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What is the impact of studying economics according to the text? The study of economics is not necessary to understand the reality of society. The ...

What is the impact of studying economics according to the text?

The study of economics is not necessary to understand the reality of society.
The study of economics contributes to a better understanding of the social environment and the exercise of citizenship.
The study of economics is not relevant to personal financial management.
The study of economics does not contribute to the development of competencies such as teamwork, financial education, communication skills, initiative, and leadership.
b) The study of economics contributes to a better understanding of the social environment and the exercise of citizenship.
a) The study of economics is not necessary to understand the reality of society.
c) The study of economics is not relevant to personal financial management.
d) The study of economics does not contribute to the development of competencies such as teamwork, financial education, communication skills, initiative, and leadership.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Importância da Economia
10 pag.

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