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Angélica Partial exam - angelica altamiranda

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1st Partial Exam
Name: Angélica María Altamiranda.
 Date: 26/04/23
1. Describe briefly the relation between democracy, citizenship and diversity and answer the question: how are these concepts related to teaching?
Democracy, citizenship, and diversity are interconnected concepts that are essential for creating inclusive and just societies.
Democracy is a way of life in which disagreements are resolved amicably and rationally, without the use of compulsion, violence, mistrust, or dictation. It is a set of interpersonal social ties that prioritizes the promotion of each person's wellbeing while putting personal interests on hold. So, to make education more efficient, meaningful, relevant, and valuable, democratic ideals such as liberty, equality, fraternity justice, the dignity of the person, cooperation, and sharing of responsibility are implemented. 
Students learn more deeply about the subject matter when working and learning in a classroom with people from different origins and cultures. Additionally, it teaches students how to participate in a diverse workplace using their unique skills and perspectives. 
Citizenship and education equips individuals with the knowledge and abilities they need to comprehend, engage in debate with, and criticize democratic society, including politics, the media, civil society, the economy, and the law.
in other words, democratic society, citizens must recognize and appreciate diversity, respect the rights of others, and participate in democratic processes. Teaching plays a crucial role in promoting democracy, citizenship, and diversity by preparing students to become informed and engaged citizens who can participate in democratic processes, respect diversity, and promote social justice.
2. Choose one of the underpinnings of Peace Education (Theoretic, Epistemological and Axiological) and describe briefly what it is about (Source of information: article Educación para la paz on Cintia-Resources) It can be in English or in Spanish. 
Epistemológicamente la educación para la paz se fundamenta en la crítica del conocimiento y la 
realidad del sujeto y se basa en el respeto de los derechos humanos y de la dignidad humana, a partir del cambio de actitudes, acciones y normas de comportamiento, desde una perspectiva social crítica y creando una cultura de paz y prepara a las personas sobre importancia de la participación, el diálogo, la crítica, el consenso, la libertad y la primacía de los derechos humanos sea una persona que entiende la complejidad y el error que llevan implícitos los actos del lenguaje, la vulneracion y el pensamiento subjetivos, fundados en falsas creencias o en verdades que llevan al no reconocimiento de los derechos humanos.
En general, los fundamentos epistemológicos de la Educación para la Paz enfatizan la importancia de reconocer y valorar la diversidad, promover el pensamiento crítico y la reflexión, y fomentar un compromiso con la justicia social y el desarrollo sostenible.
3. Choose one of the topics presented about bullying (different from yours) and write a short summary about it (use the slides presented by your classmates). 
Bullying ( sexual identity) can have negative effects on the development and mental health of LGBTQ students, such as extreme anxiety and depression, relationship problems, low self-esteem, substance abuse, and thoughts of suicide. These students are also at much greater risk of physical assault than other children and youth. Verbal abuse doesn’t only occur at school, it also occurs at home, as some parents don't accept the fact of having a homosexual child.
These are things I need to do:
· No child or adolescent deserves to be bullied. Don’t tolerate any homofobic slurs.
· Work with student government and other school clubs to hold programs on respect, school safety, and anti-bullying.
· Be alert to signs of youth who may be in distress.
4. From your point of view and considering what was shared in the presentations about bullying, what are the three aspects or steps that have to be considered in order to deal with bullying from a teacher’s perspective? (without considering the characteristics of the population being bullied)
For me, there are 3 basic things that I need to deal with bullying as a teacher, The first one will be pay attention to any circumstances or symptoms of bullying and do something immediately because ignoring it you are promoting it. The second one is based on bring support to those how are already affected by any type of harassment, listen carefully their situation and understand what they are passing through. The last but no least is offering possible solutions or bring both part into conversation, creating awareness about felling from both sides and make sure that feelings can be affected by insignificant acts or words.
5. What did you find new and/or interesting about all the topics discussed this 1st term? 
 There are types of bullying those are classified according to the context or how those are focused at: Socioeconomic, ethnicity, gender, among others. 
Also I find interesting the movie about bullying, "Wonder," I can provide some observations and insights.
One of the most notable aspects of "Wonder" is the way in which it portrays the challenges and experiences of a young boy with a facial deformity as he navigates the complexities of middle school. The movie provides a poignant and sensitive portrayal of the ways in which individuals with differences are often marginalized or excluded, while also highlighting the resilience and strength that can be found in community and compassion.
Additionally, the movie underscores the importance of empathy and understanding, particularly in the face of adversity. Through its depiction of multiple perspectives, "Wonder" emphasizes the ways in which individuals can learn from and support one another, even in the face of significant challenges.
Overall, "Wonder" offers a powerful and moving exploration of themes such as acceptance, compassion, and the human capacity for resilience and growth.

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