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Questions for Farith 107 part

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Part 1-Stepping outside our comfort zones.
1. What role does fear play in keeping us from trying new things?
2. Can trying new things help us overcome anxiety and build self-confidence?
3. Have you ever taken a risk in your career that paid off in a big way?
4. Have you ever tried a new food that you were hesitant to try? How did it turn out?
5. Have you ever performed on stage or spoken in front of a large group of people? How did you feel?
6. What's the most extreme sport or activity you've ever tried?
7. Have you ever traveled solo to a new place? What was the experience like?
8. How can we balance the benefits of staying within our comfort zones with the benefits of taking risks?
Part 2-Different Perspectives on Freedom.
1. What hobby or activity do you like to do that gives you a sense of freedom?
2. Are there any things you can do to bring more freedom into your life? What are they?
3. If you had the freedom to do anything you liked for a year, what would you do?
4. Did your family give you a lot of freedom when you were a child? How about now?
5. Do you think that your country has enough freedom? Is there anything you’d change?
6. Do you think that other cultures see freedom in different ways? Give examples.
7. Are there any laws that you believe restrict people’s freedom? What are they?
8. How do you feel about animals in captivity? Do you like to visit zoos?
Part 3-Fun Questions.
1. Do you believe in karma? If so, how do you think it works?
2. Do you think we’d be better off without social media?
3. If you had a chance to talk to god for 10 minutes but knew you would die immediately after, would you do it?
4. What do you dislike the most in people? What do you like the most about people?
5. What's the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
6. What is more important to you - status, power, or money?
7. Is it easy for you to show yourself love or speak kindly to yourself?
8. What is the nickname that your friends have given you? What does it mean?

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