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What are the basic care for a stabled horse? A horse needs to move, so it should be released or walked for at least 10 minutes once or twice a day...

What are the basic care for a stabled horse?

A horse needs to move, so it should be released or walked for at least 10 minutes once or twice a day.
Daily cleaning should be pleasant for the animal and should start on the left side with the horse tied up.
The basic grooming equipment consists of a curry comb or scraper (rubber or metal), a root brush, a dandy brush, a comb, a sponge, and a hoof pick.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Libro manejo y cuidado del caballo
62 pag.

Zootecnia Geral Colegio Carlos Arturo Torres (Ied)Colegio Carlos Arturo Torres (Ied)

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