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Instituto Rey” Fernando “San Superior Educación de 
Diseño y edición realizado por estudiantes de Residencia y 
Memoria -Ciclo Profesional de
lectivo 2017- 
 • Coria, Yanina 
• Libutzki, Silvana 
• Rojas, Eliana 
• Saavedra, Julieta 
• Sclippa, Alexis 
• Trejo, Magalí 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Welcome to the English Teaching Training 
You are about to start an incredible 
journey that will take you through English 
language and grammar studies, Phonetics 
and Phonology, Culture (Literature, 
Geography and History), Linguistics, and the 
many subjects related to English Teaching 
and Teaching Practice in order to turn you into 
a quality teacher of English. 
In 2016 we started two new Courses of 
Studies: a four-year course of studies 
leading to a degree that enables you to teach 
at Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary 
Schools, and a five-year course of studies 
that enables you to teach from Kindergarten to 
Tertiary Level institutions like “San Fernando 
You are most welcome to this fantastic 
journey that starts with an Introductory 
The English Faculty 
Useful information 
Check the Institute’s web page for 
information about enrolling conditions, 
attendance, course requirements and 
exams regulations (RAI y ROI). 
Official webpage: 
Bienvenido al Profesorado de Inglés 
Estás a punto de iniciar un viaje 
increíble en el estudio de la Lengua y 
Gramática Inglesas, la Fonética y la Fonología, 
la Cultura (Literatura, Geografía, Historia), la 
Lingüística, y las distintas asignaturas referidas 
a la Enseñanza del Inglés y la Práctica de la 
Enseñanza, para convertirte en un profesor de 
inglés de calidad. 
En 2016 se inició el dictado de dos 
nuevos planes de estudios: un plan de 
estudios de cuatro años que otorga un título 
para la enseñanza en Nivel Inicial, Primaria y 
Secundaria y un plan de estudios de cinco 
años que te capacita para enseñar desde el 
Nivel Inicial hasta en instituciones de Nivel 
Superior como el “San Fernando Rey”. 
Muy bienvenido a este fantástico viaje 
que se inicia con el Taller de Ingreso. 
Profesores del Profesorado de Inglés 
Datos útiles 
Visita la página web del Instituto para 
obtener información sobre requisitos para la 
inscripción, asistencia, régimen de cursado y 
evaluación de las asignaturas (RAI y ROI). 
Página oficial del Instituto: 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 3 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
NFORMACIÓNI IMPORTANTE .......................................................................................................................................... 7 
CÓMO USAR ESTE CUADERNILLO .......................................................................................................................... 9 
CONTENIDOS DEL CUADERNILLO ........................................................................................................................ 10 
GRAMMAR REFERENCE AND PRACTICE ............................................................... . ......................................... 11 
LET’S INTEGRATE – SENTENCE TRANFORMATION .............................................................................................. 74 
READING COMPREHENSION ................................................................................................................................55 
VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................ 69....................... 
SKILLS PRACTICE ..................................................................................................................................................85 
APPENDICES .........................................................................................................................................................91 
ANSWER KEY ..................................................................................................................................................... 109 
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 331 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 5 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Las actividades se inician con un TALLER DE INGRESO (VER FECHAS EN PÁGINA WEB o en 
CARTELERAS DEL INSTITUTO). Participarás en jornadas de trabajo en castellano (primera parte) y en 
jornadas de trabajo en inglés (segunda parte). 
Brindarte información general sobre el Instituto, el Sistema de Autogestión (SAE), y el régimen 
académico y organizativo del instituto (RAI y ROI), 
Introducirte en el campo de la enseñanza como profesión 
Diagnosticar tu nivel de inglés. LO QUE DEBÉS SABER DE INGLÉS ES LOQUE SE PRESENTA EN 
El taller tiene carácter de eliminatorio, y estarás en condiciones de comenzar el cursado de las 
materias una vez que acredites haber asistido a dicho taller en un 80%, y realizado el 100% de las 
actividades propuestas, lo que incluye una evaluación diagnóstica, que permite conocer tu competencia 
en inglés. Es necesario detectar tu nivel de conocimiento y expresión en la lengua extrajera, ya que vas a 
estudiar buena parte de las materias en inglés. Para ello, se requiere un nivel de comprensión y de expresión 
oral y escrita en inglés que te permita desenvolverte en el dictado de la clase. 
Se te pedirán distintas producciones escritas en castellano y en inglés. 
Habrá actividades de multiple choice, de completar con el tiempo verbal correcto, de transformación 
de oraciones, de vocabulario, lectura y escritura y una entrevista para la que debes leer los textos del 
dossier y la novela Street Lawyer. 
Tanto los trabajos escritos como el oral son eliminatorios. El material para prepararte es el que te 
ofrece este cuadernillo. 
Solo los aspirantes que obtengan una calificación de 6 (seis) o más en el escrito podrán rendir la 
evaluación oral, en la que se deberá obtener un mínimo de 6 (seis) para estar en condiciones de 
cursar las unidades curriculares en inglés. 
Los aspirantes que obtengan un mínimo de 6 (seis) en la evaluación diagnóstica podrán cursar todos 
los espacios curriculares de primer año de la carrera. 
Quienes obtengan menos de 6 (seis) en la evaluación diagnóstica podrán cursar un Curso 
Propedéutico, en el cual se brinda la preparación necesaria para ingresar al profesorado. 
El Curso Propedéutico consta de dos niveles – Pre-Intermedio e Intermedio – y la asistencia a uno u 
otro nivel dependerá de tu desempeño en la evaluación diagnóstica. 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 7 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Horario de realización 8:00 a 12:00 hs 
Fechas de realización del Diagnóstico 
 Trabajos escritos en inglés Entrevista (oral) 
Consultar cartelera del Profesorado de Inglés Consultar cartelera del Profesorado de Inglés 
No olvides traer tu DNI o Cédula de identidad. 
Podrás utilizar un diccionario monolingüe (Inglés-Inglés) en el examen 
Recordá consultar en Mesa de Entradas del Instituto o en la página web las 
fechas del taller y hasta cuándo podés presentar la documentación para 
completar tu inscripción 
Anótala a continuación para recordarla y preguntar a los profesores en el primer encuentro. 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 8 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
El presente cuadernillo fue confeccionado con el objetivo de proveer al alumno ingresante 
con el material necesario para repasar los contenidos correspondientes al nivel intermedio de 
inglés, requerido para aprobar la evaluación diagnóstica. 
En el cuadernillo encontrarás: 
Explicaciones de todas las estructuras gramaticales del nivel seguidas de la ejercitación 
correspondiente (grammar practice and reference, y sentence structure). Deberás hacer 
los ejercicios antes del taller y controlar cómo los realizaste en la sección provista en este 
cuadernillo con las soluciones de los mismos (Answer key). 
Una sección de vocabulario y material adicional (vocabulary, appendices: spelling, irregular 
verbs, short forms), así como un modelo de redacción de párrafo (integrated skills). 
El libro The Street Lawyer. Este libro es de lectura obligatoria para el examen oral, sobre el 
que se te harán preguntas. 
Actividades de lectura comprensiva (reading comprehension) con sus soluciones. En el 
examen oral también se te harán preguntas sobre los textos leídos. 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 9 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Este cuadernillo proporciona práctica y contenidos teóricos básicos que sirven de repaso para la 
realización de las actividades y trabajos al momento de diagnosticar tu nivel de inglés. 
➢ Exponentes lingüísticos y su ejercitación: 
present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs, 
past tenses, 
future forms, 
present perfect and past simple, 
present perfect continuous, 
comparative and superlatives, 
must, have to, should (obligation, advice and opinion) 
may, must, might, can´t (deduction) 
can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) 
first, second and third conditional 
future time clauses + when, until, etc. 
usually and used to 
articles: a/an, the, no article 
gerunds and infinitives 
reported speech (statements, questions and commands) 
passive voice 
relative clauses 
question tags and indirect questions 
➢ Ejercicios integradores 
 Let´s integrate 
 Transformational sentences 
➢ Actividades de reading comprehension (ver Dossier)
Estas actividades sirven de base para comprobar tu capacidad de leer para estudiar y resolver 
distintas actividades, y de leer para poder transferir ideas e información a un texto escrito y para 
usar en la entrevista (evaluación oral). 
➢ Vocabulario referido a los siguientes ejes temáticos: 
Travel and Tourism 
The Environment 
Crime and Punishment 
➢ Modelos de lectura comprensiva + writing y temas sobre los que se puede solicitar que escribas en el examen. 
➢ Apéndices.
➢ Respuestas y resolución de ejercicios (Answer key)
➢ Bibliografía obligatoria y optativa y recursos web para que practiques durante tu preparación.
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 10 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Present simple and continuous - Action and non-action verbs 
A) Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 
1) They have always breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning. 
2) She can’t come to the phone now. She has a shower. 
3) We are needing an answer from you before Wednesday. 
4) I’m studying a lot now because I have exams next week. 
5) She don’t eat meat at all. 
6) They always are late. 
7) Do you go out tonight. 
8) He never replys to my emails! 
9) A Are you going to the park this afternoon? 
B I don’t know. I’m depending on the weather. 
B) Write questions in the present continuous or present 
simple. A What are you eating? (you/ eat) 
B A cheese sandwich. 
1) A Where ____________________ lunch today? (you/ 
have) B At home. My mum’s making pasta. 
2) A What ________________? (he/ do)? 
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B He’s an accountant. 
3) A ___________________ this weekend? (you/ go 
away) B No, we’re staying here. 
4) A ___________________ to eat out tonight? (you/want) B 
Yes, that would be nice. Where shall we go? 
5) A What _____________________? (she / 
cook) B I don’t know, but it smells good. 
C) Read this conversation. Complete it with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the 
present progressive or the simple present tense. 
A: Hi, Ana. Mmm. Something _____smells______ 1(smell) good! What’s cooking? 
B: Fish soup. I __________________ 2(taste) it to see if it _______________ 3(need) more garlic. 
______________ you _________________ 4(want) to try it? 
A: Mmmm. It _______________ 5(taste) good, but I ____________________6(think) it needs 
B: OK. I ________________________ 7(think) about adding canned tomatoes too, even 
though it __________________ 8(not be) in the recipe. 
A: That _______________ 9(sound) like a good idea. But wait a minute. I _______________ 
10(look) at the recipe, and it says you can add milk. How about that? 
B: I __________________ 11(not know) if the milk _______________ 12(be) fresh. 
A: I’ll check. Hmm. I _____________ 13(smell) it, but I __________________ 14(not be) sure. 
Let’s add the tomatoes instead. 
B: Ok. I _______________ 15(love) cooking! The whole house _________________ 16 (smell) 
great when you cook and it always puts me in a good mood. 
A: I_______________17(know) what you ________________18(mean). I 
______________19(feel) the same way. 
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Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Past tenses 
A) Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in past continuous or past perfect. 
Sarah had a siesta from 3.00 to 5.00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4.00. Peter picked up the 
tickets when Sarah ____was having___ a siesta. 
1) They watched TV from 7.00 until 9.00. I arrived at 7.30. 
When I arrived, they _____________________ TV. 
2) He left the office at 7.00 until 9.00. She phoned him at 8.00. 
When she phoned him, he ____________________ the office. 
3) I studied for the exam the night before. The exam didn’t go well. 
4) He cycled to work this morning. In the middle of his journey, he had an accident. 
When he __________________ to work this morning, he had an accident. 
5) He only had five lessons. He passed his driving test. 
When he passed his driving test, he ____________ (only) five lessons. 
B) Complete with the past simple, past continuous, or past perfect. 
We __didn’t realize__ that we __had been__ there before. (not realize, be) 
1) A How ____________________________________? (the accident/happen) 
B He _______________ back from Manchester when he ____________ a tree. (drive, hit) 
2) I ___________________ cooking the meal when they _______________ me to say they couldn’t 
come. (already/ start, call) 
3) When I got home I was really tired, so I _______________ a shower and __________________ 
to bed. (have, go) 
4) I arrived too late. The concert __________________ and my friends __________________ 
home (finish, go) 
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5) The driver _____________________ control of his car because he __________________ on his 
mobile. (lose, talk) 
C) A police officer is interviewing two witnesses of a traffic accident. Complete the interview with the 
correct form of the verbs in parentheses and with short answers. 
Officer: ____Were___ you ____standing___ 1(stand) here when the accident ___occurred__ 
Witness 1: Yes, we ____were___3. We _________________ 4(wait) at the bus stop when we first 
________________ 5(notice) the car. 
Officer: _______________ the car _______________ 6(speed) when it 
___________________7(get) to the intersection? 
Witness 1: Yes, it _________________8. It ________________ 9(go) very fast when it 
___________________ 10(reach) the corner. 
Witness 2: No, it __________________11! Those men ___________________ 
12(cross) against a red light when the car _______________13(hit) them. 
Officer: ______________ the driver _______________ 14(stop) when he ______________15(see) 
the men? 
Witness 1: No, he ______________16. He __________________17(talk) on his cell phone while he 
_________________18(drive). That’s why he ________________19(not stop) in time. 
Witness 2: But the men _______________20(not pay) attention while they 
Officer: __________________ it __________________22(snow) when the accident 
Witness 2: Yes, it _________________24. I’m sure of it. The roads were very slippery. 
Witness 1: No, it ___________________25. The snow ___________________26(start) when 
the ambulance __________________27(arrive). 
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Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Future forms 
A) Circle the correct form. Tick (
) the sentence if both are possible. 
I’m not going 
 / I won’t go to work tomorrow because it’s Saturday. 
1) I’m going to study / I’ll study English here next year. 
2) A Shall we / Will we eat out tonight? 
3) We’ll go / We’re going to Brazil next week. I can’t wait. 
4) What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party? 
5) Do you think it will rain / it’s going to rain tomorrow? 
6) A This is heavy. B I’ll help / I help you. 
7) I’m meeting / I meet a friend this evening. 
8) I’m really sorry. I promise I won’t do / I’m not going to do it again. 
9) They’re getting / They’re going to get married in May. 
B) Complete B’s replies with a correct future 
form. A Sorry, Ann’s not in. 
B Ok. I’ll call back later. (call back) 
1) A There’s no milk. 
B Don’t worry, I _____________ some. (get) 
2) A Can we meet on Tuesday? 
B Sorry, I can’t. I _________________ to Brighton on Tuesday. (go) 
3) A Can we have pizza for lunch? 
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B No, we __________________ chicken. I’ve already put it in the oven. (have) 
4) A Is that the phone? 
B Yes, but don’t get up. I_______________ it. (answer) 
5) A Jane’s put on a lot of weight! 
B She’s pregnant. She _________________ a baby in August. (have) 
C) Read these conversations. Complete them with an appropriate form of the verbs in parentheses. 
(There is more than one correct answer for some items.) 
1) A: Hurry up! The shuttle _____leaves____ (leave) in just a few minutes. 
B: Oh, I’m sure they ____________________ (wait) for us. 
2) A: Look at those storm clouds! Do you think it ____________________ (rain)? 
B: I don’t know. I ____________________ (check) the weather forecast. 
3) A: When ________________ we ___________________ (board) the shuttle? 
B: We _____________________ (fly) first class, so we should be among the first to board. 
4) A: Wow! This suitcase is heavy. 
B: I ______________________ (carry) it for you. Give it to me. 
5) A: What time ______________ we __________________ (land) on Mars? 
B: According to the schedule, at 9:00 a.m, but I think we ____________________ (be) a little late. 
6) A: I’m hungry. I hope we _________________ (get) some food soon. 
B: Me too. I ___________________ (have) the seafood special. I ordered it in advance. 
7) A: Look! The flight attendant is getting ready to announce something. 
B: Great. That means we ______________________ (start) boarding soon. 
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Present Perfect and Past Simple 
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Taller de Ingreso 
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Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
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Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 23 
Profesorado de Inglés 
Taller de Ingreso 
Must, have to, should (obligation) 
a. Circle the correct form. 
You shouldn’t/mustn’t drink that water. It’s not safe. 
1 We mustn’t / don’t have to hurry. We have plenty of time 
2 You must / should remember to write the report. The boss will be furious if you forget. 
3 The exhibition was free so I hadn’t to / didn’t have to pay. 
4 Do you have to / Should you wear a uniform at your school? 
5 We must / had to wait two hours at security and nearly missed our flight. 
6 Had you to / Did you have to do a lot of homework when you were at school? 
7 I think people who live in flats mustn’t / shouldn’t have dogs. 
8 She’s allergic to dairy products so she mustn’t / doesn’t have to eat anything made from milk. 
b.Complete the second sentence with two or three words so it means the same as the first. 
Smoking is prohibited here. You mustn’t smoke here. 
1 It isn’t a good idea to go swimming after a big meal. 
You _______________ swimming after a big meal. 
2 Was it necessary for them to pay cash? 
Did _______________ pay cash? 
3 The meeting isn’t obligatory. 
You __________ go to the meeting. 
4 It’s bad manners to talk loudly on a mobile on a train. 
People _______________ quietly on their mobile on a train. 
5 Lorries are not allowed to go on this road. 
Lorries _______________ on this road. 
c.EDIT ▪ Read Jimmy’s letter to Sara. Find and correct seven mistakes in expressing necessity. 
The first mistake is already corrected. 
Dear Sara, 
How are you doing? We’ve been here about six weeks. It’s 
strange living in the suburbs. 
There’s no public transportation, so you’ve get got to drive everywhere. I 
had to signs up for driver’s ed this semester so I can get my license by summertime. It’s 
the law here that everyone musts wear a seat belt. I used to hate to buckle up, but with 
the traffic here, I have changed my mind. There are a lot of freeways, and you’ve 
Instituto de Educación Superior “San Fernando Rey” 24 
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gotta know how to change lanes with a lot of fast traffic. Even my Mom have had 
to get used to it. Dad works at home, so he hasn’t has to do a lot of driving. 
Have you beaten those computer games yet? I’m having a lot of 
trouble with “Doom.” You got to write to me and tell me how to get past the fifth level! 
Must, may, might, can’t (deduction) 
a. Match the sentences 
1 He must be over 70. 
2 He can’t be at university. 
3 He may not remember me. 
4 He might like this book. 
5 He must be very shy. 
6 He can’t be serious. 
7 He may be in bed already. 
8 He might not be at home yet. 
9 He must have a computer. 
10 e can’t be a good footballer. 
b.Complete with might (not), must, or can’t. 
A He hasn’t seen me for ages. 
B He sometimes sends me emails. 
C He must be joking. 
D He’s interested in history. 
E He sometimes works late. 
F He gets up very early. 
G He’s only 16. 
H He’s not fit enough. 
I He retired 10 years ago. 
J He never opens his mouth. 
This sauce is really spicy. It must have chilli in it. 
1 A What music is this? 
B I’m not sure but it ________ be Mozart. 
2 She looks very young. She ________ be more than 16. 
3 I’m not sure why she hasn’t phoned. She ________ have my new number. 
4 They ________ have a lot of money. They live in an enormous house. 
5 He ________ be away. His car is outside his house. 
6 I ________ be a size 44! I’m usually a 40 or 42. 
7 It ________ be true! I saw it on the news. 
c. COMPLETE ▪ Read Sherlock Holmes’ conversation with a murder suspect. Complete it with 
the words in parentheses and a modal that shows the degree of certainty. (There may be more 
than one correct answer.) 
Holmes: You must be Gina Lemont.___________________________________ 
1. Almost certain (You/be/Gina Lemont) 
Lemont: ____________________________________________. Who wants to know? 
2. Possible (I/be) 
Holmes: Sherlock Holmes. I hear something in the next room. 
Lemont: ______________________________________________________.I’m alone. 
3. Possible (It/be/the cat) 
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Holmes: alone? ___________________________________________. There are 
two 4. Almost certain (You/eat a lot) 
plates on the table. __________________________________ that you are mistaken? 
5. Possible (it/be) 
Lemont: No, _____________________. I was expecting someone, but he never came. 
6. Impossible (it/be) 
Holmes: Does your cat smoke? I smell pipe tobacco. 
Lemont: _____________________________________________________________ 
7. Almost certain (it/come/from your own pipe) 
8. Impossible (there/be/ any other explanation) 
Holmes: Oh, ___________________________. May we have a look at this “cat”? 
9. Possible (there/be) 
Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) 
a.Complete with the correct form of be able to. 
(-) I’ve__ never been able to learn to swim. 
1 (-) I ________ send any emails since lunchtime. 
2 (+) She used to ________ speak German really well. 
3 (-) I ________ do my homework until tomorrow. 
4 (+) I’d really like ________ dance well. 
5 (?) ________ you ________ come to our wedding? It’s on May 10th. 
6 (+) If I spoke better English, I ________ get a job in a hotel. 
7 (+) When I’ve saved another €1000, I ________ but a new car. 
8 (-) She hates ________ do what she wants. 
b. Complete with can/can’t, or could/couldn’t where possible. If not, use a form of be able to. 
They told me that they couldn’t do anything about the noise. 
1 I ________ talk to you now. I’m too busy. 
2 When I lived in Rome I ________ speak Italian quite well. 
3 I would love ________ play tennis very well. 
4 If we don’t hurry up, we ________ catch the last train. 
5 My mother ________ see much better now with her new glasses. 
6 To do this job you need ________ speak at least two languages. 
7 I ________ help you tonight if you want. 
8 They ________ find a flat yet. They’re still looking. 
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c.COMPLETE ▪ Read these paragraphs. Complete them with can, could or be able to. Use can 
or could when possible. Choose between affirmative and negative. 
1. Stefan is enjoying his computer class. Two weeks ago, he couldn’t even use the mouse, 
but now he ________ edit his homework. By next week, he ________ do research on the 
2. Eleni misses her family in Greece. She ________ visit them for years, but they just got an 
e-mail account, so now they ________ keep in touch daily. 
3. I ________ understand how to set up a presentation. The software instructions don’t help. I 
think I’ll take a professional development course. In a few months maybe I __________ 
make that presentation. 
4. Mike and I ________ get along since we started this business. He ________ work alone (he 
needs people), and I ________ work in a group (I have to work alone). I hope we ________ 
work out our problems soon. 
d.COMPLETE ▪ Alice is graduating from college with a degree in Early Childhood Education. 
Complete this paragraph from her diary. Choose the appropriate wordsin parentheses. 
I just got the notice from my school. I _____’m going to______ graduate in June, but I 
1. (might not/’m going to) 
still don’t have any plans. Some day-care centers hire students before they graduate, so 
I ______________ apply for a job now. Or I ______________ apply to a graduate 
2. (could/couldn’t) 3. (might/might not) 
school and get my master’s degree. I’m just not sure though-these past two 
years have been hard, and I ______________ be ready to study for two more. 
4.(may/might not) 
At least I am sure about my career: I ________________ work with children. That’s 
5. (‘m going to/might) 
certain. I made an appointment to discuss my plans with my teacher, Mrs. Humphrey, 
tomorrow. I ____________ talk this over with her. She ____________ have an idea 
6. (maybe/may) 7. (won’t/might) 
about what to do. 
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First Conditional and Future Time Clauses + when, until, etc 
a. Complete with a word or expression 
from the list. 
After as soon as before 
if unless until when 
After we had dinner, we could go 
for a drink. 
1-I must write the date in my diary ______ I 
forget it. 
2-Let´s wait under the tree ______ it 
stops raining. 
3-This job is very urgent so please do it 
______ you can. 
4-We won´t get a table in the restaurant 
_______ we don´t book. 5-I´ll pay you 
back _______ I get my first salary. 
6-I can´t go ______ you pay for my ticket. 
I´m broke. 
7-They’ll be really happy ______ they hear 
your news. 
8-I want to go on working ______ I´m 60. 
Then I´ll retire. 
9-I must renew my passport _______ I go 
to New York. 
10-______ you work harder, you won´t 
pass the final exam. 
b. Complete with the present simple 
or will. 
I´ll give him your message when I see him. 
1-Don´t forget to turn off the lights 
before you ______. (leave) 
2-Go to bed when the film _______. (finish) 
3-They ________ married until they find a 
place to live. (not get) 
4-If I see Emma, I ______her you 
are looking for her. (tell) 
5-I´ll call you as soon as I ______ at the hotel. 
6-You won´t be able to park unless you 
_______ there early. (get) 
7-As soon as it stops raining, we ______ out. 
8-She won´t like curry if she ______ spicy 
food. (not like) 
9-Don´t write anything until I _____ you. 
10-When she finds out what he´s done, she 
______ furious. (be) 
c.COMPLETE. Read this interview between Politics Today (PT) and mayor candidate Daniel 
Baker (DB). Complete it with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis and if or unless. 
PT: What´s the first thing you _____’ll do_____ _______if_______ you 
1 (do) 2 (if /unless) 
__________ elected? 
3 (get) 
DB: Well, it’s been a long, hard campaign. __________ I ____________, 
4 (if/ unless) 5 (win) 
I ______________a short vacation before I begin my new job. 
6 (take) 
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PT: Sounds good. Where to? 
DB: Sorry, but I’d rather not say. ___________ I __________ mayor, 
7 (if/unless) 8 (become) 
I ___________to keep my personal life private. Even mayors need privacy. 
9 (try) 
PT: I can understand that. Now, every election has a winner and a loser. 
What ____________ you ___________ __________ you___________? 
10 (do) 11 (if/ unless) 12 (lose) 
DB: _____________ I ___________ this election, I ____________ to be 
13 (if /unless) 14 (lose) 15 (continue) 
active in politics as a private citizen. __________both parties___________, 
16 (if/ unless) 17 (cooperate) 
this city____________ as great as it can be. 
18 (not be) 
Finally, ______________ the people__________ me to office this time, 
19 (if/ unless) 20 (not elect) 
I______________ back in four years to try again! 
21 (be) 
d.COMPLETE. Look at this student’s worksheet. Complete it with the correct form of the verb 
in parenthesis. 
I. Write your major goal. 
I __’ll get_____ a job after I___________. 
 (get) (graduate) 
II. List three benefits of achieving your goal. 
1. When I _________ a job, I ________ more money. 
 (get) (have) 
2. When I __________ enough money, I ___________a used car. 
 (save) (buy) 
3. I __________ happier when I___________ employed. 
 (feel) (be) 
III. How will you reach your goal? Write down smaller goals. 
1. As soon as I__________ in the morning, I __________ the newspaper to look 
 (get up) (buy) 
 at the employment ads. 
2. When I _____________ to my friends, I __________ them if they know of any jobs. 
 (speak) (ask) 
3. I ________ at the job notices board when I _________ to the supermarket. 
 (look) (go) 
4. Before I __________ on an interview, I ____________ my computer skills. 
 (go) (improve) 
e.EDIT. Read this dancer’s journal entry. Find and correct seven mistakes in the use of future 
time clauses. The first mistake is already corrected. Don’t forget to check for commas! 
Tomorrow is my first dance recital! By the time I will write my next journal entry, it will already 
be over! As soon as we finish the performance there are going to be a big party for us. 
Reporters will be there, when we enter the room. While we will celebrate, the press will 
interview members of the dance group. As soon as I get up Sunday morning I’ll buy the paper 
and read the interviews. We’re going to perform this show for two weeks. As 
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soon as it’s finished, we learned a new program. I’m so excited. Ever since I was little, 
I’ve wanted to be a ballet dancer. 
Second Conditional 
a. Write second conditional sentences. 
If you/ speak to your boss, I’m sure he/ 
If you spoke to your boss, I’m sure he 
would understand. 
1. It / be better for me if we / meet 
2. She / not treat him like that if she really / 
love him. 
3. If I / can live anywhere in the world, I / 
live in New Zealand. 
4. The kitchen / look bigger if we / paint it 
5. I / not buy that house if I / be you. 
6. He / be more attractive if he / wear 
nicer clothes. 
7. If we / not have children, we / travel 
8. What / you do in this situation if you / be 
b. First or second conditional? 
Complete the sentences. 
If you tell her anything, she’ll tell everybody 
in the office. (tell) 
We’d have a dog if we had a garden. (have) 
1. It’ll be quicker if we ______ a taxi to the 
airport. (get) 
2. If you stopped smoking, you ________ 
better. (feel) 
3. What would you do if you _______ 
your job? (lose) 
4. If you buy the food, I ________ 
tonight. (cook) 
5. I think he’d be happier if he ____ alone. 
(not live) 
6. I’ll be very surprised if Marina _________ 
coming here. (not get lost) 
7. Where will he live if he _______ the 
job in Moscow? (get) 
8. If she didn’t have to look after her 
mother, she ________ life more. (enjoy) 
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c.COMPLETE. Read part of an article about the comic strip “Peanuts”. Complete it with the 
correct form of the verb in parenthesis. 
Peanuts What makes “Peanuts” so popular? Of course, if it _weren’t__ 
1.(not be) 
funny, people ___________it so much. But “Peanuts” provides 
2. (not like) 
more than just laughs. It addresses such universal themes as love, jealousy, 
loneliness, and hope. If the characters _________so real, we___________ 
3. (not be) 4. (couldn’t/identify)with them. Take Lucy, for example, in love with the piano-playing Schroeder. 
Lucy complains “ If we ____________married, and you ___________golf, 
5.(be) 6.(love) 
I_________ your golf club! If you__________ a sports car, I__________ your sports 
7.(hate) 8.(drive) 9.(hate) 
car! If you ____________ a bowler, I __________ your bowling ball” without 
10.(be) 11.(hate) 
looking up from his piano or missing a beat. Schroeder asks, “So?” “I hate your 
piano!” shouts Lucy as she kicks it out from under him. Recognizable behaviour? 
In “Peanuts” we see ourselves along with our weaknesses and hopes. But we 
don’t have to analyze “Peanuts” to enjoy it. 
If it___________ for comic strips like “Peanuts”, our lives ___________ a little 
12.(not be) 13.(might /be) 
less fun. 
Usually and used to 
a. Correct the mistakes. 
She wasn’t use to be so shy. She didn’t use 
to be shy. 
1. I use to get up at 6.30, but I don’t any 
2. Did she always used to have long hair? 
3. Do you use to have breakfast before you 
go to work? 
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4. They didn’t used to have a car, they used 
to cycle everywhere. 
5. He doesn’t like coffee, so he use to drink 
tea in the morning. 
6. He used be a teacher, but now he works 
for Greenpeace. 
7. Do usually you wear trousers or skirts? 
8. Last year we used to go to Prague in 
9. Does she use to live near you when you 
were children? 
10. At school we don’t use to wear a 
uniform. We wore what we liked. 
b. ASK & ANSWER. Look at the information about sneakers from 1922. Complete the FAQs. 
Use the correct form of used to. 
MEN’S 98¢ 89¢ 
WOMEN’S 38¢ WHITE 79¢ 
 95¢ BLACK 
1. Q: ___ Did sneakers use to come in many colours?_________________________ 
(sneakers / come in many colours) 
A: No. Only in white and black._________________________________________ 
2. Q: How many styles did they use to come in? 
A: _______________________________________________________________ 
3. Q:________________________________________________________________ 
(How much / pair of men’s high-tops / cost) 
A: ________________________________________________________________ 
4. Q: What about women’s sneakers? Did they use to cost the same as men’s? 
A: ________________________________________________________________ 
5. Q: What kind of sneakers did children use to wear? 
A: ________________________________________________________________ 
6. Q: How many sizes did there use to be for boy and girls? 
A: ________________________________________________________________ 
*FAQs= Frequently Asked Questions 
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a. Circle the correct answer. Tick if both are possible. 
I think this restaurant is too / too much expensive. 
1. There are too much / too many people in my salsa class. 
2. Nobody likes him. He has very little / very few friends. 
3. We’ve had a lot of / lots of rain recently. 
4. There aren’t enough car parks / car parks enough in the city centre. 
5. I have no / don´t have any time. 
6. He works a lot / much. At least ten hours a day. 
7. A Do you speak French? B Yes, a little /a few. 
8. I don’t have no time / any time for myself. 
b. Right or wrong. Correct the wrong sentences. 
1. Slow down! We have plenty time. 
2. We have too many work at the moment. 
3. I think I made a few mistakes in the letter. 
4. He isn’t enough old to understand. 
5. We can’t go tomorrow. We’re too busy. 
6. We have very little time to do this. 
7. A How many eggs are there? B Any. 
8. He’s retired so he has much free time. 
c. Complete: Read these conversations. Complete them with the correct words. 
1. Much, many, a few, a little. 
- Hi, Barb. Did you and Jim lose ______many 
a trees in the storm? 
- Just one. And the house is OK. We only lost __________________b windows. How 
about you? 
- We didn’t have ________________c problems either. We didn’t have ______________ d 
time to shop before the storm, but thanks to the disaster kit, we had _____________ e 
candles and ____________ f food on hand. 
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2. Little, a little , a few, few. 
- It’s interesting to see what we used up from the disaster kit. I noticed we have only 
____________a hot chocolate left. 
- That’s because _______________ b things taste better in a crisis. I bet there are more 
than______________ c cans of spinach, though. 
- Six cans. I guess there’s _____________ d reason to buy more of that. 
- We learned ______________ e things about comfort foods during the storm, didn’t we? 
d Edit: Read this child’s entry. Find and correct seven mistakes in the use of quantifiers. The 
first mistake is already corrected. 
We had a big storm last week, and we lost the electricity for ^ few days. Once I got over being 
scared, it was a lot of fun – a little like camping out. We have an electric furnace, so we didn’t 
have some heat. We slept in our sleeping bags around the fireplace. We sure used up many 
wood! Mom baked some bread in an iron pan in the fireplace. She had to try several times, but it 
was really good when it worked. We ate it with little peanut butter. The first night we had much 
problems figuring out what to do. It got dark early and we only had a little candles – and no TV! 
Cindy is five and she was really freaked out until we made hot chocolate over the fire. Finally, 
everybody took turns telling stories. I found out that Dad knows a lot good stories. 
Articles: a/an, the, no article 
a. Circle the correct answer. 
Did you see news / the news on TV last night? 
1. Did you lock door / the door when you left a house / the house? 
2. My brother is married to Russian / a Russian. She’s lawyer / a lawyer. 
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3. We go to theatre / the theatre about once a month / the month. 
4. What beautiful / a beautiful day! Let’s have breakfast on a terrace / the terrace. 
5. I love classical music / the classical music and Italian food / the Italian food. 
6. Who is a girl / the girl by a window / the window? 
7. I leave home / the home at 8:00 and get to work / the work at 9:00. 
8. Men / The men aren’t normally as sensitive as women / the women. 
9. We usually have dinner / the dinner at 8:00 and go to bed /the bed at about 11:30. 
10. She has a lovely face / the lovely face and the attractive eyes / attractive eyes. 
b. Complete with a / an, the or – (=no article). 
Can you give me __a___ lift to __the_ station? I want to catch __the__ 6:00 train. 
1. We went to _______ cinema _____ last night. We saw _____ great film. 
2. A Do you like ____ sports? B It depends. I hate _____ football. I think _____ footballers 
earn too much money. 
3. He always wears _____ expensive clothes and drives _____ expensive car. 
4. Jake’s _____ musician and _____ artist. 
5. They’ve changed _____ date of _____ meeting. It’s _____ next Tuesday now. 
6. We walked to _____ city centre but we got _____ taxi back to _____ hotel. 
c Complete Read each conversation. Complete it with the appropriate article (a, an or the). 
1. A: ___A___ car just pulled up. Are you expecting someone? 
B: No, I’m not. I wonder who it is. 
2. A: Can we use __________ car?B: OK, but bring it back by 11:00 o’clock. 
3. A: Let’s turn off ________ game system before we leave. 
B: We don’t have to. We can just leave it on Pause. 
4. A: Do you have ________ game system? 
B: Yes, I do. I just bought a Sega Genesis. 
5. A: Do you see the video store? I was sure it was on Main Street. 
B: I think it’s on _______ side street, but I’m not sure which one. 
6. A: There it is. 
B: Good. You can park across _______ street from the store. 
7. A: Excuse me; do you have any new games? 
B: _________ newest games are in front of the store. 
8. A: We’d better go. We’ve been here for ______ hour. 
B: That was __________ fastest hour I’ve ever spent. 
9. A: Excuse me. I’d like to rent this game. 
B: Just take it to _________ cashier. She’s right over there. 
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d Complete Read this conversation about an amusement park. Complete the sentences with 
the where necessary. Use – if you don’t need an article. 
A: I’m going to Blare Gardens next weekend. You work there. What’s it like? 
B: That depends. Do you like ___-___ scary rides? If you do, then you’re going to love ______ 2 
rides at Blare Garden. 
A: What’s _____3 most exciting ride there? 
B: The Python. I’ve seen people actually shaking with fear before they got on it. 
A: Sounds like ________ 4 fun. By the way, how’s _______ 5 food there? I hate ______ 6 hot dogs. 
B: Then you might have a little problem. They sell _______ 7 hot dogs and ______ 8 pizza, and 
that’s about it. But do you like _______ 9 music? 
A: I love it. I listen to _______ 10 country music all the time. Why? 
B: _________ 11 music at Blare Gardens is great. They have ________ 12 best country music in 
groups in ______ 13 entire state. 
A: What exactly do you do there? Maybe we’ll see you. 
B: I dress like a cartoon character and guide people around ______ 14 park. 
e Edit Read this postcard from Blare Gardens. Find and correct eight mistakes in the use of the 
and – (no article). The first mistake is already corrected. 
Blare Gardens Amusement Park 
Hi! Blare Gardens is awesome! This is ^ best 
vacation we’ve ever gone on! I love the rides here. I mean, 
I’ve been on the roller coasters before, but nothing is like To: Ryan Turner. 
the one they’ve got here! And food is great too, I usually 31 Barcelona Dr. Boulder; CO 80303 
don’t eat the hot dogs, but hot dogs here are great. So is 
pizza. Do you like the amusement parks? If so, you’ve got 
to get your family to come. The only problem is crowds 
here. People have to visit to get into everything – even the 
restrooms! See you soon. 
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Gerunds and infinitives 
a. Complete with the gerund or infinitive. 
_Smoking_ is banned in all public places. (smoke) 
1. It’s very expensive _________ a flat in the centre. (rent) 
2. Are you afraid of __________? (fly) 
3. I called the restaurant ______________ a table for tonight. (book) 
4. Be careful _________ a noise when you come home tonight. (not make) 
5. She’s worried about _____________ the exam. (fail) 
6. Everybody went on ___________ until after midnight. (dance) 
7. ___________ an only child is a bit worrying. (be) 
8. It’s easy ____________ the way if you look at the map. (find) 
9. He’s terrible at _____________ languages. (learn) 
10. A Why are you learning Spanish? 
B _____________ talk to my in-laws. They’re Argentinean and they don’t speak English. (be 
able to) 
b. Complete with work, to work or working. 
I regret not _working_ harder when I was at school. 
1. I spent all weekend ____________ on the computer. 
2. I’ve decided ___________ abroad next year. 
3. You must ___________ harder if you want to get promoted. 
4. My boss often makes me __________ late. 
5. He isn’t very good at ____________ in a team. 
6. I don’t mind _____________ on Saturdays if I can have a day off during the week. 
7. He’s gone to the UK ___________ in his uncle’s shop. 
8. ___________ with members of your family can be quite difficult. 
9. My husband promised not ___________ on my birthday. 
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10. I used ___________ in a restaurant when I was a student. 
c Summarize Read each numbered statement or conversation. Complete the summary 
statement using a gerund or an infinitive. 
1. Roger: Hey, Richard. I brought the soda. Where do you want me to put it? 
Summary: Roger remembered _to bring the soda_. 
2. Marta: You’re Natalya! We met last year at Richard’s party. How have you been? 
Summary: Marta remembers ___________________________________. 
3. Roger: Don’t look at me! I didn’t spill grape juice on the couch! 
Summary: Roger denied _______________________________________. 
4. Natalya: I’m so glad Richard plays jazz at his parties. I listen to it a lot at home too. 
Summary: Natalya enjoys ______________________________________. 
5. Lev: Would you like to go dancing some time? 
Marta: Sure, I’d like that very much. 
Summary: Lev suggested ______________________________________. 
Marta agreed ________________________________________________. 
6. Natalya: Marta, can we give you a ride home? 
Marta: Thanks, but I think I’ll stay a little longer. 
Summary: Natalya offered _____________________________________. 
Marta decided ______________________________________________. 
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Reported Speech 
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c. Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete each sentence. 
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The Passive 
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Relative clauses 
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Third Conditional 
A) Match the phrases. 
1) If you hadn’t reminded me, ( I ) 
2) This wouldn’t have happened 
3) If they hadn’t worn their seat belts, 
4) We wouldn’t have been late 
5) We would have gone to the beach 
6) If you hadn’t told me it was him, 
7) You would have laughed 
8) I wouldn’t have bought it 
9) If you’d arrived two minutes earlier, 
10) If you hadn’t forgotten the map, 
11) It would have been cheaper 
A. if you’d seen what happened. 
B. we wouldn’t have got lost. 
C. if it hadn’t rained. 
D. you would have seen them. 
E. if I’d knownyou didn’t like it. 
F. if we’d bought tickets on the Internet. 
G. if you’d been more careful. 
H. they would have been killed. 
I. I would have forgotten. 
J. I wouldn’t have recognized him. 
K. if we hadn’t missed the bus. 
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B) Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 
If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have finished on time. (not help, not finish) 
1) We ______________________ if our best player ___________________injured. (win, not be) 
2) If she ____________________ he was so mean, she ______________________ him. 
(know, not marry) 
3) I _____________________ you some money if you ___________________ me. (lend, ask) 
4) If we __________________ more time, we _____________________ another day in London. 
(have, spend) 
5) I _______________________ to help you if you ________________ me about it earlier. (be 
able, tell) 
6) If you ______________________ me yesterday, I _______________________ my plans. 
(ask, change) 
7) You _________________________ the weekend if you ___________________ with us. 
(enjoy, come) 
C) REWRITE. Read each true situation. Then write a past unreal conditional sentence to express 
how things could have been different. 
1) Clarence wasn’t a first-class angel, so he didn’t have much self-confidence. 
_If Clarence had been a first-class angel, he would have had more self-confidence. 
2) George was unhappy about his business. He yelled at his daughter on Christmas Eve. 
3) Poor people could buy houses because George’s business loaned them money. 
4) Mr. Potter wasn’t able to trick George, so George didn’t sell Potter the business. 
5) George’s Uncle Billy lost $8,000. George got into trouble with the law. 
6) George’s friends didn’t know about his troubles. They didn’t help him right away. 
7) George’s friends collected money for him, so he didn’t go to jail. 
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Question tags and Indirect questions 
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Rewrite the sentences, using the word given. Do not change the word given. 
Use between two and five words, including the word given. 
 Past tenses 
 -I washed the car and drove to the airport. HAD 
 After ………………………………………………………………………………, I drove to the airport. 
3 Eg: After I had washed the car, I drove to the airport 
 -When you phoned me, it was my lunch time. I 
 When you phoned me………………………………………………………………………………… lunch. 
 Future forms 
 -There’s a party at Mary’s house next week. HAVING 
 Next week ………………………………………………………………………… party at her house. 
 -Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way! TO 
 Look at those black clouds! It’s ………………………………………………………………………………… rain. 
 Present perfect and past simple 
 I finished work very recently. JUST 
 -How long ago did you meet Francesca? KNOWN 
 How long …………………………………………………………………………… Francesca? 
 -I haven’t been to a restaurant for ages. SINCE 
 It’s ages …………………………………………………………………………………… a restaurant. 
 -This is my first game of water-polo. PLAYED 
 I………………………………………………………………………………………………… before 
 present perfect continuous 
 -She started cleaning two hours ago, and she is still cleaning now. BEEN 
 She………………………………………………………………………...…..for two hours. 
 Comparative and superlatives 
 -There aren’t any trains earlier than this one. THE 
 This is …………………………………………………………………………………… 
 -Jill can run faster than Peter. FAST 
 Peter can’t ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
 -I didn’t arrive as early as I expected. THAN 
 I arrived ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
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Must, have to, should (obligation, advice and opinion) 
-It isn’t necessary for you to book a room. HAVE 
You …………………………………………………………………………….………… a room. 
-Do I need a different driving license for a motorbike? HAVE 
Do I ……………………………………………………… a different driving license for a motorbike? 
 May, must, might, can´t (deduction) 
-There is a possibility that Sandra isn’t at work today. NOT 
Sandra……………………………………………………………………………………… at work today. 
-It is not possible that Sam is in France. BE 
Sam ………………………………………… ……………………………………….………… in France. 
Can, could, be able to (ability and possibility) 
-It is very inconvenient if you can’t drive. TO 
It is very inconvenient if …………………………………………………………………………… drive. 
-Mary knows how to stand on her head. CAN 
 First, second and third conditional 
-If he doesn’t stop eating junk food, he’ll never lose weight. EATING 
Unless …………………………………………………………….……………, he’ll never lose weight. 
-I don’t know, so I can’t help you. KNEW 
If ……………………………………………………………………………………… help you. 
-I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got wet. IF 
I wouldn’t ………………………………………………………………… I had an umbrella with me. 
 Usually and used to 
-Smoking was a habit of mine in the past. TO 
I ………………………………………………………………………………… 
 Gerunds and infinitives 
-I’m sorry but you have not been appointed to the post. REGRET 
I ………………………………………………………… you have not been appointed to the post. 
-I needed a drink of water so I stopped running. TO 
I stopped running …………………………………………………………………………… water. 
 Reported speech (statements, questions and commands) 
-“I love whistling”, she said. THAT 
She said ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
-“I didn’t speak to him”, she said. SHE 
She said ………………………………………………………………………………………… to him. 
“They can’t get married”, he said. GET 
He said ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
-“How does the photocopier work?”, I asked the salesman. HOW 
I asked the salesman ………………………………………………………………………………… 
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-“Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?”, Sue asked Paul. HE 
Sue asked Paul ………………………………………………………………………………to Japan. 
 Passive voice 
-The police were following the suspects. WERE 
The suspects …………………….……………………………………………………………… police. 
-No one has seen Peter since the day of the party. BEEN 
Peter………………………………………………………………………………… the day of the party. 
-Last Saturday we appointed a new director of studies. LAST 
A new director of studies ……………………………………………………………………………… 
-Some parents read to their children every night. TO 
Some children ……………………….………………………………… by their parents every night. 
 Relative clauses 
-Her book was published last year. It became a best seller. WHICH 
Her book…………………………………………………………………………… became a best seller. 
-This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it. WHICH 
This is the bank from …………………………………………………………………………………… 
-I told you about a person. She is at the door. WHO 
The person………………………………………………………………………………… is at the door. 
 Question tags and indirect questions 
-How did that get here? GOT 
I wonder ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
-Why hasn’t she phoned? SHE 
Nobody knows……………………………………………………………………………… 
-Where is Stonehenge? IS 
We’d like to know……………………………………………………………………………………….. 
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En esta sección del cuadernillo encontrarás artículos sobre diversas temáticas. Estos 
artículos constituyen el material que deberás leer para la evaluación diagnóstica oral. 
En la evaluación te pediremos que hables acerca de uno de estos artículos (esto será al 
azar) y a continuación los docentes te harán preguntas al respecto del contenido del artículo y 
preguntas de opinión personal relacionadas con éste. También se te puede pedir que cuentes 
alguna anécdota o experiencia personal sobre los temas del material de lectura. 
A fin de que puedas realizar una lectura más eficiente de los artículos, 
te las pliquesa sugerimos siguientes estrategias mientras los leas. 
Pre-lectura: Antes de comenzar a leer 
Observá las partes del texto (partes, capítulos, títulos, subtítulos, fotografías, ilustraciones, 
etc.) y extensión, número de párrafos, etc. 
Activá tus conocimientos previos sobre el tema. Pregúntate qué sabes sobre el tema, qué 
conoces al respecto, con qué lo relacionas. 
Inferí la idea central a partir del título y de la lectura del primer y último párrafo. Una vez 
que leas el título y el primer párrafo y el último, intenta imaginar sobre qué va a tratar el 
artículo, qué tema/s va a presentar. 
Verificá esta idea a través de la localización de palabras claves que la confirmen. 
Lee el artículo completo, sin detenerte a buscar términos en el diccionario, sin resumir ni 
subrayar. Concéntrate en llevar a cabo una primera lectura completa en busca de una 
comprensión global, general, sin pretender comprender o recordar detalles. 
Realiza una segunda lectura, esta vez más pausada, para comprender detalles relevantes 
y salvar dudas con respecto a vocabulario, estructuras, etc. Utiliza el diccionario monolingüe 
(inglés-inglés) si fuera necesario. 
Subraya/marca las ideas principales. Cada párrafo tiene el objetivo de presentar una nueva 
idea en el texto; por ello deberías poder identificar una idea importante en cada párrafo. 
Este es el momento de demostrar cuánto comprendiste del artículo leído. 
Preguntate: ¿qué? ¿quién? ¿cómo? ¿cuándo? ¿por qué? ¿dónde? Es una forma de 
verificar si comprendiste los datos más simples presentados en el texto. 
Realiza un resumen del artículo. Recuerda que un buen resumen debe rescatar sólo ideas 
principales y no debe ser demasiado extenso, aproximadamente ¼ de las palabras del texto (si 
el texto tiene 300 palabras, el resumen debería tener entre 70 y no más de 100 palabras). 
Intenta parafrasear ideas del texto en forma oral. Imagina que quieres contarle a alguien en inglés 
lo que leíste, busca los términos precisos para hacerlo. Practica en tu domicilio para poder llevarlo 
a cabo en el examen. 
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4) WORK 
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En esta sección encontrarás un modelo de reading comprehension con actividades a desarrollar y 
los tipos de escritos que se te pueden solicitar. 
1. Reading 
a) Read the following article and, according to the author, underline which of the following ideas is 
the most important ingredient of success. 
self-confidence luck natural talent social relationships 
support from others skill determination and hard work 
Have you got what it takes? 
What is the secret X factor that you need in 
order to be as successful as Rafael Nadal, Bill 
Gates or Madonna? And why don’t equally 
talented people make it? 
Many social scientists have studied the phenomenon 
of success. One American study claims that your 
social network is the key to success. Apparently, 
every extra friend that you have at school adds two 
percent to your salary later in life! Perhaps this boots 
your self-confidence or perhaps you have more 
people to support you. 
Another study links height aqnd success: every 
extra centimetre is worth another $300 per year. 
The trouble is that for every person who conforms 
to these theories, there is an exception. 
So is success just down to luck? Napoleon was 
once thinking about promoting a general in his 
army. After he had heard about all the general’s 
talents, he said “Yes, yes, I realise he’s brilliant, 
but is he lucky?” 
And when you think about it, what use is talent 
without luck? In 1979, an unknown Australian actor 
arrived at a film audition looking bruised and 
exhausted. He had been partying the night before 
and three drunks had attacked him. The director 
was looking for a tough, battle-scarred actor to star 
in his film and immediately offered the actor the 
part. The actor was Mel Gibson and he went on to 
become a Hollywood superstar. 
Talent has kept him famous but it was luck that 
gave him his first break. 
However, in his book Outliers –The Story of Success, 
author, Malcolm Gladwell has come up with a theory 
that he claims is true in every case. He says that the 
secret of success is simply many hours of hard work. 
He has calculated exactly how many hours work you 
need to do in order to become “the best” in your field: 
10,000 hours apparently or about four hours a day for 
ten years. Without this kind of determination and hard 
work, you probably won’t reach the top, regardless of 
your talent. 
Researchers looked at violin players in a music 
school to test this theory. Teachers put the players 
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into three groups: average players in group C, 
good players in group B and outstanding players in 
group A. It turned out that all players in group A 
had done around 10,000 hours of practice in their 
lifetime. The good players had done around 6,000 
hours and the average players only 4,000 hours. 
However, all the players had entered the school 
with similar levels of ability 
But surely there are exceptions to this rule? Mozart, 
for example, is always considered a “born genius”. 
He performed in public at the age of four and by six, 
he had composed several pieces. Surely his success 
was down to natural talent, not hard work? 
In fact, Gladwell argues, Mozart had a very strict 
father who made him practise for hours each day 
from an early age. And the music that Mozart 
composed when he was six wasn’t outstanding. 
Mozart wrote his first real masterpiece when he was 
twenty-one. By that time, he’d done at least 10,000 
hours of practice and had “become” a genius. 
Talent, argues Gladwell, is nothing without hard work. 
So next time you dream of scoring the winning goal in 
the World Cup or winning an Oscar, ask yourself this 
question: are you really prepared to put in the hours 
necessary to achieve your goal? 
1.b) Read the text again and circle the correct answer. 
1. According to one study, if you have a lot of friends at school you will 
a) have a bigger social network later in life. 
b) earn more money when you grow up. 
c) grow taller. 
d) be an exception when you are older. 
2. At Mel Gibson’s audition, he 
a) was unlucky because some drunks had attacked him. 
b) was lucky because the drunks hadn’t hurt him. 
c) was lucky because he was what the film director was looking for. 
d) got the role of Napoleon’s general. 
3. Malcolm Gladwell claims that to reach the top 
a) musicians have to practise for 10,000 hours. 
b) you have to do 10,000 hours of hard work. 
c) talent is not important. 
d) dedication is not important. 
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4. Gladwell says that Mozart 
a) was an exception to his theory. 
b) haqd already practised for 10,000 hours when he was four. 
c) was only successful because he had a strict father. 
d) didn’t produce work of true genius until he had done a lot of practice. 
1.c) Based on the previous article, decide whether these expressions mean the same 
(T) or not (F). Circle the correct answer in each case. 
a) To have the necessary characteristics = To have what it takes T - F 
b) To become successful = To make it T - F 
c) To star in a film

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