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What are the measures that should be considered in an animal health program? Avoid exposing animals to organisms or situations that may induce dise...

What are the measures that should be considered in an animal health program?
Avoid exposing animals to organisms or situations that may induce diseases
Maintain a high level of resistance to diseases
Prevent the spread of diseases
The maintenance of good hygiene is important to prevent diseases
The use of vaccines is not necessary to maintain animal health
The selection of healthy and disease-resistant animals is not important in maintaining animal health
a) Apenas as afirmativas 1 e 3 estão corretas.
b) Apenas a afirmativa 1 está correta.
c) Apenas as afirmativas 1 e 2 estão corretas.
d) Todas as afirmativas estão corretas.

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144 pag.

Veterinaria Universidad De CordobaUniversidad De Cordoba

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