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Which of the following statements is true about the Campo Volcánico Palei-Aike in Santa Cruz? I- It has an area of 3,000 km² of lava, maars, and s...

Which of the following statements is true about the Campo Volcánico Palei-Aike in Santa Cruz?

I- It has an area of 3,000 km² of lava, maars, and scoria cones.
II- The distribution of the cones indicates the presence of fissures oriented in the E-W and NW-SE directions.
III- The Co. Cono Grande (303 m) and the Co. del Diablo or Negro (282 m) are located to the south of the Campo del Diablo.
a) Only statement I is true.
b) Statements I and II are true.
c) Statements I and III are true.
d) All statements are true.

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