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Questions for Farith 90part

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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Part 1-Life lessons and wisdom
1. What are some important values that you live by?
2. What role does failure play in personal growth and development?
3. What is the most meaningful experience you've had that has shaped your worldview?
4. What is the most important thing you've learned about relationships with others?
5. What role does forgiveness play in personal growth and healing?
6. How do you balance self-care and caring for others?
7. How do you deal with regret or missed opportunities in your life?
8. What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to find direction or purpose in their life?
Part 2-Festivals and celebrations around the world
1. What is your favorite festival or celebration and why?
2. How do people in your culture celebrate important holidays and festivals?
3. What are some unique festivals or celebrations from around the world that you find interesting?
4. What is the most colorful festival you've ever heard of?
5. What role do music and dance play in festivals and celebrations?
6. How do people celebrate weddings and other life milestones in different cultures?
7. How have festivals and celebrations been impacted by globalization and the spread of technology?
8. What is the most bizarre festival or celebration you've ever heard of?
Part 3-Fun Questions
1. What's the most unusual piece of clothing you've ever worn?
2. What's the most beautiful flower you've ever seen?
3. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?
5. What's the most beautiful piece of furniture you've ever owned?
6. If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7. What's the most beautiful piece of furniture you've ever owned?
8. What's the most adventurous place you've ever slept?

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