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What is the purpose of the exercises and stretches described in the text? Mitigate muscle tension Increase muscle strength Improve cardiovascular h...

What is the purpose of the exercises and stretches described in the text?
Mitigate muscle tension
Increase muscle strength
Improve cardiovascular health
Reduce joint mobility
I- The exercises and stretches described in the text are aimed at mitigating muscle tension.
II- The exercises and stretches described in the text are aimed at increasing muscle strength.
III- The exercises and stretches described in the text are aimed at improving cardiovascular health.
IV- The exercises and stretches described in the text are aimed at reducing joint mobility.
a) I and II are correct.
b) I and III are correct.
c) I and IV are correct.
d) Only I is correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

07 Taller práctico de estiramientos y tonificación autor Jaime Gala Calderón, Juan Antonio Rubio Rubio, Mario Sánchez de la Calle y Jairo Señoran Rivera
18 pag.
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