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What would you do if you saw a bad accident

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1. What would you do if you saw a bad accident?
I would call the ambulance
2. What would you do if saw someone having a heart attack?
I would ask for help to sit him down and loosen any clothing that is tight and ask him if he brings his medicine or what he takes if he does not bring it
3. What would you do if you were at the beach and you saw someone drowning?
I would look for a lifeguard
4. What would you do if you were bitten by a dog?
I would look for an object so I could take it away
5. What would you do if somebody in your family were missing?
I would call her friends if they know about her or him and I would call the police
6. What would you do if somebody came up to you on the street and tried to rod you?
I would walk as fast as possible until I found a store and entered to ask for help
7. What would you do if a fire broke out in your house or apartment?
I would talk to my family to go out and call the fire department
8. What would you do if you were lying in bed and you heard someone trying to break into your house or apartment?
I would call the police and take out an object to defend myself

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