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Analyze the following statements regarding the study on the treatment of patients with anxiety and depression: The study conducted by Lidbeck had 3...

Analyze the following statements regarding the study on the treatment of patients with anxiety and depression:
The study conducted by Lidbeck had 32 subjects undergo group therapy with a control group taken from a waiting list.
Some contents of the intervention program coincided with Lidbeck's study, such as sessions on lifestyle, physiology of relaxation, and an explanatory model dealing with stress and analysis of irrational thinking.
The study achieved significant improvements in anxiety and depression, unlike Lidbeck's study.
The subjective perception of illness is influenced by psychological, psychosocial, physiological, and cultural factors.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Estudo sobre Terapia Cognitiva-Conductual
394 pag.

Enfermagem Psiquiátrica Universidad Central de VenezuelaUniversidad Central de Venezuela

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