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What are the aspects to pay attention to in order to ensure adequate nutrition for preschoolers? The daily diet should include foods from all grou...

What are the aspects to pay attention to in order to ensure adequate nutrition for preschoolers?

The daily diet should include foods from all groups: dairy, meats, fruits, vegetables, tubers, cereals and derivatives. Fats and sugars should be consumed in smaller proportions.
Do not offer more milk than the portions indicated in the daily recommendations, nor liquids such as water or juices in excess, as it reduces appetite.
Preparations should include chopped foods, soft textures, and basic flavors, that is, little elaborated, as well as attractive shapes and colors. Avoid hard, seasoned, mixed with sauces, and strong-flavored foods.
The portions should be small and served in suitable crockery for the age. The materials should not represent danger in their use or when falling.
The moment of meals should be pleasant and become a positive experience. Do not force the child to eat foods or establish relationships with rewards or punishments.
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