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What are the main conclusions about the integration and inequality of immigrants in OECD countries? a) No country can be identified as having the b...

What are the main conclusions about the integration and inequality of immigrants in OECD countries?
a) No country can be identified as having the best performance in all dimensions analyzed for the study of immigrant integration.
b) The differences in the results of immigrant integration to host societies through different OECD countries are generally greater than the differences observed between immigrants and the native population within countries.
c) The composition of the immigrant population by entry category, educational level, and length of stay in the destination country is an important determinant of integration variations among countries.
d) The differences between immigrants and the native population cannot be fully explained by observable socio-demographic variables, and the percentage that can be explained varies depending on the area covered.
e) The situation of immigrants in the labor market improves over time.
f) The size and composition of the household have a significant impact on the resulting characteristics of the households, particularly when there is a presence of an adult born in the host country.

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