; ti riascolterò con calma, ancora perbene dal 
principio vedrò perché sei venuto, il tuo desiderio, la tua volontà". 
53. Dal modo in cui mi rispose, mi accorsi chiaramente che pensa che la tua casa 
che vuoi che ti erigano qui, forse altro non è che una mia invenzione, o forse che 
non proviene dalle tue labbra; 
54. molto ti supplico, Signora mia, Regina, Fanciulla mia, che tu incarichi piuttosto 
qualcuno dei nobili, stimati, che sia conosciuto, rispettato, onorato, di portare, di 
riferire il tuo amabile anelito, la tua amabile parola affinché le credano. 
55. Poiché in verità io sono un uomo del campo, sono mecapal, sono parihuela, 
sono coda, sono ala; sono io stesso ad aver bisogno d'essere condotto, portato a 
braccia, non è per me l'andare o l'intrattenermi là dove tu mi invii, mia piccola 
Vergine, Figlia mia la più piccola, Signora, Bambina; 
56. dispensami, per favore: affliggerò di pena il tuo volto, il tuo cuore; finirò per 
cadere nella tua collera, nel tuo dispiacere, Signora Padrona mia". 
57. Così gli rispose la perfetta Vergine, degna di onore e venerazione: 
58. "Ascolta, figlio mio il più piccolo, sappi con certezza che non sono scarsi i miei 
servitori, i miei messaggeri, ai quali incaricai di portare il mio anelito, la mia 
parola, affinché compiano la mia volontà; 
59. è però molto necessario che tu, personalmente, vada, preghi che per la tua 
intercessione si realizzi, si compia il mio volere, la mia volontà. 
60. E molto ti prego, figlio mio il più piccolo, e con rigore ti comando, di tornare dal 
vescovo un'altra volta domani. 
61. E da parte mia fagli sapere, fagli udire il mio volere, la mia volontà, affinché 
realizzi, costruisca il mio tempio che gli chiedo. 
62. E nuovamente, con cura, digli in che modo io, personalmente, la sempre 
Vergine Santa Maria, io, che sono la Madre di Dio, ti mando". 
63. Juan Diego, da parte sua, le rispose, le disse: "Signora mia, Regina, Bimba mia, 
non voglio angustiare con pena il tuo volto, il tuo cuore; con grande piacere 
realizzerò il tuo desiderio, la tua parola; in nessun modo tralascerò di farlo, né 
giudico fastidioso il cammino. 
64. Andrò a compiere la tua volontà, ma forse non sarò ascoltato, o anche se lo 
fossi forse non sarò creduto. 
65. Domani verso sera, quando ormai cala il sole, tornerò per riportare alla tua 
parola, al tuo anelito, ciò che mi risponderà il sacerdote governante. 
66. Ora Ti saluto rispettosamente, Figlia mia la più piccola, Fanciulla, Signora, 
Bambina mia, riposa ancora un po'. 
67. Poi anche lui andò a casa sua a riposare. 
68. Il giorno seguente, domenica, quando era ancora notte, tutto era ancora scuro, 
uscì da lì, dalla sua casa, venne diretto a Tlatilolco, venne per imparare ciò che 
appartiene a Dio e a mettersi in fila; per poi vedere il signor vescovo. 
69. E verso le dieci era già tutto pronto: aveva ascoltato la messa, aveva fatto la fila 
e la folla si era dispersa. 
70. E Juan Diego si diresse quindi al palazzo del signor vescovo. 
71. E appena arrivò, fece quasi a lotta per vederlo, e con grande fatica lo vide 
un'altra volta; 
72. s'inginocchiò ai suoi piedi, diventò triste nel parlargli, nel rivelargli la parola, 
l’anelito della Regina del Cielo, 
73. nella speranza che fosse creduta l'ambasciata, la volontà della Perfetta Vergine, 
di costruirle, di erigerle la sua piccola casa sacra, lì dove aveva detto, lì dove la 
74. E il vescovo governante moltissime cose gli chiese, lo interrogò, per potersi 
accertare dove l'avesse vista, come Ella fosse; assolutamente tutto raccontò al 
signor vescovo. 
75. Ma anche se egli assolutamente tutto gli riferì, ed in ogni cosa vide, ammirò che 
appariva con tutta evidenza che Ella era la Perfetta Vergine,l'Amabile, la 
Meravigliosa Madre del Nostro Salvatore Nostro Signore Gesucristo, 
76. tuttavia, ancora non si poté realizzare 
77. Disse che non solo mediante la sua parola, la sua petizione, si sarebbe 
compiuto, realizzato ciò che egli chiedeva, 
78. ma che era assolutamente necessario qualche altro segno perché si potesse 
credere che a inviarlo era la Regina del Cielo in persona. 
79. Non appena Juan Diego ebbe udito ciò, disse al vescovo: 
80. "Signor governante, rifletti su quale segno vuoi, perché io poi andrò a chiederlo 
alla Regina del Cielo che mi ha mandato". 
81. Ed avendo il vescovo constatato che confermava, che in nulla vacillava o 
dubitava, allora lo licenzia. 
82. E non appena è fuori, comanda ad alcuni della sua casa nei quali riponeva 
assoluta fiducia, che lo seguissero, che osservassero attentamente dove andava, 
chi vedeva, con chi parlava. 
83. E così fu fatto. E Juan Diego venne diretto. Percorse la strada rialzata. 
84. E coloro che lo seguivano, prima d'arrivare al Tepeyac, all'altezza del ponte di 
legno, finirono per perderlo. E benché lo cercassero dappertutto, non riuscirono 
più a vederlo da nessuna parte. 
85. E così tornarono indietro. Non solo perché ne rimasero molto infastiditi, ma 
anche perché li aveva ostacolati nel loro intento, si adirarono. 
86. Andarono cosi a raccontare al signor vescovo, gli misero in testa di non 
credergli, gli dissero di come gli raccontasse solo menzogne, che non faceva che 
inventare ciò che veniva a dirgli, o che solo sognava o immaginava ciò che gli 
diceva, ciò che gli chiedeva. 
87. E decisero dunque che, se un'altra volta fosse venuto, fosse tornato, lì stesso lo 
avrebbero afferrato e duramente castigato, affinché non tornasse a dire bugie, né 
a svegliare all'alba la gente. 
88. Nel frattempo, Juan Diego stava con la Santissima Vergine, riferendole la 
risposta data dal signor vescovo; 
89. come la Signora la ebbe ascoltata, gli disse: 
90. "Va bene, piccolo figlio mio, tornerai qui domani per portare al vescovo il 
segno che ti ha chiesto; 
91. con quello ti crederà, e non avrà più dubbi su nulla, né sospetterà più di te; 
92. e sappi, piccolo figlio mio, che io ti ricompenserò per l'attenzione e il lavoro e 
la fatica che per me hai affrontato; 
93. ora va', ché domani ti aspetto qui". 
94. Ma il giorno seguente, lunedì, quando Juan Diego doveva portare il segno per 
essere creduto, non tornò. 
95. Giunto a casa, infatti, un suo zio, di nome Juan Bernardino, era caduto 
ammalato, era molto grave. 
96. Andò anche a chiamare un medico, fece anche qualcosa per lui, ma non c'era 
più tempo, era ormai molto grave. 
97. E quando sopraggiunse la notte, suo zio lo pregò che all'alba, quando fosse 
ancora scuro, uscisse, venisse a chiamare a Tlatilolco qualche sacerdote che 
andasse a confessarlo, a prepararlo, 
98. poiché era sicuro che fosse ormai il tempo, il luogo, per morire, e che ormai non 
si sarebbe più alzato, né guarito. 
99. E il martedì, quando la notte era ancora alta, Juan Diego uscì dalla sua casa per 
venire a chiamare il sacerdote a Tlatilolco; 
100. e quando finalmente giunse sul fianco del colle col quale termina la sierra, ai 
suoi piedi, là dove comincia il sentiero, dalla parte in cui il sole tramonta, dove 
prima era salito, disse: 
101. "Se vado diritto per il sentiero, questa Signora potrebbe vedermi e certamente, 
come è stato, mi tratterrà affinché io porti il segno al governante ecclesiastico, 
come mi aveva comandato; 
102. ma prima deve abbandonarci la tribolazione; debbo prima chiamare il sacerdote 
religioso, mio zio non fa che aspettarlo". 
103. Fece quindi il giro del colle, lo salì in un punto intermedio per uscire sul 
versante orientale, per raggiungere rapidamente México, per non essere 
trattenuto dalla Regina del Cielo. 
104. Pensa che facendo quel tratto non lo potrà vedere colei che osserva 
perfettamente ogni luogo. 
105. La vide non appena prese a scendere da sopra il colle, e che da lì l'aveva sempre 
osservato, da dove prima lo vedeva. 
106. Gli venne incontro sul fianco del colle, venne a tagliargli la strada; gli disse: 
107. "Che accade, il più piccolo dei miei figli? Dove vai, dove sei diretto?"; 
108. E lui, forse si dette pena o forse provò vergogna? O forse si spaventò, divenne 
109. Alla sua presenza si prostrò, la salutò, le disse: 
110. "Fanciulla mia, Figlia mia la più piccola, Bambina mia, spero che tu sia 
contenta; come ti sei svegliata? Sta bene il tuo amato corpicino, Signora mia, 
Bambina mia? 
111. Con pena angustierò il tuo volto, il tuo cuore: ti faccio sapere, Fanciulla mia, che 
un tuo servitore, mio zio, è gravemente ammalato. 
112. Una grave malattia lo ha colpito, certamente ne morirà presto. 
113. E voglio andare in fretta alla tua piccola casa di México, per chiamare qualcuno 
degli amati di Nostro Signore, dei nostri sacerdoti, affinché vada a confessarlo e 
a prepararlo, 
114. poiché in realtà è per questo che siamo nati, noi che veniamo ad aspettare il 
travaglio della nostra morte. 
115. Ma, se vado a farlo, poi tornerò qui di nuovo per andare a portare il tuo anelito, 
la tua parola, Signora, Fanciulla mia. 
116. Ti prego di perdonarmi, abbi con me ancora un po' di pazienza, poiché non ti sto 
ingannando, Figlia mia la più piccola, Bambina mia, domani senz'altro verrò in 
tutta fretta". 
117. Non appena ebbe ascoltato le ragioni di Juan Diego, la Misericordiosa Perfetta 
Vergine gli rispose: 
118. "ascolta, riponilo nel tuo cuore, figlio mio il più piccolo, non è nulla ciò che ti ha 
spaventato, che ti ha afflitto, non si turbi il tuo volto, il tuo cuore: non temere per 
questa malattia né per alcun'altra infermità, né per altre cose che ti affliggono, 
119. Non sono qui, io che ho l'onore e la gioia di essere madre? Non stai sotto la mia 
ombra e la mia protezione? Non sono io la fonte della tua gioia? Non stai nel 
cavo del mio mantello, nella croce delle mie braccia? Di cos'altro hai bisogno? 
120. Che nessun'altra cosa ti affligga, ti turbi; che non ti dia pena la malattia di tuo 
zio, perché non ne morirà per adesso. Sii certo che sta già bene". 
121. (E proprio in quel momento, come si seppe poi, suo zio guarì). 
122. E Juan Diego, udita l'amorevole parola, l'amorevole anelito della Regina del 
Cielo, se ne consolò moltissimo, il suo cuore si colmò di pace, 
123. e la supplicò di mandarlo subito a vedere il vescovo governatore, per portargli 
un segno, una prova, affinché credesse. 
124. La Regina Celeste gli ordinò allora di salire fin sulla cima del colle, dove l'aveva 
vista precedentemente; 
125. gli disse: "Sali, Figlio mio il più piccolo, sulla cima del colle, dove mi hai visto e 
ti detti degli ordini; 
126. lì vedrai che vi sono molti diversi fiori: tagliali, riuniscili, mettili tutti insieme; 
poi, ritorna quaggiù; portali qui, alla mia presenza". 
127. E Juan Diego salì dunque sul colle, 
128. e quando raggiunse la sommità, rimase stupito per quanto erano fioriti, aperte le 
loro corolle, i fiori più svariati, graziosi e belli, pur non essendo ancora il loro 
129. poiché in verità in quella stagione il gelo ancora imperava; 
130. andavano diffondendo un profumo soavissimo; come perle preziose, come 
irrorati di rugiada notturna. 
131. Cominciò allora a tagliarli, li unì tutti assieme, li ripose nel cavo del suo 
132. E' certo che la cima del colle non era un luogo in cui potessero crescere fiori, vi 
abbondano solo sassi, cardi selvatici, spine, cactus, mezquite, 
133. e anche se a volte vi potevano crescere delle pianticelle, allora era dicembre, 
quando il gelo tutto mangia, tutto distrugge. 
134. E poi ridiscese, portando alla Bambina Celeste i vari fiori che era andato a 
135. e quando li vide, colle sue venerabili mani li prese; 
136. poi nuovamente li tornò a deporre del cavo del suo mantello e gli disse: 
137. "Figlio mio il più piccolo, questi diversi fiori sono

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