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IES N° 10 - 
Profesorado de Inglés - 
Cartilla de ingreso 
LOCALIZACIÓN: Esc. Pcial. de 
Comercio Nº4 "25 de Febrero". 
Belisario Roldán esq. Pte. Perón. 
Coordinadora De La Carrera: Lic. 
Alicia Palavecino 
Organigrama IES N º 10 
Se presenta aquí el organigrama del Instituto de Educación Superior N° 10. Esta organización es la 
que estableció el Decreto N° 7320 – G- 03 y sus modificatorias Resoluciones Nº 772-G-03 y Nº 3794-E-15. 
Los cargos de Rector, Vicerrectores, Consejeros y Coordinadores de carrera son electivos. 
 El IES N° 10 es el resultado de la unificación de las dos delegaciones del Instituto Superior de 
Profesorado “Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz” que funcionaban en Fraile Pintado y Escuela Provincial de Comercio 
N° 4 y del Profesorado para la Enseñanza Primaria (P.E.P) de la Escuela Normal, a los cuales se sumó 
posteriormente una localización en Yuto. 
 La sede del Rectorado del IES Nº 10 está en la Escuela Provincial de Comercio N° 4, mientras que 
las localizaciones Normal y Fraile Pintado se encuentran a cargo de los Vicerrectores. 
En la localización Escuela Normal actualmente se cursan los profesorados de Educación 
Secundaria en Química y de Educación Especial con orientación en Discapacidad Intelectual y cerrando 
los procesos de formación de Profesorado de Educación Primaria y Educación Especial con orientación 
en Sordos e Hipoacúsicos. 
En la localización Escuela Provincial de Comercio N° 4 se cursan los profesorados de Educación 
Secundaria en Matemática y Profesorado de Inglés y Tecnicatura Superior en Turismo y cerrando los 
procesos de formación de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria en Ciencias de la Administración. 
En Fraile Pintado se cursan las Tecnicaturas Superiores en Agronomía, Administración de 
Empresas c/o en comercialización y cerrando los procesos de formación del Profesorado de Educación 
Coordinadores de Carrera 
Departamento de 
Formación Inicial 
de Capacitación 
de Investigación 
Vicerrector/a 1° Vicerrector/a 2° 
Consejeros Docentes: 8 
Consejeros Alumnos: 6 
Consejero Egresado: 1 
Profesores Alumnos 
Personal de 
 Resolución Nº 6815 E – 11 (Régimen Académico Provincial – RAP)1 
Desde 2.011 la Resolución N° 6815 E–11 Régimen Académico Provincial (RAP) rige como 
norma para los estudiantes de nivel superior de la provincia de Jujuy; por lo que resulta imprescindible el 
conocimiento y manejo de algunos de cuyos artículos que se transcriben a continuación porque permitirán 
a los aspirantes comprender su situación como estudiantes de Nivel Superior. 
Artículo 3°: En los Institutos de Educación Superior se reconocen dos categorías de alumnos: 
a) Alumnos ordinarios: son aquellos que se inscriben con el propósito de cursar una carrera. 
Para mantener esta condición deberán aprobar como mínimo una unidad curricular por año 
a.1 Alumnos oyentes: son alumnos que podrán asistir a clases sin derecho a instancias de 
evaluación y fortalecimiento. Todo alumno oyente deberá ser previamente matriculado y/o 
inscripto para poder asistir a clases, comprometiéndose a respetar las reglamentaciones 
vigentes. La admisión de esta categoría de alumno estará supeditada a las posibilidades de 
cada carrera y unidad curricular. 
b) Alumnos extraordinarios: integran esta categoría: 
b.1 Alumnos vocacionales: son aquellos que sin aspirar a la obtención de títulos, se matriculan 
para cursar determinadas unidades curriculares que pueden resultar de interés para su 
desarrollo personal, laboral o profesional. La admisión de esta categoría de alumno estará 
supeditada a las posibilidades de cada carrera y unidad curricular. Los alumnos inscriptos bajo 
esta categoría recibirán un certificado de aprobación por unidad curricular y carga horaria. 
b.2 Alumnos visitantes: son aquellos que provenientes de otro Instituto de Educación Superior 
nacional o extranjero, se incorporan temporariamente a la carrera correspondiente, en el marco 
de un convenio que regula las actividades académicas a desarrollar. 
Artículo 4°: Los alumnos aspirantes deberán matricularse en el Instituto de Educación Superior donde 
deseen cursar sus estudios. La matrícula será renovada anualmente para tener derecho a cualquier 
actividad académica. 
Artículo 5°: a. Son requisitos de matriculación para la categoría de alumnos ordinarios en las carreras que 
se dictan en los Institutos de Educación Superior: 
 Poseer Título de Estudios de Nivel Secundario o equivalente completo, otorgado por 
instituciones incorporadas a la enseñanza oficial sean de gestión estatal, privada, 
cooperativa o social, certificado por la autoridad competente o por escribano público, y/o 
constancia de Título en trámite emitida por autoridad competente. 
 Fotocopia de las dos primeras hojas del DNI. 
 Certificado, Partida, Acta o Testimonio de Nacimiento. 
 Certificado de aptitud psicofísica expedido por el Ministerio de Salud u organismos de su 
 Planilla prontuarial. 
 Otros requeridos por el Instituto de Educación Superior. 
Cuando el resultado del certificado de aptitud psicofísica entre en contradicción con las exigencias 
académicas y los requerimientos para el ejercicio de la profesión docente y técnica, deberá ser informado 
a la Dirección de Educación Superior. 
b. Son requisitos de matriculación para la categoría de alumnos extraordinarios en las carreras que 
se dicta en los Institutos de Educación Superior: 
 Solicitud de admisión dirigida al Rector adjuntando Currículum Vitae. 
 Entrevista personal. 
 Poseer Título de Estudios de Nivel Secundario o equivalente completo, otorgado por 
instituciones incorporadas a la enseñanza oficial sean de gestión estatal, privada, 
 Documento 1 del Anexo Único 
cooperativa o social, certificado por la autoridad competente o por escribano público, y/o 
constancia de Título en trámite emitida por autoridad competente. 
 Fotocopia de las dos primeras hojas del DNI. 
 Certificado de aptitud psicofísica expedido por el Ministerio de Salud u organismos de su 
 Planilla prontuarial si correspondiere. 
 Otros requeridos por el Instituto de Educación Superior. 
Artículo 8°: Para la matriculación de los alumnos cada Instituto de Educación Superior podrá establecer 
acorde con las particularidades de cada carrera los requisitos para los cursos de orientación, ambientación 
y/o nivelación de los aspirantes, los que tendrán validez únicamente para el año lectivo en que se 
Artículo 9: Los aspirantes que adeuden materias de Nivel Secundario o equivalente, serán matriculados e 
inscriptos provisoriamente, hasta la fecha que fije la Dirección de Educación Superior. Si el alumno reúne 
los requisitos establecidos en el Artículo 5° a) su matriculación e inscripción se convertirán en definitiva, de 
lo contrario se procederá a dar de baja a la misma. 
Artículo 10°: Todo alumno registrará su inscripción por unidad curricular al inicio del período lectivo para 
el caso de las unidades curriculares anuales y al comienzo del primer o segundo cuatrimestre en las 
unidades curriculares cuatrimestrales. Los alumnos ordinarios deberán respetar en todos los casos el 
régimen de correlatividades vigentes. 
Artículo 14°: Las condiciones para la acreditación de las unidades curriculares son: Promoción, Regular y 
Librey se regulan en los Diseños Curriculares de las diferentes carreras. 
Artículo 16°: La PROMOCIÓN es la condición que obtiene el alumno concluido el proceso de formación y 
se acredita al cumplir con los tres requisitos que se detallan a continuación: 
a) Asistencia: El ochenta por ciento (80%) de clases efectivamente dictadas y/u otras 
actividades académicas. 
b) Evaluaciones: El cien por ciento (100%) de aprobación de evaluaciones con calificación de 
siete (7) como mínimo, con opción a una instancia de fortalecimiento por cada evaluación. 
c) Trabajos Prácticos: El ochenta por ciento (80%) de aprobación de trabajos prácticos. Cada 
docente establecerá los criterios de evaluación. 
Artículo 17°: Los alumnos que no promocionen y obtuvieren una calificación entre 4 y 6 adquieren el 
carácter de regular y podrán rendir examen final, si lo permite el régimen de acreditación establecido en el 
Diseño Curricular de la carrera. De lo contrario deberán recursar la unidad curricular. 
Artículo 18°: La REGULARIDAD es la condición que obtiene el alumno concluido el proceso formativo y 
se acredita al cumplir en su totalidad los siguientes requisitos: 
a) Asistencia: El sesenta y cinco por ciento (65%) de asistencia a clases efectivamente 
dictadas y/u otras actividades académicas. Este porcentaje se reducirá al cincuenta por ciento 
(50%) cuando las ausencias obedezcan a razones de salud o trabajo debidamente probadas por 
el alumno, presentadas en un plazo no mayor de cinco días corridos para su justificación. 
b) Evaluaciones: El cien por ciento (100%) de las instancias de evaluaciones deberán estar 
aprobadas con una calificación mínima de cuatro (4), con opción a una instancia de 
fortalecimiento por cada evaluación. 
c) Trabajos prácticos: La evaluación del ochenta por ciento (80%) de trabajos prácticos. 
Cada docente establecerá los criterios de evaluación. 
Artículo 19º: La calificación final para la promoción resultará de promediar las calificaciones de las 
instancias de evaluaciones o de las instancias de fortalecimiento aprobadas con una calificación de 7 
(siete) como mínimo. Para la condición de regular resultará de promediar las calificaciones de las 
instancias de evaluaciones o de las instancias de fortalecimiento aprobadas con una calificación de 4 
(cuatro) como mínimo. 
Artículo 20°: La regularidad tiene una duración de dos (2) años calendario desde la finalización de 
cursado y caduca transcurrido ese plazo o cuando resultare desaprobado por tercera vez en instancia de 
examen final. 
Artículo 21º: El numero de evaluaciones mínimas será de una instancia para las UC cuatrimestrales y dos 
instancias para las UC anuales. El plazo como mínimo, entre las instancias evaluativas y las instancias de 
fortalecimiento será de 7 (siete) días hábiles desde la entrega de los resultados obtenidos. No podrán 
superponerse las instancias de evaluación con los exámenes finales. 
Artículo 22°: las inasistencias de los alumnos a las evaluaciones o instancias de fortalecimiento en 
condición de promocional o regular, deberán ser informadas en el momento de la evaluación. Las 
constancias de justificación deberán presentarse dentro de las 48 horas (cuarenta y ocho) hábiles a fin de 
tener derecho a una nueva instancia de evaluación. En el caso de no justificar en tiempo y forma, perderá 
el derecho a la instancia que correspondiera. 
Artículo 23°: El alumno LIBRE es aquel que no tiene la obligatoriedad de asistir a clases. Existiendo dos 
condiciones que son las siguientes: 
a) Libre por opción: esta categoría se admite si el diseño curricular de la carrera lo establece. 
b) Libre por condición: 
1. Por no obtener la regularidad: esta categoría se admite si el régimen de acreditación de la 
unidad curricular lo permite y comprende a los alumnos que no alcanzaron la regularidad por 
no cumplir con algunos de los requisitos exigidos en el art. 18°. 
2. Por pérdida de la regularidad: esta categoría se admite si el régimen de acreditación de la 
unidad curricular lo permite y comprende a los alumnos en condición de regular que resultaren 
desaprobados por tercera vez en instancia de examen final o por caducidad del plazo 
establecido en el art. 22°. 
Artículo 24°: El IES deberá hacer respetar en todos los casos el régimen de correlatividades y de 
acreditación de las UC establecido en la Resolución que aprueba el Diseño Curricular de la Carrera. 
Artículo 25°: El porcentaje total de UC que los alumnos podrán rendir en condición de libre, no debe 
superar el 30 % de las que componen el DC de la Carrera. 
Artículo 26°: El examen final para alumnos libres se regirá por el programa vigente de la UC al momento 
de efectuarse el mismo y constará de dos instancias: un primera instancia escrita y una segunda oral: 
ambas eliminatorias. La nota mínima de aprobación será de cuatro (4) para ambas instancias. La 
calificación final resultará de promediar las dos instancias. En el caso de desaprobar alguna de ellas, se 
registra como calificación final, la nota de aplazo. 
Artículo 40º: la solicitud de equivalencia se realizará en los IES según calendario escolar 
Artículo 41º: El alumno que inicia el trámite de equivalencia deberá estar matriculado en la carrera 
correspondiente y podrá inscribirse en la UC en la que solicita equivalencia; no así en la UC correlativa. 
Artículo 42º: Las equivalencias se tramitarán en una actuación interna, debidamente foliada que deberá 
constar de: 
 Nota de solicitud de equivalencia dirigida a Secretaría Académica 
 Fotocopia de las dos primeras hojas del DNI 
 Fotocopia autenticada por autoridad competente de Certificado Analítico de estudios incompletos o 
 Fotocopia autenticada por autoridad competente, de los programas analíticos. 
Artículo 43º: Se podrá solicitar equivalencias siempre que las UC estén aprobadas en IES incorporados a 
la enseñanza oficial y universidades oficiales. 
Artículo 44º: En caso que las equivalencias solicitadas sean de estudios realizados en países extranjeros, 
deberán ajustarse a lo establecido en la normativa nacional y provincial vigente para reconocimiento de 
Artículo 45º: El programa de la UC aprobado en la Institución de origen deberá satisfacer los objetivos, 
contenidos y bibliografía de la UC solicitada por equivalencia, y deberá responder a la formación 
profesional específica del perfil del egresado. 
Artículo 46º: ante el pedido de equivalencia se puede dictaminar: 
a. Equivalencia Total: será otorgada por Secretaría Académica cuando las UC compartan contenidos 
similares, idéntica denominación o correspondan al mismo plan de estudios. 
b. Equivalencia Parcial: cuando no se cumplan algunos de los requisitos del Inc a- Secretaría 
Académica, el Coordinador de Carrera y el Profesor de la UC fijarán por escrito las condiciones de 
acreditación de la UC. 
c. No otorgar equivalencia cuando no se cumplan en su totalidad los requisitos del Inc a) y b) 
Artículo 47º: El alumno deberá acreditar, la equivalencia parcial en instancia de promoción y/o examen 
final, en un plazo que no exceda de un año contados a partir de su notificación. 
Artículo 48º: El no cumplimiento de la condición de acreditación en tiempo y forma de la equivalencia 
parcial otorgada, implicará la caducidad del trámite iniciado, debiendo cursar la UC. 
Artículo 49º: Para aprobar por equivalencia en forma total o parcial una UC, se podrá tomar de referencia 
una o más UC aprobadas en la Institución de origen o viceversa. 
Artículo 50º: Los programas pertenecientes a planes de estudio no vigentes de la misma Institución o de 
otra, requerirán de un estudio académico que permita establecer si corresponde dar trámite de 
Artículo 51º: Las equivalencias serán otorgadas previo dictamen de Secretaría Académica y por Acto 
Resolutivo del Rector. 
Ministerio de EducaciónResolución Nº 1208 
Ciencia y Tecnología 
Requisitos para iniciar los trámites de constancia de reconocimiento de estudios de nivel medio cursados en el 
1. Documentación de acreditación de identidad 
a. Argentinos: DNI 
b. Extranjeros: que no poseen DNI Argentino; deberán presentar: 
 Documento vigente con el que ingresó al país (pasaporte o cédula extendida por el país de origen) 
 Permiso de ingreso al país extendido por la dirección nacional de migraciones 
2. Documentación Escolar 
a. Concentración de Notas o Histórico de Escolaridad o Certificado Oficial de Estudios o Transcripto 
de Notas o Analítico de Notas. 
b. Licencia de Nivel Medio no Certificado de Conclusión o Título o Diploma de Graduación 
Importante: en caso de no coincidir textualmente el/los apellidos, el/los nombres entre todos los 
documentos escolares con los personales, se deberá presentar: sentencia judicial o información 
sumaria realizada ante juzgado o partida de nacimiento según se trate la diferencia o certificación 
del consulado del país donde fue extendida la documentación (legalizada por cancillería); a los 
efectos de expresar que dichos nombres representan a la misma y única persona 
c. Legalizaciones que deberán constar en toda la documentación escolar extranjera: autoridades 
educacionales y consulado argentino del país donde fue extendida la documentación. 
Aclaración: de colocarse el sello de APOSTILLA DE LA HAYA, no es necesario ninguna 
legalización posterior 
d. La documentación redactada en idioma extranjero, debe ser traducida por Traductor Público de 
Registro y Legalizada ante el colegio de traductores- Ley Nº 20305. Artículo 6º- (Dirección: avenida 
corrientes nº 1834- capital federal) 
e. Copia legalizada por la autoridad educativa de la jurisdicción y por el Ministerio del Interior de la 
Nación de la foja del Libro Matriz del establecimiento educativo en donde conste que el interesado 
rindió y aprobó las asignaturas de Formación Nacional. 
Inicio del Trámite: 
Montevideo nº 950. Planta baja. Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Teléfonos 011 4129-1317/1218. Fax 011 4129/1219. Email: 
consultascy@mw.gov.ar. Sitio web www.me.gov.ar/convalida . Horario (personal y telefónicamente de 10:00 a 12:00 
y de 14:00 a 16:00 hs) 
Inicio: presentar toda la documentación solicitada en original y en fotocopia legible y simple. 
En caso de iniciar el trámite otra persona que no sea la interesada, se puede presentar fotocopia autenticada 
ante Escribano Público o Juez de Paz sólo del documento de acreditación de identidad y del permiso de 
ingreso al país: el resto de la documentación deberá ser en original y fotocopia simple y legible. 
Retiro del Trámite: 
La constancia de reconocimiento de estudios deberá ser retirada por: 
 El interesado 
 Familiar directo que acredite lazo (padre- madre- hijo, con la partida de nacimiento; esposo, con la 
libreta de matrimonio) 
 Tercero habilitado por escrito para retirar la documentación, con firma del interesado certificada por 
escribano, juez o policía. 
La persona que retire la conclusión del trámite deberá presentar todos 
los originales que presentó al iniciar el mismo. 
Proceso administrativo 
Es una instancia de evaluación y acreditación presencial, oral y/o escrita, que da cuenta del logro de los aprendizajes 
básicos que se plantean para el /la espacio/unidad curricular para los alumnos en condición Regular o Libre. 
Los exámenes finales se desarrollan en un “turno” y las veces que el tribunal examinador conformado por tres 
profesores (presidente, 1º vocal, 2º vocal) es convocado en el mismo turno se denomina “llamado”. 
En Preceptoría, con tu preceptor 48 (cuarenta y ocho) horas hábiles antes de la fecha del examen. Para realizar este 
trámite no debes olvidar llevar: 
1. Libreta Estudiantil. 
Para borrar tu inscripción debes hacerlo con 24 (veinticuatro) horas hábiles de antelación al examen. 
Hasta 2 (dos) siempre que no sean correlativas entre sí. 
1. Libreta Estudiantil. 
2. Programa del/la Espacio/Unidad Curricular. 
Importante: La puntualidad, puesto que el tribunal examinador te esperará durante treinta minutos, transcurrido 
este tiempo serás considerado AUSENTE. 
Si por razones de salud o duelo no puedes presentarte a rendir debes informárselo a tu preceptor o a tu coordinador 
de carrera el mismo día del examen, salvo caso excepcional, y justificar presentando las certificaciones 
correspondientes dentro de las 48 (cuarenta y ocho) horas hábiles. 
Perfil del egresado 
Capacidades profesionales 
Dominar los saberes a 
-Producir versiones del conocimiento a enseñar adecuadas a los requerimientos 
del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. 
-Seleccionar, organizar, jerarquizar y secuenciar los contenidos y establecer sus 
alcances, en función del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. 
Actuar de acuerdo con las 
características y diversos 
modos de aprender de los 
-Identificar las características y los diversos modos de aprender de los 
-Tomar decisiones pedagógicas que reconozcan y respeten la diversidad. 
Dirigir la enseñanza y 
gestionar la clase. 
-Planificar unidades de trabajo de distinta duración para una disciplina, área o un 
conjunto de ellas. 
-Establecer objetivos de aprendizaje 
-Planificar y utilizar una variedad de recursos y tecnologías de enseñanza y/o 
-Tomar decisiones sobre la administración de los tiempos, los espacios y los 
agrupamientos de los estudiantes. 
-Diseñar e implementar estrategias didácticas diversas para favorecer las 
diferentes formas de construir el conocimiento. 
-Diseñar e implementar estrategias didácticas para promover el aprendizaje 
individual y grupal. 
-Diseñar e implementar actividades que incluyan la enseñanza explícita de las 
capacidades orientadas a fortalecer los procesos de aprendizaje de los 
estudiantes de los niveles destinatarios. 
-Diversificar las tareas a resolver por los estudiantes, en función de sus distintos 
ritmos y grados de avance. 
-Utilizar la evaluación con diversos propósitos: realizar diagnósticos, identificar 
errores sistemáticos, ofrecer retroalimentación a los estudiantes, ajustar la ayuda 
pedagógica y revisar las propias actividades de enseñanza. 
-Diseñar e implementar diferentes procedimientos de evaluación para permitir a 
los estudiantes demostrar sus aprendizajes de múltiples maneras. 
-Producir y comunicar información sobre la 
trayectoria educativa de los estudiantes para ellos mismos, sus familias y los 
equipos directivos y docentes. 
Intervenir en la dinámica 
grupal y organizar el 
trabajo escolar. 
-Identificar las características de constitución y funcionamiento de los grupos y 
tomar decisiones en función de estas. 
-Dominar y utilizar un repertorio de técnicas para favorecer la consolidación de los 
grupos de aprendizaje. 
-Planificar y desarrollar la enseñanza de las habilidades necesarias para 
vincularse responsablemente con los otros y para trabajar en forma colaborativa. 
-Generar un clima favorable a la convivencia y el aprendizaje, en la institución y 
en las aulas. 
-Promover la formulación de preguntas, la expresión de ideas y el intercambio de 
puntos de vista. 
-Tratar conflictos o problemas grupales mediante estrategias variadas. 
-Establecer y mantener pautas para organizar el trabajo en clase y el desarrollo 
de las tareas. 
Intervenir en el escenario 
institucional y Comunitario 
-Identificar características y necesidades del contexto de la escuela, las familias y 
la Comunidad. 
-Diseñare implementar experiencias de aprendizaje que recuperen las 
características culturales y el conocimiento de las familias y la comunidad. 
-Desarrollar estrategias de comunicación variadas con las familias, con diferentes 
-Utilizar educativamente los diversos recursos comunitarios y sociales. 
-Trabajar en equipo para acordar criterios sobre el diseño, implementación y 
evaluación de las propuestas de enseñanza, así como para elaborar proyectos 
-Participar en la vida institucional. 
Comprometerse con el 
propio proceso formativo 
-Analizar las propuestas formativas del Instituto y las escuelas asociadas, para 
identificar fortalezas y debilidades. 
-Analizar el desarrollo de las propias capacidades profesionales y académicas 
para consolidarlas. 
Profesorado de Inglés. Resolución Nº 3232-E-15 
año Unidad curricular Régimen de correlatividades 
(para cursar) 
aprobada regular 
1º Fonología y 
Fonética II 
 Fonología y Fonética I Promoción Exámen Final 
Historia Política de 
la Educación 
 Historia Argentina y 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Integral II 
 Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Fonología y 
Fonética III 
 Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Gramática en 
Contexto II 
 Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética I 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Didáctica Específica 
 Didáctica General 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
 Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Educación Sexual Integral 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Rol Docente en 
 Investigación en Entornos 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Producción Oral y 
Alfabetización Académica 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto I 
Comunicación Integral II 
Fonología y Fonética III 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Discursivas I 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto I 
Comunicación Integral II 
Fonología y Fonética III 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Lingüística General Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto I 
Comunicación Integral II 
Fonología y Fonética III 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Didáctica Específica 
Didáctica General 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto I 
Comunicación Integral II 
Fonología y Fonética III 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Sujeto de la Educación 
Didáctica Específica I 
Rol Docente en Diferentes 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Planificación e 
Didáctica General 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto I 
Investigación en Entornos 
Comunicación Integral II 
Fonología y Fonética III 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Sujeto de la Educación 
Didáctica Específica I 
Rol Docente en Diferentes 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Discursivas II 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Producción Oral y Escrita 
Prácticas Discursivas I 
Lingüística General 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Análisis del 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Producción Oral y Escrita 
Prácticas Discursivas I 
Lingüística General 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Evaluación de 
Aprendizajes en 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Didáctica Específica I 
Producción Oral y Escrita 
Prácticas Discursivas I 
Lingüística General 
Didáctica Específica II 
Planificación e Intervención 
Promoción Exámen Final 
Comunicación Integral I 
Fonología y Fonética II 
Gramática en Contexto II 
Lingüística General 
Producción Oral y Escrita 
Prácticas Discursivas I 
Lingüística General 
Historia Contemporánea de 
las Sociedades Anglófonas 
Promoción Exámen Final 
1º año y 2º año TIC en la Formación Docente 
Producción Oral y Escrita 
Prácticas Discursivas I 
Lingüística General 
Didáctica Específica II 
Planificación e Intervención 
Grammar: to be 
Look at the table. 
He/ She /It 
We/You /They 
from New York 
He/ She/It 
am not 
Yes/No Questions Short answers 
Yes, I am 
Yes,he/she/it is 
Yes,we/you/they are 
No, I’m not 
No, he/she/it isn’t 
No,we/you/they aren’t 
What is your name? 
Where are you from? 
What nationality is he? 
a) Use the clues to write pair of sentences. 
1. I/from the USA.(x). I/from Britain.(√) 
I’m not from the USA. I’m from Britain. 
2. He/my brother (x). He/my friend (√)……………………………………………………….. 
3. They/teachers (x). They/students(√)……………………………………………………….. 
4. We/from Istambul(x). We/from Ankara(√)…………………………………………………. 
5. You/Simon(x).You/Mark! (√)…………………………………………………………………. 
6. It/a photo of David Beckham(x). It/a photo of Mike!(√)…………………………………….. 
7. I/from London(x) I/from Brighton(√)…………………………………………………………. 
b) Write questions for these answers. 
1. Are you from Italy? No, I’m not from Italy. 
2. _____________________________________? Yes, you are in the photo. 
3. ______________________________________? No, she isn’t a teacher. 
4. _______________________________________? Yes, he is a student. 
5. _______________________________________? Yes, I am from Spain. 
6. _______________________________________? Yes, we are in class 5. 
c) Complete the short answers. 
1. Are you from Brazil? Yes, I am 
2. Is Shakira from Australia? No,____________________ 
3. Are you a student? Yes,_________________ 
4. Are Venus and Serena Williams from the USA? Yes,________________ 
5. Am I in that picture? No,____________________ 
6. Are you from Argentina? Yes,______________________ 
7. Is Steve your boyfriend? No,_______________________ 
8. Are they doctors? Yes,____________________ 
9. Am I in class 1? Yes,______________________ 
Vocabulary: Daily Routine. 
Reading: A day in a life of a fire fighter. 
fighters in the USA and the UK work 24 hours and then have 48 hours off. Fire fighter Jim Roberts tell us 
about his routine. 
07:45 I arrive at the station. 
8:00 The captain calls our names. 
8:15 I work with a colleague called Doug. First we check our equipment. 
9:30 The fire station is our home for 24 hours. We do the housework and tidy the rooms. We clean the 
station, make our beds, clean the floors and showers, wash our uniforms and empty the rubbish bins. 
10:00 We do exercises in the gym. 
11:00 We get ready for lunch. I don’t cook but I go shopping with Doug. The fire station pays for the food! 
12:00 We have lunch. 
13:45 We do different things in the afternoon. I give first aid classes. Doug visits schools and talks about 
fire safety. 
17:00 Doug arrives at the station and we check the equipment again. Then we prepare the dinner. 
18:00 We have dinner. 
19:30 We do the dishes and then we read or watch TV. Doug doesn’t watch TV, he plays cards. 
23:00 We go to bed. 
08:00 We don’t have breakfast. We go home. 
And emergency calls? This timetable doesn’t include emergency calls – fires, car accidents and medical 
a) Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 
1. Jim is the captain of the fire station. 
2. Doug is Jim’s work colleague.3. The fire station has got a gym. 
4. Jim is an expert in fire safety. 
5. The fire fighters do the housework. 
Brush your teeth, Clean the floor, Do exercises, Do the dishes, Do the housework, Empty the rubbish bins, 
Get up, Go shopping, Go to bed, Have a shower, Have lunch/dinner, Make your bed, Play cards, 
Study for tests, Tidy your room, Wash your clothes, Watch TV, Listen to music. 
b) Complete the missing word. 
1. The captain…………our names. 
2. I ……………at the station. 
3. We ………….exercises in the gym. 
4. Doug …………schools. 
c) Choose the correct option. 
We use the Present Simple to talk about abilities/routines/possessions. 
d) Complete the table with don’t or doesn’t. 
I /You/We/They have breakfast 
He/She/It watch TV 
Grammar: Present Simple 
a) Circle the correct word. 
1. I speak/speaks two languages. 
2. We don’t/doesn’t like Monday mornings. 
3. My brother use/uses our computer all the time. 
4. My friends don’t /doesn’t use their home phones, but they use/uses their mobiles all the time. 
5. My dad don’t /doesn’t listen to the radio because he hate/hates it! 
b) Put the verbs in the correct form of the Present Simple. 
1. I (use)…………the Internet all day. 
2. My mum (not like)……………e-mails but she (love)……………writing letters. 
3. All my classmates (like)……………….texting. 
4. I (not read)……………….newspapers but I (read)……………magazines. 
5. They (go)……………….shopping every Saturday. 
c) Write the adverbs of frequency in order. 
100% Always ……………………………..……………………………..
 ………………………………… 0%………………………….. 
d) Choose the correct adverb. 
1. It never/often snows in Jamaica. 
2. Winter sometimes/always comes after autumn. 
3. We hardly ever/usually go to school on Mondays. 
4. I sometimes/usually speak English at school. 
5. I usually/never brush my teeth in the morning. 
6. I never/often go out at weekends. 
 c) Write true sentences about your routine. Use the verbs in the box or your own ideas. 
Sometimes Always Usually Never Hardly ever Often 
1. (usually)……………………………………………………………………. 
3.(hardly ever)………………………………………………………………… 
Grammar: Present Continuous 
We use the Present Continuous to talk about activities happening now. 
Affirmative Negative 
I am having lunch 
He/ She is visiting a museum. 
It is raining here. 
You/We/They are sightseeing. 
I am not working at the moment. 
He/She isn’t sunbathing. 
It isn’t snowing. 
You/We/They aren’t studying a lot. 
Am I having a good time? 
Is he/she relaxing on the beach? 
Is it raining? 
Are you/we/they enjoying Brazil? 
Yes, I am - No, I’m not 
Yes, he/she is – No, he/she isn’t 
Yes, it is – No, it isn’t 
Yes, you/we/they are – No, you/we/they aren’t 
What is Tony doing? 
Where are you phoning from? 
a) Write sentences in the Present Continuous: affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?) 
1. We (learn) English.(+) 
2. You (think) about your holiday.(?) 
3. I (eat).(-) 
4. Your parents(work) (?) 
5. Your dog (sleep) (+) 
6. Our teacher (listen) to music (-) 
7. My friends (do) an exercise (+) 
b) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Continuous. 
It´s Wednesday afternoon and I _______________(look out) of the window of my flat. 
I______________(not do)my homework. It __________________(not rain) and it’s hot. It is five o’clock 
and people_______________(go) home from work. One man_______________(drive) a small red car. 
Three girls_________________(stand) at the bus stop. A woman_________________(carry) shopping 
bags and she______________(talk) on her mobile phone. Two men_______________(walk) in the 
park but they______________(no speak). 
c) Present Simple or Present Continuous? Circle the correct form. 
1. We usually play/are playing in a group at the weekend. 
Do Eat Go Clean Watch Get up Have 
2. “What’s that music?” “My sister plays/is playing her new CD. 
3. Do you wear/Are you wearing a uniform at your school? 
4. British people eat/are eating a lot of Indian and Chinese food. 
5. This summer camp is boring and I don’t have/am not having a very nice time. 
6. Who makes/is making that terrible noise? Please be quiet! 
7. Usually we don’t go/aren’t going swimming in spring. The water can be very cold. 
P A S T S I M P L E F O R M 
 The form of the past simple is the same for all persons (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they). Some 
verbs are “regular”, other are “irregular”. The affirmative past simple of regular verbs ends in -ed: 
work > worked play > played live > lived When we add -ed to verbs, there are sometimes changes 
in spelling: stop > stopped travel > travelled try > tried live > lived Irregular verbs have different 
affirmative past simple forms: see > saw come > came drink > drank 
 AFFIRMATIVE I worked drank You He She It We You They 
 NEGATIVE I did not work drink You He She It We You They 
INTERROGATIVE Did I work? drink? you he she it we you they Contraction: did not = didn´t U S E 
We use the past simple to talk about actions and situations that happened in the past, often with 
expressions like ago, yesterday, last night, in 2005, etc... I played football yesterday He lived in 
London from 1997 to 2005. Did you see Sarah yesterday?. No, I didn´t We didn´t go out last night. 
We stayed at home. They went to Spain on holiday last summer. Cristopher Colombus discovered 
S P E L L I N G R U L E S Past simple affirmative V+ -ed With most verbs we add -ed: walk > 
walked, finish > finished + -d With verbs ending with -e, we add -d: live > lived, phone > phoned y > 
-ied With verbs that end with a consonant + -y, we change the -y to -ied: try > tried, apply > applied 
Double consonant With verbs that end with a vowel + one consonant, we double the consonant: 
stop > stopped, plan > planned, travel > travelled Exceptions: We do not double the final consonant: 
1.- When it is a -y or -w : stay > stayed 2.- When the last syllable is not stressed: listen > listened, 
open > opened ENGLISH GRA M M AR The Past Simple 
P R O N U N C I A T I O N O F T H E - E D The -ed ending can be pronounced in 3 different ways: 
/id/, /t/ or /d/. ๏ If the verb ends in the sound /t/ or /d/, you pronounce the -ed ending /id/. invite 
/in´vait/ invited /in´vaitid/ ๏ If the verb ends in a voiceless consonant sound apart from /t/, you 
pronounce the -ed ending /t/. stop /stop/ stopped /stopt/ ๏ If the verb ends in a voiced consonant 
sound apart from /d/, or a vowel, you pronounce the -ed ending /d/. call /ko:l/ called /ko:ld/ NOTE: ๏ 
Voiceless consonant sounds: /t/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, / /,/ / or /t / ๏ Voiced consonant sounds: the rest /d/, 
/b/, /g/, /v/, /z/, / /, / /, /d /, /l/, /r/, /m/, /n/, / / 
A C T I V I T I E S 
1.- SPELLING RULES. Write the past simple of these verbs: 1. LIKE _______________ 2. PLAY 
_______________ 3. LISTEN _______________ 4. CYCLE _______________ 5. REVISE 
_______________ 6. COPY _______________ 7. PRACTISE _______________ 8. START 
_______________ 9. WATCH _______________ 10. LIVE _______________ 11. COOK 
_______________ 12. DANCE _______________ 13. HATE _______________ 14. FINISH 
_______________ 15. TIDY _______________ 16. USE _______________ 17. NEED 
_______________ 18. SAIL _______________ 19. SLIP _______________ 20. PLAN 
 2.- P RON U N C I A T ION : Write the past form of these verbs in the correct column below: 
discover crash laugh destroy survive jump worry need visit change travel introduce 
 /t/ /d/ /id/ 
3.- REGULAR VERBS. Complete the sentences with the past simple of one of these verbs: 1. 
Yesterday evening I _________________ television. 2. I _________________my teeth tree times 
yesterday. 3. Bernard _________________ 20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4. The concert last 
night _________________ at 7.30 and _________________ at 10 o´clock. 5. The accident 
_________________last Sunday afternoon. 6. When I was a child, I _________________ to be a 
adoctor. 7. Mozart _________________ from 1756 to 1791. 8. We _________________ our holiday 
last year. We _________________ at a very good hotel. 9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday 
it _________________ . 10.It was hot in the room, so I _________________ the window. 11.The 
weather was good yesterday, so we _________________ tennis. 12.William Shakespeare 
_________________ in 1616. 
4.- IRREGULAR VERBS. What did Mr.Bird do yesterday?. Write the verbs in brackets in the past 
simple form. Yesterday Mr. Bird (get up) _________________ at 6.45 and (have) 
_________________ a shower. Then he (have) _________________ tea and cornflakes for 
breakfast. He (leave) _________________ home at 7.55 and (go) _________________ to work by 
bus. He (take) _________________ the 8.05 bus and (get) _________________ to work at 8.30. 
He (have) _________________ lunch from 1.00 till 2.00 and (leave) _________________ work at 
6.00 in the evening. When he (get) ________________ home, he (read) _________________ the 
newspaper. Then he (have) _________________ dinner at 7.15. After dinner he (take) 
_________________ his dog out for a walk. He (go) _________________ to bed at 10.30 exactly!. 
Write the correct form of the verb given 
1. Last night I (go) to the cinema. 
2. I (decide) to go with my sister. 
3. We (see) A Little Princess. 
4. I (not know) it (be ) a sad story. 
5. We (cry) a lot but my younger sister not (cry) because she 
(think) it (be) a stupid story. 
6. Marylin Monroe (have) a poor childhood and (spend) years in 
children's homes because her mother (be) mentally ill. 
7. Norma Jean (work) in a factory with her husband, an aircraft 
8. One day a photographer (take) a photograph of her and she 
(begin) to appear in magazines. 
9. A little later, she (change) her name and (become) a big star. 
She (make) many famous films including one of the most famous films in 
A. Complete the sentences in simple past tense. 
1. I my teeth. (brush) 
2. Tom tennis with his friends. (play) 
3. They for their exam. (study) 
4. Susan to me quietly. (talk) 
5. Thomas me with my homework. (help) 
6. Daniel his car. (wash) 
7. The baby a lot. (cry) 
8. The man so fast. (walk) 
9. The mechanic the car. (fix) 
10. My mother the flowers. (water) 
11. The policeman the bus. (stop) 
12. Alicia her bag. (carry) 
13. She the door. (open) 
14. Sonia the train. (miss) 
15. I my teacher. (like) 
A. Complete the sentences in simple past tense. 
1. She to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday. (go) 
2. Jenny very late as well. (sleep) 
3. They a lot of calories in that marathon. (burn) 
4. Benny about a year ago. (quit) 
5. Todd 10 pounds when he was born. (is) 
6. Dan his car to car wash. (take) 
7. The boy off the couch in the morning. (fall) 
8. The bride after the groom. (run) 
9. The hot air balloon at the field a lot of attention in yesterday's game. (draw) 
10. My mother the birds before we left for vacation. (feed) 
Sentences - Simple Past negative 
did + not + infinitive 
I didn't like oranges. 
Simple Past negative: Fill in didn't and the verb. 
1. Mum arrived late. 
Mum late. 
2. We wanted the new car. 
We the new car. 
3. They tried out the new camera. 
They out the new camera. 
4. They dropped the apples. 
They the apples. 
5. The students worked hard. 
The students hard. 
6. The dog liked its new toy. 
The dog its new toy. 
7. She looked for a blue skirt. 
She for a blue skirt. 
8. They designed a new building. 
They a new building. 
9. Ben phoned his friend. 
Ben his friend. 
10. The little girl cried. 
The little girl . 
Simple Past exercises - to be 
 Simple Past of to be 
Simple present - to be Simple past - to be 
I am 
you are 
he/she/it is 
we are 
you are 
they are 
I was 
you were 
he/she/it was 
we were 
you were 
they were 
Fill in the correct form of 'to be' (was/were). 
I am in a hurry. 
I in a hurry yesterday. 
You are in a hurry. You in a hurry yesterday. 
He/She/It is in a hurry. 
He/She/It in a hurry yesterday. 
We are in a hurry. 
We in a hurry yesterday. 
You are in a hurry. 
You are in a hurry. 
You in a hurry yesterday. 
They are in a hurry. 
They in a hurry yesterday. 
Simple Past exercises - to be 
 Simple Past to be - negative (wasn't, weren't) 
Simple Past negative - to be: was not/wasn't or were not/weren't 
Simple Past: Fill in the correct negative form of the verb. 
I was late. 
I late in school. (long form, to be - negative) 
I late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
You were late in school. 
You late. (long form, to be - negative) 
You late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
He was late in school. 
He late in school. (long form, to be - negative) 
He late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
We were late in school. 
We late in school. (long form, to be - negative) 
We late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
You were late in school. 
You late in school. (long form, to be - negative) 
You late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
They were late in school. 
They late in school. (long form to be - negative) 
They late in school. (short form, to be - negative) 
Questions with was/were or did - Simple Past exercises 
Simple Past: Questions with 'did' and was/were 
did: We went to school. Did we go to school? 
was: My brother was at home. Was my brother at home? 
Simple Past: Write questions with was, were or did. 
1. We went to the park. 
we go to the park? 
2. My friend was at home. 
my friend at home? 
3. It was your party last week. 
it your party last week? 
4. They made a lot of toast. 
they make a lot of toast? 
5. The neighbours were nice. 
the neighbours nice? 
6. The film was interesting. 
the film interesting? 
7. Ron did all the exercises. 
Ron do all the exercises? 
8. The girls felt hungry. 
the girls feel hungry? 
9. The class ate hamburgers. 
the class eat hamburgers? 
10. The information was in the newspaper. 
the information in the newspaper? 
The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be with the -ing form of the verb: 
We use the past continuous to talk about the past: 
 for something which continued before and after another action: 
The children were doing their homework when I got home. 
 for something that happened before and after a particular time: 
It was eight o’clock. I was writing a letter. 
Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). 
1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly. 
2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) dinner. 
3. The kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 
4. I (practice) the guitar when he came home. 
5. We (not / cycle) all day. 
6. While Alan (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool. 
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen ) . 
8. What (you / do) yesterday? 
9. Most of the time we (sit) in the park. 
10. I (listen) to the radio while my sister (watch) TV. 
11. When I arrived, They (play) cards. 
12. We (study) English yesterday at 4:00 pm . 
Write correct sentences: 
Yesterday at 6 pm your family were doing different things. Write positive sentences in past 
1. My mother / read / a novel 
2. My father / watch / a movie 
3. My sister / writing / in her diary 
4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio 
5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie 
6. We / talk / about school 
Positive Sentences 
We use there is for singularand there are for plural. 
 There is one table in the classroom. 
 There are three chairs in the classroom. 
 There is a spider in the bath. 
 There are many people at the bus stop. 
We also use There is with uncountable nouns: 
 There is milk in the fridge. 
 There is some sugar on the table. 
Negative Form 
The negative is formed by putting not after is or are: 
 There is not a horse in the field. 
 There are not eight children in the school. 
We almost always use contractions when speaking. 
The Negative contractions are: 
 There's not = There isn't 
 There are not = There aren't 
To form a question we place is / are in front of there. 
Again we use any with plural questions or those which use uncountable nouns. 
We also use there is / are in short answers. 
 Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't. 
 Are there any dogs in the park? - Yes, there are. 
 Is there a security guard in the shop? - Yes, there is. 
 Are there any polar bears in Antarctica? - No, there aren't. 
 Is there any ice-cream in the freezer? - Yes, there is. 
 Look at the picture. Describe the room. Use there is / are + prepositions: 
Fill in the gap: there is, there are, is there, are there. 
 ten girls in the classroom. 
an apple in the box. 
a restaurant in the city? 
a hotel in Berlin. 
many restaurants. 
a pupil in the school? 
chairs in the classrom? 
* Decide if the following are COUNT or UNCOUNTABLE nouns : 
Coffee - tea - boy - soap - table - car - honey - keyboard 
furniture - smoke - news - watch - cheese - house - time 
 LOOK ! 
 A lot of  count & uncount  a lot of sugar / a lot of cars 
 MUCH  uncount  much sugar 
 MANY  count  many cars 
 How many days are there in a week? 
 How much cash is there in your pocket? 
Work in pairs. Complete the questions and answer them ( use a lot / much / many … or not much / 
not many) 
………………………………………………..time do you have for lunch? 
……………………………………………….people work with you? 
……………………………………………...work do you have? 
……………………………………………….money is there in your wallet? 
……………………………………………….keys have you got with you? 
………………………………………………..coffe do you drink a day? 
…………………………………………………glasses of water do you have in a day? 
……………………………………………….cars are there in the factory car park? 
…………………………………………………experience do you have in your job? 
…………………………………………………breaks do you have in a day’s work? 
……………………………………………..days do you have in your holidays? 
………………………………………………sugar do you take in your coffee? 
The Present Perfect Tense 
Look at the following expressions in the Present Perfect Tense: 
a) - “Have you ever flown in a helicopter?” 
- “No, I haven’t.” 
b) “Mike has lived in this city for 20 years.” 
c) – “Would you like some fruit?” 
– “No, thanks a lot. I´ve already eaten”. 
Now read the following information and circle the correct option considering the examples above: 
We use the Present Perfect to express: 
1) Action that started in the past and continues at present, as in example… a) b) 
2) The result of an action, the consequence/effect, and not the action itself, as in example… a) b) 
3) Experiences of a person, as in example… a) b) c) 
FORM: We form the Present Perfect with: 
 Subject + have/has + past participle (3rd column of verbs)… 
 “Maggie has written a book.” 
 Remember!: To practice this structure more efficiently, we must study the 3rd column of irregular 
Practice 1: Complete these sentences with the verbs in Present Perfect: 
1. I ________________ (read) your report twice this week. 
2. Brenda ___________ (wear) that skirt many times. 
3. My family____________ (visit) Brazil a few times. 
4. My daughter ______________ (finish) her homework. 
5. You ____________ (break) the glass again. 
6. They ____________ (pay) for everything. 
7. It ________________ (never snow) here like that! 
8. I ___________ (meet) Anna twice. 
9. We _____________ (see) him before. 
10. Tom _____________ (buy) 4 cars so far. 
11. There _____________ (be) some problems. 
12. Our visitor (arrive) ___________. Please answer the door. 
13. The ice on the sidewalk (melt) ______________. I think the sun is out today. 
14. The Mc Millans (prepare) _______________ a lot of food for the party. It looks delicious. 
15. Tony’s flight from New Jersey (land) _____________. We should see him any minute. 
16. The bank officers (suggest) ________________ that the meeting be scheduled for 
Wednesday morning. I will try to locate a conference room. 
17. Mark (eat) _______________ dinner already. He is not hungry. 
18. Beth (write) _____________ three letters today. She misses her family. 
19. Yoko and Armand (take) _______________ the test. Now they can relax. 
20. Marty and I (be) ______________ to Costa Rica three times. We are familiar with the 
Practice 2. Now think of negative and interrogative sentences. You can help yourself with the ideas in the 
sentences from Practice1. 
Present Perfect vs Past Simple 
Remember that we use the Past Simple tense to express actions we consider finished and complete, and 
when we have a certain, concrete time expression in the past (“yesterday”, “in 2015”, “last week/ month 
/year/…”, “three hours ago”, etc.). If we consider the action as unfinished or incomplete, or we want to put 
the emphasis on the result or on the experience of that action rather than on the action itself, then we use 
the Present Perfect tense (expressions like “so far”, “up to now”, “already”, “just”, “yet”, etc.). 
Practice. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, either Past Simple or 
Present Perfect: 
1) We _____________ (GO) to the movies last night. 
2) Tom ___________ (SEE) that movie three times already. 
3) I ___________ (READ) yesterday's newspaper, but I ___________ (NOT READ) today's. 
4) The students___________ (HAVE) eight exams last month. 
5) The students___________ (HAVE) eight exams this month. [The month hasn't ended yet.] 
6) The students_________ (HAVE) eight exams in the last month. 
7) They ____________ (PRACTISE) for the concert for over three hours now. 
8) _________you ever____ _____ (BE) to a professional football game? 
9) _________you _________(ENJOY) the game? 
10) How long you _____________ (WORK) here? 
11) The children ___________ (GROW) a lot since the last time I _________ (SEE) them. 
12) We ________ never ________ (SEE) snow. 
13) ________ you ________ (SING) professionally for long? 
14) _______ you ever _______ (EAT) snails? 
15) Last year she ___________ (WORK) a lot. 
PLANS OR INTENTIONS: When you decide to do something in the future you make a plan or have an 
intention. Plans can change, so it is not 100 % certain, e.g.: 
 Carol has bought her train ticket and booked her course. She is going to study in France next 
month. (This is her plan or intention). 
PREDICTIONS FROM THE SITUATION: Sometimes we can see that something is going to happen, e.g.: 
 Look out! Those books are going to fall over your head. 
STATEMENTS: He´s going to cook dinner. 
NEGATIVES: Clare isn´t going to cook dinner. 
YES/NO QUESTIONS: Are you going to cook dinner?26 
WH- QUESTIONS: Where are they going to cook dinner? 
Personal pronoun Simple present of to be Verb + ING 
Personal pronoun Simple present of to be Verb + ING 
Simple presento of to be Personal pronoun Verb + ING 
Exercise 2: Complete each sentence. Use going to and the verb in brackets. 
a) (you,buy) …………………………………………………………… a new bike? 
b) Tom (not be) …………………………………………………………… a doctor 
c) I (buy) ………………………………………………………… some new shoes. 
d) (Helen, catch) ……………………………………………………… the train? 
e) Who (carry) ……………………………………………… the shopping for me? 
f) Jim and Dinah (not get) ……………………………………………… married. 
g) Sam (take) ……………………………………………………………… a holiday. 
h) What time (you, phone) …………………………………………………… me? 
i) Where (we, eat) ……………………………………………………… tonight? 
j) I (not give) ………………………………………… Dave a birthday present! 
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence or question with going to. 
a) Joe plans to buy a new computer next year. 
b) We don´t plan to play tennis this weekend. 
c) Does Nick plan to join the sports club? 
d) What are your plans for next summer? 
e) Look! That tree is about to fall over! 
f) Do you plan to work hard this year? 
g) I don´t intend to get a new car. 
h) The forecast for tomorrow is rain. 
i) Do Mike and Pat plan to make sandwiches for the party? 
j) I think it´s about to snow. 
Exercise 4: Read Tom´s plans for his holiday. Complete the sentences. 
Saturday: arrive at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday: see the museum 
Sunday: walk around the village Thursday. Climb the mountain 
Monday: visit the castle Friday: buy presents at the market 
Tuesday: sito n the beach 
a) On Saturday ………………………………………………………………… 
b) ……………………………………………………………………. on Sunday. 
c) On Monday ………………………………………………………………… 
d) ……………………………………………………………………. on Tuesday. 
e) On Wednesday ………………………………………………………………… 
f) …………………………………………………………………… on Thursday. 
g) On Friday ……………………………………………………………………… 
Exercise 5: What are your plans for next summer? Write sentences. 
EXPLANATIONS: A prediction is what you think will happen, e.g.: 
 Jim will pass all his exams. 
 I´ll be late tonight. 
 It will rain tomorrow. 
 He will come to the party. 
Sometimes we emphasise that we are not certain. We can use perhaps, probably, think or expect, e.g.: 
 Jim will probably pass all his exams. 
 Perhaps I´ll be late tonight. 
 I expect it will rain tomorrow. 
 I think he will come to the party. 
STATEMENTS: They´ll leave tomorrow. 
Personal Pronoun WILL Main verb 
I – HE – SHE – 
IT – WE – YOU 
Perhaps Think Probably Expect Sure 
NEGATIVES: I won´t be at school on Friday. (WON´T = WILL NOT) 
Personal pronoun Will not Main verb 
I – HE – SHE – IT – WE – 
QUESTIONS: Will the shop be opened tomorrow? 
Will Personal pronoun Main verb 
WILL I – HE – SHE – IT – WE – 
 I´ll fly to Scotland next week. 
 It won´t rain tomorrow. 
 Will the train be late? 
 I expect it will rain. 
 I think it will rain. 
 I´m sure it will rain. 
 I don´t expect it will rain. 
 I don´t think it will rain. 
 I´m sure it won´t rain. 
Exercise 1: Complete each sentence or question. Use will or won´t and the verb in brackets. 
a) I (choose) ………………………………………………… the team next week. 
b) You (not have) ……………………… a lot of time to answer the questions. 
c) Mr. Jones (be) ……………………………………………… back at about 7.30. 
d) Dimitri (not know) ………………………………………………… the answer. 
e) I´m sure Jane (like) …………………………………… her birthday present. 
f) (you give) ……………………………………… us any homework on Friday? 
g) There (not be) …………………………………………… any lessons tomorrow. 
h) Lota of people (read) ……………………………… Michael White´s new book. 
i) I think our team (win) ………………………………………………… the match. 
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence using the words in bold. 
a) It´ll be cold tomorrow. (I´M SURE) 
b) We´ll win. (I EXPECT) 
c) I´ll leave now. (I THINK) 
d) Jim won´t be late. (I´M SURE) 
e) It won´t take long. (I EXPECT) 
f) You won´t have any problems. (I´M SURE) 
g) You´ll enjoy the party. (I THINK) 
h) They won´t decide anything yet. (I IMAGINE) 
i) The train won´t be late. (I DON´T EXPECT) 
j) Jane will have cooked dinner. (I IMAGINE) 
EXPLANATIONS: We use will and won´t when we make promises, decisions of the moment and 
when we refuse to do things. 
Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable reply (1-6) for each statement or question (a-f). 
a) Bye for now! 1 Don´t worry, I won´t forget 
b) Give me that piece of cake! 2 I´ll bring it tomorrow, I promise! 
c) Where´s your homework? 3 No, I won´t! It´s mine. 
d) What would you like to eat? 4 I´ll have a sándwich, please. 
e) Where are we going to meet? 5 Bye, I´ll see you later. 
f) Please remenber to call me. 6 I´ll see you outside the cinema. 
Exercise 2: Look at the pictures and make sentences with will or won´t. 
EXPLANATIONS: It is difficult to decide when to use will and when to use going to. Study these examples: 
 Do you want to go to the cinema this evening? No, I´m going to do lots of work this evening. 
 Are you going to play basketball tonight? No, I don´t think so. 
 You haven´t done your homework. Where is it? I´ll do lots of work this evening. 
Formal prediction 
 Here is the weather forecast; tomorrow it will rain in the afternoon. 
Prediction from clues 
 What do you think about the weather? It´s going to rain this afternoon. 
 Will you wash the floor? No, I won´t! You made it dirty! 
Exercise 1: Tick the most suitable sentence or question for each picture. 
Exercise 2: Choose each sentence with the correct formo of the verb in brackets. 
a) Jane (have) ………………………………………………a baby in the summer. 
b) Bye for now. Perhaps I (see) …………………………………………you later. 
c) Next summer I (stay) …………………………with my relatives in New York. 
d) I don´t know my plans for the weekend. What (do you) ………………………? 
e) Jim´s tired, so he (go) …………………………………………….. to bed early. 
f) Helen (move) …………………………………………. to London next year. 
The Passive 
The passive is formed with the appropriate tense of the verb to be + past participle. 
 Active voice Passive voice 
Present simple 
Past simple 
Present perfect 
Past perfect 
Present continuous 
Past continuous 
Future simple 
Modal +be +past 
He delivers letters 
He delivered the letters 
He has delivered the letters 
He had delivered the letters 
He is delivering the letters 
He was delivering the letters 
He will deliver the letters 
He has to deliver the letters 
He must deliver the letters 
The letters are delivered 
The letters were delivered 
The letters have been delivered 
The letters had been delivered 
The letters are being delivered 
The letters were being delivered 
The letters will be delivered 
The letters have to be delivered 
The letters must be delivered 
The Passive is used: 
1. When the agent (the person who does the action) is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the 
My car was stolen. (We don’t know who stole it.) 
The church was built in 1815. (Unimportant agent) 
He has been arrested. (Obviously by the police) 
2. Make more polite or formal statements. 
The car hasn’t been cleaned. (More polite) 
(You haven’t cleaned the car.-less polite) 
3. When the action is more important than the agent, as in processes, instructions, events, reports, 
headlines, news items and advertisements. 
30 people were killed in the earthquake. 
4. To put emphasis on an agent. 
The new library will be opened by the Queen. 
Changing from Active to Passive. 
 The object of the active verb becomes the subject in the new sentence. 
 Subject Verb Object Agent 
Active Picasso painted that picture. 
Passive That picture was painted by Picasso. 
 The active verb changes into a passive form and the subject of the active verb becomes the agent. 
The agent is introduced with by or it is omitted. 
After modal verbs (will, can, must, have to, should, may, ought to) we use be+ past participle. 
You can use the machine for cutting bread. The machine can be used for cutting bread. 
 We can use by +agent to say who or what carries out the action. We use with + 
instrument/material/ingredient to say what the agent used. 
A cake was made by Tina. It was made with eggs, flour and sugar. 
 We put the agent (the person who does the action) into the passive sentence only if it adds 
information. When the agent is unknown, unimportant or obvious it is omitted. Agents such as 
people (in general), they, somebody, etc, are omitted. 
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell (the agent is not omitted because it adds 
Somebody pushed him. He was pushed (by somebody.) Unknown agent is omitted. 
The police arrested him. He was arrested (by the police.) Obvious agent is omitted. 
 We form the passive voice with auxiliary verb to be and the past participle of the main verb. 
 Present simple: am/is/are + past participle. Rice is grown in China. 
 Present continuous: am/is/are + being + past participle. The patients are being examined 
right now. 
 Past simple: was/were + past participle. This photograph was taken last summer. 
 Past continuous: was/were + being + past participle. 
Simple Present Passive. 
+ I am woken You are woken He/She/It is woken. 
? Am I woken? Are you woken? Is he/she/it woken? 
- I am not woken You are not woken He/She/It is not woken. 
We use the simple present passive like the simple present active, for things that are always true, and things 
that happen all the time, repeatedly, often, sometimes, never,etc. 
I am paid every two weeks. Is Jeremy liked by the other children? Stamps aren’t sold here. 
1. Complete the sentences with am/is/are. 
a) A lot of paper…………made from wood. 
b) What…………….this called in English? 
c) I …………..paid on the first of every month. 
d) Jane ………….often sent to the Singapore office. 
e) ………………any classes taught on Wednesdays? 
f) More chocolate……………eaten in the USA than in any other country. 
g) Not very much……………known about Shakespeare’s childhood. 
h) We ……………….woken by the birds every morning. 
i) ………….you seen by the same doctor every week? 
2. Put simple present passive verbs into these sentences. 
a) A lot of olive oil……………………(use) in Greek cooking. 
b) Arabic ……………………..(write) from right to left. 
c) Those programmes…………….. (watch) by millions of people every week. 
d) Stamps ………………..(sell) in most newsagents in Britain. 
e) The police said that nothing…………………….(know) about the child’s family. 
f) In English, “ough”…………………………..(pronounce) in a lot of different ways. 
g) Spanish ……………………(speak) in Peru. 
h) Cricket …………………..(play) by two teams of eleven players. 
i) Our windows …………………………(clean) once a month. 
Simple Past Passive. 
+ I was woken You were woken He/She/It was woken 
? Was I woken? Were you woken? Was he/she/it woken? 
- I was not woken You were not woken He/She/It was not woken 
We use the Simple Past Passive like the Simple Past Active, for complete finished actions and events. 
This table was made by my grandfather. 
1. Complete the sentences with was/were. 
a) The fire………….in Renton, a kilometre away. 
b) Most of the matches………. won by Indian teams. 
c) These keys………found in the changing room-are they yours? 
d) We couldn’t find the station, but we…………..helped by a very kind woman. 
e) I …………stopped by a policeman in Green Road this morning. 
f) Yesterday a man…………..caught trying to burn down the Town Hall. 
2. Put simple past passive verbs into these sentences. 
a) Our passports………………………(take)by a tall woman in a uniform. 
b) These books……………………(leave)in the classroom yesterday. 
c) I don’t think this room……………………..(clean)yesterday. 
d) We………………………(meet)at the airport by a driver from the university. 
e) Nobody……………………….(tell)what was happening. 
f) He ………………………(send)away to school when he was twelve. 
When A does something to B, there are often two ways to talk about it: “active” and “passive”. 
We use active verbs if we want A to be the subject. 
We use passive verbs if we want B to be the subject. 
We make passive verbs with be (am,is, are) + past participle 
Active Passive 
A B B 
Mrs Harris cooks our meals. 
Somebody saw her in Belfast. 
The government will close the hospital next year 
Our meals are cooked by Mrs Harris. 
She was seen in Belfast. 
The hospital will be closed next year. 
3. Circle the correct answer. 
a) English speaks/spoke/is spoken in Australia. 
b) I studied/was studied French for three years at school. 
c) We spent/was spent too much money on holiday. 
d) This broke/was broken by your little boy. 
e) Her clothes made/are made in Paris. 
f) This book written/was written by my brother. 
g) The new university will open/will opened/will be opened by the Prime Minister. 
h) Ann was driving/was driven much too fast, and she stopped/was stopped by the police. 
Sometimes we make passives with get instead of be, especially in spoken English. 
I get paid on Fridays. My window got broken by the wind. 
Change the following sentences from active to passive. Use simple present passive. 
1.John delivers the mail. 
2. Mum cooks delicious pizzas. 
3.My teachers correct our exercises at home. 
4.Mr.Brown teaches French at school. 
5.The children leave the bicycles outside. 
6.Mary writes nice stories. 
7.We start the game at 7.30 
8.Somebody paints the walls at night. 
9.Childrendo the test in the morning. 
10.I finish the report on time. 
Change the following sentences from active to passive. Use simple past passive. 
1.Tom wrote that letter. 
2.Fire destroyed the house. 
3.Mary took some books from the desk. 
4.Many people attended the lecture. 
5.The little boy ate the cakes. 
6.They started a dancing class last week. 
7. Mr Smith saw the accident yesterday. 
8.He bought that car two weeks ago. 
9.The maid broke the plates and the glasses. 
10. I posted some letters two days ago. 
1)From Cape Town to London 
In 2013 Philip Young and Paul Brace decided to drive from Cape Town, South Africa to London in a rather 
unusual car. The car they chose was a Fiat Panda. Philip and Paul, both car mechanics, believed the tiny 
car could manage the difficult journey. The real reason for their journey, however, was to raise money for 
Farm Africa, a charity which helps families in rural areas. 
This was not the first time the men had done this trip. In 2011they did the same journey in a Land Rover, 
which took several weeks. This time they wanted to complete it as quickly as possible and break the world 
Philip and Paul set off on February 1st (first). Their route covered 10,300 miles and lasted 10 days, 13 hours 
and 28 minutes, stopping only for fuel and food. When one was driving, the other slept in the back of the 
car. They faced many problems in the thirteen countries on their route. In Ethiopia, they nearly ran out of 
fuel. After crossing into Sudan, they took a wrong turn and wasted valuable time. They nearly got swept off 
the road in thunderstorms in Botswana, their ferry was delayed in Tunisia and snow and fog caused further 
delays in Europe. Temperatures ranged from – 4° to 40°C, but both men said the hardest part of the 
journey was the dust on the roads, which got into their eyes and mouth. Both agreed that the best part was 
seeing supporters waving and cheering as they passed through villages and towns. 
The men finally arrived in London at 5:28 pm on 11th (eleventh) February, breaking the previous world 
record by almost 24 hours. The car had performed perfectly and needed no oil or water, even at the end of 
the journey. With people having donated almost $ 40,000, Philip and Paul are looking forward to the next 
a)Answer complete sentences 
1-Why did Philip and Paul drive from Cape Town to London? 
2- How long did the journey take in the Fiat Panda? 
3- What did the men particularly enjoy about the journey? 
4- Were extreme temperatures the most difficult part of the journey? 
5- Was the Fiat Panda a big car? 
b)True/ false sentences 
1.Philip and Paul had travelled this route before. 
2.They travelled through 13 countries. 
3.Philip and Paul got lost when they were travelling through A.Botswana B.Ethiopia c.Sudan 
4.The worst part of the journey was A.sleeping in the car B.the dusty roads C.the extreme 
5.How did the car perform on the journey? 
A.it broke down several times B.it was totally reliable C.it only needed oil and 
c)Find the word in the passage which means the SAME as 
given (paragraph 4), 
small (paragraph 1) 
2)Read about the different PARTS OF A SADDLE and label the diagram below. The words that you 
need to use are underlined. 
There are several different kinds of saddle, and they may have different parts. However, all saddles have a 
seat. This is the part that the rider sits on. 
The cinch or girth is the long leather strap which holds the saddle onto the horse. It is like a belt, and it can 
be made bigger or smaller, depending on the size of the horse. 
The fork, which is also called the swell, is the part of the saddle that rises in front of the seat. This stops the 
rider from falling forward off the saddle. 
The part of the saddle where the rider puts his/her feet is the stirrups. There is a stirrup which hangs down 
on either side of the saddle. They are often made of metal, but can also be made of wood or leather. 
The cantle is the back part of the seat. When you sit in the saddle, the cantle is right behind you. It gives 
the rider some support and stops the rider from falling backwards. If the cantle is high, it is more difficult for 
the rider to fall off. 
English saddles do not have a horn, but on a western saddle, the horn rises from the centre of the fork. 
The rider uses it to hold on to and it is the highest part of the saddle. 
The fender is the leather part on a saddle which hangs down on each side of the horse. It connects the 
stirrup to the rest of the saddle. The stirrup hangs down from the fender. 
The skirt is the outer part of the saddle, which rests on the horse´s back. The skirt might be square or 
rounded, and it sometimes has a pattern on it. 
3) READING Paper. Read this passage about animals living in the mountains and write in the words which are 
missing in the spaces given. Remember to write 2(two) words in each space. 
Life in the mountains 
For animals __________ _____ the mountains, life can be challenging. The weather can be extremely cold, and the 
thin air can make it hard____________ ___________. However, there is much more space in the mountains and 
__________ from humans. Many animals can live perfectly well on both mountains and lower land. 
_________ _______ challenges there are some animals that live only in the mountains. 
Mammals, such as the vicuña and ibex, can live permanently _________ ___________ in the mountains. 
The thin air is not a problem for them because their bodies are very ___________ _________ collecting 
oxygen.This is because they have three times as many red blood cells as most other mammals, including 
humans. When humans climb up into the mountains, __________ __________ oxygen tanks to help them 
As well as the thin air, the freezing temperatures are a danger. Many small animals _________ 
hibernating. This means that they find a hole or make a nest and then sleep for up to three months. Some 
will move from the frozen mountaintop to the forests__________ _____ There they can continue to find 
Once the winter__________ _________ , spring time arrives. Slowly the mountains start to come alive 
again with birds and mammals. The sun __________ ________ ,the snow begins to melt and tiny alpine 
flowers start to appear. 
a) Solve the puzzle 
(2 spaces)1 M (3 spaces) 
 2 O (5 spaces) 
 (3 spaces )3 U (2 spaces) 
 (5 spaces)4 N (3 spaces) 
(3 spaces)5 T (2 spaces) 
(3 spaces)6 A (3 spaces) 
(1 spaces)7 I (3 spaces) 
(4 spaces)8 N (1 spaces) 
1.A type of animal that drinks milk from it´s mother´s body when it is young. 
2. A gas that has no colour or smell. It´s present in air. 
3. This mammal lives in the north of Argentina. 
4.Some animals sleep for the whole winter. 
5.The season of the year when the weather is cold. 
6. To take air into your lungs and send it out again. 
7.A creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. 
8. The time when the sun comes out, the snow begins to melt and tiny alpine flowers start to appear. 
4) LISTENING Paper. Listen to the conversations and put a ✓in the correct answer to the man´s 
A-Why is Josie crying? a)She´s disappointed b)she´s happy c)she´s angry she´s sad 
B- Where is Kate going on holiday this summer? a) France b)Egypt c) Spain d)Morocco 
C- Where is Mike at the moment? a)at home b)at his desk c)in hospital d)at the dentist´s

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