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Why is 'Life in Schools' still relevant for current educational practices in schools? The pedagogical approach of McLaren's critical revolutionary...

Why is 'Life in Schools' still relevant for current educational practices in schools?

The pedagogical approach of McLaren's critical revolutionary pedagogy is closely linked to revolutionary struggles that seek to end economic exploitation, political domination, and cultural dependence.
The primary goal of McLaren's critical revolutionary pedagogy is to build a new, fairer, and more humane society.
McLaren's critical revolutionary pedagogy is a dialectical teaching method that begins with students' experiences and helps them develop a more critical, structural, and scientific understanding of their daily lives in relation to the lives of others and the institutional, cultural, and social mediations that structure those relationships.
McLaren's critical revolutionary pedagogy emphasizes the fact that social classes are inherently antagonistic and that the role of critical educators is to empower students with a critical ideology and a set of political strategies designed to challenge the domination of capital.
a) Only statements I and II are correct.
b) Only statements II and III are correct.
c) Only statements III and IV are correct.
d) All statements are correct.
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