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ICTPMG505_Assessment feedback 3 - Carlos D

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Assessment 2 - Unit Project
Unit Project
Case Study:  Amazing Restaurant 
The world-renowned curry chef Mr Amazing opened the Amazing Restaurant in 2017. The restaurant provides authentic dishes from the foothills of the Himalayas to the hot seas of the Indian Ocean.  The restaurant has a seating capacity for 300 customers.  
The restaurant’s recent growth no longer makes it feasible to maintain customer, table booking, order and day-to-day activities using its manual systems. With the data stored in the database, management will be able to ensure that data are current and more accurate than in the present manual systems. In addition, Mr Amazing will be able to obtain answers to their questions concerning the data in the database easily and quickly, with the option of producing a variety of useful reports.  
In lieu of this, Mr Amazing, has decided to contact your consultancy company to set up a database to deal with the day to day running of the business.  After careful investigation and analysis, your consultants realise that it is not all as calm as is first perceived.   
The restaurant has a booking service where customers can book their tables beforehand and also book a certain table if they wish. Customers need to provide their title, full name (first and last), city and phone number. The staff checks if the customer is in the database and uses the existing record.  
If the customer is booking for the first time, a new record is created.  When making the booking, the date, time, number of people that will dine in and table number (optional) information are requested. The name of the staff who took the booking must be recorded. Each booking has a default 2-hour timeslot, which can be changed in case the customer wants to stay longer.  
Upon entering the establishment, customers need to speak to a receptionist, who checks whether they already have a booking. If the booking exists, the customers are taken to their table. If the customer does not have a booking, the receptionist checks the availability, if the customer is in the database and if there are tables to accommodate, the receptionist adds the booking for the customer before taking them to the table.   
Once settled, customers then are served by a staff member who takes the orders.   
Mr Amazing also wishes to publish a recipe book and because of this he needs to know what ingredients are needed in the different dishes. Mr Amazing also thinks that this would help in training new staff and if the chef leaves then he would not take all the knowledge away with them.   
Specific Requirements:  
In order to meet the business needs required to design the following database element: structure, indexes, queries and or reports 
To ensure consistency of the data in the database you are required to develop data validation rules to ensure the correctness of data entered into the database table; identify referential Integrity constraint and database constraints.  
Below is a list of checks you should implement:   
1. Staff gender should be recorded as ‘M’ or ‘F’.   
2. Ensure that every customer has a telephone number which is unique  
3. Staff numbers should be generated automatically using a sequence. 
· Design and develop database for amazing restaurant
· Design and implement Front end interface using java standard widget toolkit SWT for following:
· User Login – must request username and password 
· Dashboard (users should only view the options according to their access level) – the dashboard should display the buttons for Booking, Table Assignment, Table Order, Total Bill and Create Staff (admin users only) 
· Make Booking – performs a table booking at the restaurant 
· Booking list – searches for bookings on a particular date, allows to edit the booking (amend dates and delete bookings) 
· Table assignment – assigns a table to the booking 
· Table order – GUI only 
· Total bill – GUI only 
· Create staff – only admin users will be able to access and create a new staff user. 
· Edit Staff - only admin users will be able to access and edit a staff user 
· Connect the Java application to the database using JDBC 
Time frame for the project completion is 2 months. Available budget is 20,000.
Students are asked to form groups of 3 -5 students – with one student acting as a Project manager. You are the manager and the others are fictitious names.
Your primary tasks are:
1. Prepare a Project Plan for design and develop database for amazing restaurant.
2. Design and implement Front end interface using java standard widget toolkit SWT
3. Test the application
4. Prepare a full report that consists of all given information. Compile the answers to the given tasks, and format them with project report template. 
5. Prepare a power point presentation. Explain the plan.
The assumed milestones are: 
· You will gather data/information about the business and perform requirement modeling.
· You will translate the business requirements into technical specifications.
· You will present your project plan to the management for final approval prior to implementation.
· You will maintain and monitor the amazing restaurant system. 
The assumed requirements are: 
· You will plan for designing an interface for administration, staff, and customers.
· You will plan for building an amazing restaurant database system using either MySQL or MS-ACCESS or other tools of your choice. 
· You will plan for building an online interface and access point (with login facilities) 
We assume that you have gathered all relevant information from previous assessments. 
Complete all given tasks. 
Task 1.	Visit the link and read what Project governance is and follow its processes to confirm the Amazing Restaurant Governance Policy. (https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/project-governance-critical-success-9945) and 
· The project is currently missing an effective method for monitoring and controlling.
Bookings are just noted every day and our team members have to review their previous notes to confirm there is no double booking, paper bookings are not allowing our team to perform properly and get better results that’s why we will move our team to the Excel database that will ensure we will avoid overbooking.
The company has the opportunity to ensure errors will be avoided and start providing a better service for clients, a service that will ensure bookings will be processed faster and there will not be any errors.
· Roles and responsibilities need to be defined clearly
The company has to improve the way how responsibilities are defined, the company team has to have an organization in regard to bookings and serving to the clients, that’s why our database will also have to include routines about responsibilities and schedules.
Task 2. Identify the Scope, Time, and Cost constraints for the Amazing Restaurant project. Develop project charter and obtain sign-off. 
The increased number of clients makes it more difficult for personnel to manage table bookings, orders, day-to-day operations, and customer retention manually. As a result, Mr. Amazing decided to approach the consulting firm in order to put up a database that deals with the restaurant's day-to-day operations. The database provides options for management, such as ensuring that the data saved is current, up-to-date, and more accurate than the manual approach. Mr. Amazing can also obtain relevant output and information from the database data and generate a range of useful reports.
· Create a graphical user interface (GUI) for each JAVA application, such as user or employee login, customer registration, POS system, and employee registration.
· Make a database for the client, the menu, and the personnel.
· Ensure that the database and JAVA program are both secure.
· Ensure that the dashboard is easily accessible and understood to personnel.
· Database validation is in place.
· The JAVA apps' programming is well-written.
· Ensure that the system's graphical user interface allows consumersand staff to enter information reliably and correctly.
· Check that each data point is appropriately related to the others.
· Ascertain that the database has adequate storage to support the staff, customers, and menu information.
· Create a system that allows clients to buy their tickets while preventing multiple bookings.
· Client: Mr Amazing owner
· Sponsor: Restaurant
· Project Manager
· Project Team members
	Total Cost
	SQL Server
	Project manager
	$40 per hour
	Database Administrator
	$30 per hour
	System Designer
	$35 per hour
	$25 per hour
Task 3. Conduct Feasibility Study and outline if the project is technically and operationally feasible? 
The market technology makes the project practical and allows for the upgrade of the database and ordering system. Furthermore, the required software is easily available on the market.
Employees who will utilize the system will be properly trained on the new system and the new hardware implemented as part of the project. Customers will also be informed about the improvements in the restaurant and how they may utilize it to meet their requirements.
The investment is worthwhile since, if the update is successful, the services given will improve the restaurant's system, making it more efficient.
The budget for the project is $37,000.
Task 4. Use your information-gathering techniques to collect more information about the project. Search for competitors (Other education providers) and find their services.
 Which type of questions is more appropriate (e.g. open ended, closed ended, range of answers)? 
 Prepare short interview questions to ask the director of Amazing Restaurant. Ensure the interview questions are of high standard. 
· What type of system do they intend to create?
· What material do they want to add in the database and application?
· What database and software design policies do they wish to put in place?
· What are their expectations for how we should manage the data?
· When do they want the system to be completed?
· How do they want the information in the database and the JAVA program to be structured?
· How are the information's linked to one another?
Task 5. Define System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in your own words. Describe how different phases of SDLC may be applied in your project.
· The first phase of the SDLC, analysis, occurs in the early phases of the project, when the scope, time, and budget are established.
· Once the analysis is completed and the system's problems have been addressed, the team will begin planning a solution to the problems.
· The planned system has been created. The physical building, operating systems, programming, and security plans are complete.
· During this phase, the new system is being developed. The resources required to carry out the strategy must be procured, and user training is being carried out.
· All system components must be tested, and any necessary adjustments must be made at this stage.
· During this phase, the new system must be implemented.
· System maintenance entails improvements required to guarantee that the system is always in top working order. For example, ensuring that the system's security is up to date to lessen the likelihood of a hack. Users must also be kept up to know on the most recent modifications.
Task 6. Prepare project work breakdown and schedule for your project. 
	Gather data and information about the business
	3 days
	Ashley Lacson
	Translate the business requirements into tech specs
	11 days
	Clark Saundes
	Present project plan in order to ger approval
	Ashley Lacson
	Implement the plan such as making the database, the Java application and the interface
	Anna Clark
	Maintain and monitor restaurant system
	Ashley Lacson
Task 7. Build and present Gantt chart to your trainer.
 (Note- You can simply use online Smartsheet with the following link to create Gantt chart easily. https://www.smartsheet.com/gantt-chart-software
 You can use Excel, MS Project or any other open-source software available on your Desktop.)
Amazing restaurant.gan. 
Task 8. Prepare necessary documents of the project management plan by following standard protocols to get approval from the appropriate person.
Gantt Project and Database.
Team member WBS
Project Roles and Responsibilities table
Deliveries table
Task 9. Identify and select the team members (including the manager). 
 Create a table that shows the team members, their roles and responsibilities. 
	Team Members
	Job Roles
	Ashley Lacson
	Project manager
	· Activity Planning and Scope Definition Planning and Scheduling 
· Resource Management
· Creating Budget Documentation
· Making Charts and Scheduling
· Risk Analysis
· Progress Monitoring and Reporting 
· Strategic Leadership in a Team
· Working with Vendors Quality Control
	Anna Crain
	Database Administrator
	· Create and construct a database based on the information requirements of the end user.
· Define users and enable data dissemination to the relevant user in the suitable format and on time.
· Use fast transaction recovery solutions and backup your data.
· Create, implement, and document database policies, processes, and standards.
· Monitor database performance, make modifications, and install new patches and versions as needed.
	Danny Poneglyp
	· Debugging and coding.
· Creating and testing computer architectures.
· Troubleshooting system problems.
· Creating computer programs.
· Upkeep of operating systems.
· Algorithm profiling and analysis.
· Building systems are being implemented.
· Providing technical assistance.
	Clark Saundes
	System Designer
	Work with analysts to determine the feasibility of a conceptual design by using technical requirements prepared by the analyst and creating system components to meet the set requirements. Create detailed design documentation, including charts and diagrams that show the various components involved. Prepare instructions for programmer implementation.
Task 10. Determine and discuss the training and support needs of your client.
- Teach them how to troubleshoot common and simple problems with DBS and the Java application.
- How to use the database.
- How to record or create a new record.
- How to produce a report. 
- How to access the information. 
- What type of information do they need to write in the database?
- They may call helpdesks to request troubleshooting; they can even contact us if they require assistance with the entire system, such as the DBS or the program itself.
Task 11. Determine teams’ values and expected behaviors for project teams members.
(go to this link : https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/project-team-performance-expected-behaviors-6759) and Document team members, role allocation, and training and submit to seek feedback from required personnel.
· Treat others with dignity and respect
· Support and promote intra- and inter-departmental teamwork
· Understand and consider the needs and impacts of your own work on others
· Demonstrate an ability to problem-solve and make timely decisions
· Actively seek and receive feedback for improvement
· Consistently share knowledge and information
Task 12. Monitor delivery of the project by evaluating results of team member’s efforts and manage each individual of the team.
	Team members
	Team member’s assigned tasks
	Project delivery
Anna Crain
	· Create and construct a database based on the information requirements of the end user.
· Define users and enable data dissemination to the relevant user in the suitable format and on time.
· Use fast transaction recovery solutions and backupyour data.
· Create, implement, and document database policies, processes, and standards.
· Monitor database performance, make modifications, and install new patches and versions as needed.
	Team member had great performance developing her assigned tasks in a timely manner
Danny Poneglyp
	· Debugging and coding.
· Creating and testing computer architectures.
· Troubleshooting system problems.
· Creating computer programs.
· Upkeep of operating systems.
· Algorithm profiling and analysis.
· Building systems are being implemented.
Providing technical assistance.
	Team member was able to perform most of his task properly however was unable to troubleshoot some errors.
	Clark Saunders
	Work with analysts to determine the feasibility of a conceptual design by using technical requirements prepared by the analyst and creating system components to meet the set requirements. Create detailed design documentation, including charts and diagrams that show the various components involved. Prepare instructions for programmer implementation.
	Performed properly and in a timely manner
Task 13. Monitor and control the quality of project deliverables against the requirements.
	Project deliverables 
	Need Change?
· Gather database information.
· Develop and present project plan
· Implement plan
· Maintain and monitor restaurant system
	· Have a database engineer
· Have an expert project manager
· Define a department that ensures plan implementation will be simple.
· Develop a system to monitor plan implementation perofrmance
	Get software for information storage and improve website.
Task 14. When the deliverables change during the project the current budget and deadlines are adjusted to reflect the additional work. 
 (a)Amazing Restaurant decided to put their system on Cloud with full backup services. 
 (b)Identify the cost and additional requirements to accommodate the above changes.
 (c)Monitor and control project scope changes, risks, and issues. 
	$400 per year
Project Scope change: 
· Define Storage service for company data.
· Change of Amazing Restaurant website so that website can provide clients with an identity with our brand.
Task 15. Test the functionality of Database (Amazing Restaurant) by following testing protocols to meet requirements and hand over to amazing restaurant staff.
Testing made over file attached. 
Database is not working properly because even it allows team members to add information about clients it is important to add a functionality that allows us to confirm if there is another booking for this date and also if until now there are available places for the booking.
After a week of testing the database, we found that our team is performing better after using the database since now booking only takes 2 minutes and before it used to take 5 to 7 minutes also there is no booking error.
Task 16. Prepare IT support plans and support documents for Amazing restaurant database.
Determine the IT support requirements: Determine the sorts of IT assistance needed for the database. Help desk support, user training, software maintenance, hardware maintenance, and database management are all possible.
Define the IT support procedures: Define the IT support processes, such as incident management, issue management, change management, and release management.
Document the IT support protocols: Document the IT support procedures, including how to report events, escalate problems, and seek improvements. This will aid in the delivery of IT assistance in a timely and effective manner.
Produce user guides and training materials: Produce user guides and training materials to assist users in understanding how to use the database. Step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, and frequently asked questions may be included.
IT team will have to communicate through a slack secure channel.
Task 17. Prepare project closure by following tasks:
(A) Obtain final project Sign-off with the required personnel
(B) Conduct post-project review and document lessons learned. 
(C) Review and update disaster recovery plan. 
(D) Close the project by proper document signing with appropriate person.
Client sign-off request,
Dear Mr Amazing
This form is used to officially sign off on the conclusion of your project with us. Please finish as quickly as possible and return it to us.
Thank you very much.
Project Name: Amazing Restaurant Plan
Project Manager: Ashley Lacson
Start Date: 9/3/23
End Date: 8/5/23
The project involved creating a graphical user interface (GUI) for various JAVA applications, building databases for clients, menus, and personnel, and ensuring security, accessibility, and accuracy of the system. It also involves implementing database validation, well-written programming, and adequate storage capacity. The system should allow for reliable information input, prevent multiple bookings, and provide a storage service for company data. Additionally, there will be a change to the Amazing Restaurant website to align with the brand's identity.
· Gather database information. 
· Develop and present a project plan
· Implement plan
· Evaluate restaurant outcomes and results.
Potential disaster: 
Natural catastrophes such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes might cause damage to the project's physical infrastructure, such as buildings or equipment.
Cybersecurity concerns including hacking, data breaches, and malware assaults might jeopardize the database's security and even release critical information.
Power outages or other infrastructure issues might affect system operation, resulting in data loss or downtime.
Human mistake, such as inadvertent data deletion or system misconfiguration, might result in data loss or system failure.
Pandemics or other health emergencies might impair business and result in employee shortages or physical facility closures.
Backup procedures: 
Backups of the database and other key project data should be performed on a regular basis.
To defend against physical disasters, backups should be kept in a secure place apart from the primary data center.
To prevent unwanted access, backups should be encrypted and password-protected.
Regular backup system checks should be undertaken to guarantee that the backup data is full and useful in the event of a disaster.
Backup methods should be recorded and updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in the system or data structure.
Backup logs should be kept and examined on a regular basis to verify that all backups are performed on time and to detect any possible problems.
Communication protocols:
Meetings should be held on a regular basis with all team members to review project updates, progress, and any concerns or obstacles that may occur.
Email updates: Use email to deliver quick updates and reminders, key papers or links, and meeting agendas or summaries.
Instant messaging: Use instant messaging tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to connect with team members quickly and effectively, ask questions, and get immediate feedback.
By signing this form, I certify that I have completed all of the mentioned deliverables.
Project Manager
Mr. Amazing
Task 18. What could be the possible risk? Create a Risk Management plan for your project. 
	Risk #
	Date of risk
	Brief description
	Mitigation Action
	Missing information about market
	Improve the market research and analysis made.
	Not defined requirements
	Ensure internal department will review company information deeply
	Plan not approved
	Present plan with enough time in order to be able to apply changes
	Team members unable to implement plan
	Provide clear guidelines in order to make it easier for the team members.
	Failure in monitoring program
	Ensure we will work on programdefinition in order to ensure it will be a very reliable program.

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