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¿Cuáles son algunos castigos inusuales dados por jueces que realmente se ajustan al crimen?


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10 Bizarre Criminal Sentences And Judgments


Judges have a tough job. Even before entering the courtroom, these defenders of justice face many years of education and training. When presiding over cases, they’re responsible for assessing the evidence and interpreting the law, all the while maintaining complete impartiality.

In most cases, judges serve justice fairly, accurately, and in keeping with the law of the land, carefully applying sentences that fit the crime. However, in using their own discretion and common sense, they occasionally devise creative ways of punishing offenders. The following are just some of the bizarre sentences passed down by judges. While many of these unconventional decisions were met with overwhelming praise, others received a somewhat unfavorable response in the court of public opinion.

Featured image credit: ABC News

10Bad Landlords

An Ohio landlord was instructed to live in one of his own run-down housing units after failing to resolve a number of building code violations.

9Ten Years Of Church
A 17-year-old boy from Oklahoma was charged with first-degree manslaughter following a car crash that killed his passenger.

Cassandra Belle Tolley was incarcerated for plowing her vehicle into another car while under the influence of alcohol. As part of her sentence, Tolley agreed to read the Book of Job and compile a book report.

8The Book Report

Otis Mobley Jr. attempted to rob an undercover Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agent in a restaurant parking lot in Northern California.

Based upon the man’s criminal history, the Ninth District Court of Appeals overturned Judge Gonzalez Rogers’s decision. Mobley was eventually sentenced to nine and a half years in prison.

7No Harm, No Fowl

The chickens came home to roost for a group of Ohio men charged with soliciting sex from an undercover cop.

The offenders could avoid jail time if they agreed to a form of public shaming. While waving a sign that read, “No Chicken Ranch in Painesville,” the three would take turns donning a chicken costume. The r

Featured image credit: ABC News

6The Hysterical Judge

A New York judge decided to arrest almost everyone in his courtroom. In 2005, Judge Robert Restaino was presiding. The tones of a mobile phone interrupted proceedings.“Every single person is going to jail in this courtroom unless I get that instrument now,” stated Restaino.

And they did go to jail. Nobody came forward.

In the end, a courtroom of 46 people were taken into custody and herded into jail cells.

Marijuana. He was slapped with a curfew for four months and told to write an anti-marijuana essay.

In 2017, two 19-year-olds were tasked with writing a five-page book report for accidentally shooting a man.

In 2012, South Carolina resident Cassandra Belle Tolley was incarcerated for plowing her vehicle into another car while under the influence of alcohol. As part of her sentence, Tolley agreed.

In 2006, Robert Clark shot and killed his Great Dane. Judge Cicconetti agreed to reduce Clark’s jail time. In exchange, the dog-killer would dress up as a “Safety Pup” mascot and visit elementary school children (supervised, obviously)

Judge Daniel Rozak, had a hissy fit when one of his own courtroom spectators showed disrespect. As Judge Rozak delivered Jason Mayfield’s sentence, Williams let out a loud yawn. The judge sentenced Williams to six months in jail Judge Rozak argued that Williams’s yawn had disrupted court proceedings. Williams was sent to prison while his cousin was released on probation.

5Manilow, Mitchell, And Barney The Dinosaur
A judge in Colorado, has devised a unique way of reforming persistent noise polluters. The judge subjected offenders to numerous sessions of Barry Manilow and the theme song from
Barney & Friends.

4The Kiddie Pool Punishment

In 2011, a couple decided to raft their way through floodwater. Go to jail or stand in a kiddie pool handing out safety leaflets at a local food festival. The couple took the deal. They also put in an additional 100 hours’ worth of community service.

3The Drag

For their crimes, Jason Householder and John Stockum were hauled in front of Judge David Hostetler. Hostetler gave the pair a choice: spend two months in jail or walk through town in drag and pay a small fine. Escorted by their probation officer, the dolled up duo worked their way through the packed streets.

2Too Short For Prison

Photo credit: The Sydney Morning Herald

A Nebraska judge decided a child molester was too short for prison. Richard W. Thompson was convicted of sexually assaulting his fiancee’s 12 daughter. Judge Cecava wondered whether the defendant’s height would adversely affect his prison experience.

{He was sentenced to} ten years of supervised probation. He was also told to dispose of his pornography and stay away from children. The prosecution decided not to push for jail time. The sentence prompted public outcry, and a petition was set up to protest the decision. Then–attorney general Jon Bruning unsuccessfully appealed the sentence on the basis it was too lenient.

1Marriage Or Prison?

Photo credit: KLTV

In 2015, Texas man Josten Bundy was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. Judge Randall Rogers gave him a choice between serving time in jail or marrying his girlfriend, Elizabeth. So, the couple were wed.

Top 10 Bizarre Criminal Sentences And Judgments - Listverse


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