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What are the factors of production according to the text? a) Nature, work, and capital. b) Nature, work, capital, company, and state. c) Nature, wo...

What are the factors of production according to the text?
a) Nature, work, and capital.
b) Nature, work, capital, company, and state.
c) Nature, work, and company.
I - The factors of production are necessary to produce goods and services.
II - The combination of the factors of production allows obtaining goods and services that can satisfy human needs.
III - The factors of production are classified into five categories and receive payment or remuneration for their participation in the production process.
a) Nature, work, and capital.
b) Nature, work, capital, company, and state.
c) Nature, work, and company.

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7 pag.

Economia Internacional San MarcosSan Marcos

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