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¡Estudia con miles de materiales!

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Here is exactly what we cover in this course:
• All the JavaScript and programming fundamentals: things like variables, data types, Boolean logic, if/else statements, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and more.
• Everything you need to know in order to gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes: execution contexts, hoisting, scoping, the 'this' keyword, and more.
• How to make JavaScript code interact with webpages: DOM manipulation. Learn how to select and change webpage elements, create new elements and handle DOM events.
• We are going to code some beautiful real-world apps to apply our knowledge and learn new concepts (I provide the starter HTML and CSS code for these projects).
• Learn how to organize and structure your code using modules and functions, how to create data privacy and encapsulation, and why that's so important.