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What should be done in case of a multiple insect or arachnid sting with signs of severity or allergic reaction? Clean the area with soap and water...

What should be done in case of a multiple insect or arachnid sting with signs of severity or allergic reaction?

Clean the area with soap and water, and then disinfect it with povidone iodine or another antiseptic.
Apply cold compresses or ice to reduce inflammation.
If the animal's stinger is in the skin, it should be removed, taking care not to break it.
In case of a jellyfish sting, wash the wound for a long time with seawater or saline (never with fresh water).
a) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
b) Only statements 3 and 4 are correct.
c) Statements 1, 2, and 3 are correct.
d) All statements are correct.