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What are the different types of radiation used in radiotherapy? a. Photons and electrons b. Protons and neutrons c. Photons, electrons, protons, an...

What are the different types of radiation used in radiotherapy?
a. Photons and electrons
b. Protons and neutrons
c. Photons, electrons, protons, and neutrons
d. Only photons
The most common form of radiation is through external beams of photons or electrons.
Electrons are mainly used to treat skin or superficial tumors.
Protons have the advantage of depositing a constant dose along most of the beam, limiting the radiation dose on surrounding healthy tissues.
Neutrons are heavy particles that deposit large amounts of energy very close to the points of initial interaction with the nuclei of a treated medium.
a. Photons and electrons
b. Protons and neutrons
c. Photons, electrons, protons, and neutrons
d. Only photons
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