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ACTIVITY_6_ - Vanesa López Velasco (1)

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· What rule of etiquette did you find more interesting?
Eye to eye in Italy
· Write an etiquette rule from Mexico that is similar to the ones mentioned in the article.
The No Patting rule in Thailand is very similar to the Mexican etiquette rule of Respect personal and social space, as according to this Mexican etiquette rule, certain limits on the personal space of others should not be exceeded. Since many times it can be uncomfortable or rude for certain people, because you go over their personal space, so it is very similar to the etiquette rule of not patting in Thailand, that without the permission of the other you should not touch their head, hair, etc.
· Write an etiquette rule from Mexico that is opposite to the ones mentioned in the article.
The Mexican etiquette rule of No eating with your hands is opposite to the Get handy etiquette rule in India, since in Mexico it is considered unhygienic to eat with your hands, and people always tell you that you should not eat with your hands, well, and they say that you can get sick from the bacteria that we touch throughout the day. But in India people use their hands as eating utensils.
· Write 5 sentences summarizing the article using the modal verbs seen in class. Write the modal verb + main verb in bold.
1. In Scotland, gentlemen can choose whether to wear traditional Scottish attire in the form of a kilt, they may even wear no underwear, but if they rent the kilt, they must wear underwear.
2. In Thailand, you mustn’t touch the head of others, let alone be able to pass things over their head.
3. In Russia men have to plant a kiss on a lady's cheeks three times, alternating from left to right.
4. In India you can tenderly caress your food before eating it, but for that you should have clean hands first.
5. In Italy if you avert your eyes when speaking you could appear suspicious and show disinterest.
Switzerland has traditions and customs very different from the rest of the world, these are very amazing, one of its most popular traditions is the "Pschuuri" festival on Ash Wednesday. On this day, in eastern Switzerland, masked men round up young women so that they have blackface (they must paint them). Kids can go trick-or-treating with a basket around their necks. Unmarried young men can wear furs, masks and bells and must be armed with a sack filled with a greasy mixture of charcoal, they must go out into the streets in search of children and young women. Another very extravagant Swiss tradition is ''Spark Sunday'', at the end of winter, in Appenzell, Switzerland, another one of those crazy traditions is celebrated, on the fourth Sunday of Lent, those at the cattle shows are surprised by the decorations that cows carry on their heads, but they are also surprised by children as young as six years old, since they can legally puff on cigarettes, cigars and pipes. It is assumed that children could not perform these actions in the world, however, Switzerland has been able to allow this for this tradition and has always been so, which is why it is very curious how in other countries we all know that children they don't have to smoke and even smoking is prohibited in more and more places, and strangely in Switzerland children can do it as part of a tradition or custom.

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