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Questions for Farith 96part

¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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Part 1-Colors
1. If you had to associate a color with a season, what color would you associate with each season?
2. Do you think certain colors are more suitable for certain occasions or events? For example, do you think black is more suitable for formal events than bright colors?
3. If you had to describe your current mood using a color, what color would you choose?
4. Do you think color preferences are influenced by culture? Why or why not?
5. If you could have any color as the color of the sky, what color would you choose?
6. Do you think the color of your clothes affects how confident you feel? Why or why not?
7. What is the most unusual color name you've heard of?
8. Do you think your favorite color has changed over the years? Why or why not?
Part 2-Would You like?
1. Would you like travel to the past or the future?
2. Would you like have a beach vacation or a mountain vacation?
3. Would you like have a million dollars now or a guaranteed income of $50,000 per year for the rest of your life?
4. Would you like be stranded on a deserted island alone or with someone you don't like?
5. Would you like have unlimited free time or unlimited money?
6. Would you like be able to speak every language fluently or be able to play every musical instrument?
7. Would you like live without music or without books?
8. Would you like have a job you love that pays very little, or a job you hate that pays very well?
Part 3-Fun Questions.
1. What's the most unusual place you've ever slept?
2. If you could have any animal's ability, what would it be?
3. What's your favorite type of weather?
4. What's your favorite type of tea?
5. What's your favorite way to spend time with friends?
6. What's the most inspiring speech you've ever heard?
7. What's the most interesting statue you've ever seen?
8. What is your favorite thing about yourself and why?

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