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What are the rules for using capital letters and lowercase letters in the Spanish language? Dependent on punctuation Independent of punctuation Aft...

What are the rules for using capital letters and lowercase letters in the Spanish language?
Dependent on punctuation
Independent of punctuation
After ellipsis
After colon
After question and exclamation marks
Proper names of people, animals, nicknames, pseudonyms of people or cities, countries, parks or nature reserves, sports tournaments, etc.
Latin names (scientific) for animal and plant species
Names of great artistic and cultural movements
Proper names of geographical accidents (rivers, lakes, valleys, seas, mountain ranges, islands, waterfalls, etc.)
The sign of the zodiac, constellations, stars, planets, comets, etc. are written in lowercase letters.
Institutions, subjects, careers, sacred books, newspapers, magazines, books, historical periods, historical events, state institutions, public offices, titles of dignity, gentilics, cardinal points, diseases, currencies, languages, cultures, religions, geographical accidents, days, months, seasons of the year, military degrees, treatment formulas, sciences, names of foods, varieties of liquors, etc. are written in lowercase letters.
Names of other artistic and cultural movements are written in lowercase letters.
Names of political ideologies or tendencies are written in lowercase letters.
The use of capital letters is dependent on punctuation, such as after ellipsis, colon, question and exclamation marks.
Proper names of people, animals, nicknames, pseudonyms of people or cities, countries, parks or nature reserves, sports tournaments, etc. are written in capital letters.
Latin names (scientific) for animal and plant species are written in capital letters.
Names of great artistic and cultural movements are written in capital letters.
Proper names of geographical accidents (rivers, lakes, valleys, seas, mountain ranges, islands, waterfalls, etc.) are written in capital letters.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Repaso San Marcos Semana 03- Lenguaje
7 pag.

Linguagem Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia UnadUniversidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia Unad

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