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What is the methodology of marine bioprospecting? a) Sustainable collection of marine organisms, extraction and purification of compounds, testin...

What is the methodology of marine bioprospecting?

a) Sustainable collection of marine organisms, extraction and purification of compounds, testing in biological models, clinical studies.
b) Extraction and purification of compounds, testing in biological models, clinical studies, sustainable collection of marine organisms.
c) Testing in biological models, clinical studies, sustainable collection of marine organisms, extraction and purification of compounds.
d) Clinical studies, sustainable collection of marine organisms, extraction and purification of compounds, testing in biological models.
e) None of the above.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Bioprospección Marina para el Desarrollo de Nuevos Compuestos Farmacéuticos
2 pag.

Biodireito e Bioética Instituto De Ingenieros De MorelosInstituto De Ingenieros De Morelos

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