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Equipo Base Académico- Pedagógico 
Área de Inglés 
School: Grade: ENGLISH 
Teacher: Time: Hours: 
El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, particularmente en la Ley General de Educación, que establece como uno de 
sus fines “El estudio y la comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país, como 
fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. En la misma ley se fijan como objetivos de la Educación 
Básica y Media “La adquisición de elementos de conversación y de lectura al menos en una lengua extranjera” y “La 
comprensión y capacidad de expresarse en una lengua extranjera”. 
AFFECTIVE:. That we Live funny experiences reading and learning about the narrative styles, thus we 
can express feelings and emotions about texts. 
COGNITIVE: That we recognize the grammatical structures in texts using previous knowledge . 
EXPRESSIVE: That we produce creatively our own texts by using the grammatical tools (connectors, 
verbs, adjectives, basic tenses, etc) showing improvement in written skills. 
1-Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de comprender las ideas principales y 
específicas. En los diferentes tiempos verbales. 
2-Contesto, en forma escrita, preguntas relacionadas con textos que he leído atendiendo a los diferentes tiempos 
gramaticales vistos en el periodo. 
3- Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje como la puntuación, la 
ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión. 
4-ldentifico conectores, personas, situaciones, lugares, temas, en una situación de habla para comprender su 
Competencia Pragmática 
• Using a context to understand meaning.
• Writing a short story following a model.
Competencia Lingüística y Pragmática 
• Identifying contrasts and comparisons in a text.
• Writing a comparison between two different customs.
• Basic tenses review.
• Perfect tenses.
• Connectors of sequence.
• Increasing vocabulary by using synonyms and antonyms.
• Gerunds and infinitives. /Connectors that express contrast.
Aplicación de las didácticas interrogativas, comunicativas, participativas y actividades variadas. 
Los estudiantes potencian sus capacidades de comprehender las preguntas y de expresar respuestas 
cada vez con mayor profundidad y sentido. También se fortalecen varias operaciones intelectuales tales 
como: interpretar, comprehender, relacionar, preguntar y responder. Trabajos grupales e individuales, 
realización de juego de roles como: exposiciones, dramatizados, aplicación de actividades lúdica 
láminas y el uso videos y herramientas tecnológicas que permitan La motivación y participación de 
todos los estudiantes. 
 Where have you seen these signs? 
1. A. In a garage 
B. In a classroom 
C. In a restaurant 
2. A. At a travel agency 
B. At a beach 
C. At an airport 
3. A. On an envelope 
B. On a bill 
C. On a book 
Complete the dialogue 
4. Who’s Patricia? A. She’s fine 
B. She’s my friend 
C. She’s Spanish 
5. Could you telephone me this evening? A. I will if I can 
B. I’ll tell him for you 
C. If I’m not there, speak to john 
6. Have you turned off the computer? A. I don’t want it 
B. It’s on the left 
C. I’m still using it 
7. When do you finish your class? A. yesterday 
B. At six thirty 
C. Two hours ago 
8. I think Jane’s a very good teacher A. Who is it? 
B. How far? 
C. Do you? 
 Read and complete with the correct word 
Many people all over the world like (9) coffee. In Britain, for example, people 
drink about 60 million cups of coffee (10) day. In some countries, like Italy, 
people like (11) small cup of strong coffee, usually without milk. In other 
countries, like the USA, people have coffee made (12) a lot of milk and sugar. 
Coffee first arrived (13) Britain in the 17th c century. Many coffee houses 
(14) then. But only rich men went to (15) places to meet friends, 
talk and do business. Women did not go to coffee houses (16) they were 
much too dangerous. Today, coffee is (17) than before and people drink it 
everywhere, at home, at work and in cafés. 
9. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks 
10. A. every B. all C. most 
11. A. some B. the C. a 
12. A. up B. with C. by 
13. A. on B. in C. at 
14. A. open B. opened C. opening 
15. A. these B. this C. their 
Guide: 1 
Topic: Basic tenses review, connectors of sequence and prefixes and suffixes. 
Warming up 
1. Complete the conversation between two modern wizards.
Fill in the blanks with the word bank. 
Marlon: Hey man, how are you? 
Bumblebee: I’m fine. What you last night? 
Marlon: I to a wizard party downtown. 
Bumblebee: I that it cancelled. 
When I arrived there everyone . 
Marlon: That’s because we to cast spells. 
Bumblebee: Really? What did you do? 
Marlon: I my broom into a Harley Davidson. 
Bumblebee: Wow! That sounds great! 
Marlon: I also a wicked witch. 
Bumblebee: Really? Is She that hot? 
Marlon: Yeah! She has green-snaked hair. 
Bumblebee: Oh, man! And to think that while you fun, I 
Met were having went 
had been was preparing thought 
went out had left do 
transformed Did 
• EXPRESSIVE: That I interpret and express myself through oral and written
texts.Showing my advances in general comprehension and production skills.
Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de 
comprender las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes tiempos 
Answer the followings questions: 
1. Ingrid would like to
A. take some exams. 
B. earn more money. 
C. change her job. 
2. How does Ingrid feel about working in
bad weather? 
A. She hates getting dirty. 
B. She doesn't mind it. 
C. She likes the snow. 
3.If Ingrid doesn't check the monkeys,
A. they may become ill. 
B. they may get hungry. 
C. they may run away. 
4. The animals Ingrid likes best are the
A. monkeys. 
B. deer. 
C. rhinos. 
5. Ingrid traveled to Africa
A. to have a month's vacation. 
B. to visit a colleague there. 
C. to learn more about some animals. 
6. Change the followings synonyms to
A- small: _ 
B- hard: _ 
C- Clean: 
Create nouns and adjectives from the words in the Word Bank. Use the 
Power biology beauty number help conduct truth 
Price type teach force act geology skill 
economy direct respect pacify terror Sense joy 
Incomplete texts 
1. Choose the connector that best suits each option.
While Once upon a time Then The next day Once First When 
there was a hen. She had two friends: a cat and a pig who were very lazy. 
One day, the hen found a wheat seed she was looking for worms. 
She asked her friends if they would help her, but they say “NO”. _ she got up early 
and planted it. she put it in the soil, she watered it. 
_ the wheat was ready to be harvested, the hen worked a lot. _ 
the bread was ready, the hen asked her friends: “Do you want a piece of bread?” Both the cat 
and the pig said “yes!” “Well, now I’ll eat it alone too!”, said the hen, and she ate all the bread. 
2. what is the main idea about the text.
3. What is the moral about fable.
 Complete the followings short texts: 
1. Centuries ago, people (Q) have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. 
Q a. don´t b. won´t c. had to d. didn´t
2. For them, every activity is too (Q) trouble, and laziness is an art form! So how (e) you 
spend your free time? 
Q a. many b. long c. much d. more
ea. are b. did c. is d. do
3. But now there(o) a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching TV (•) 
Q-a- is b- was c- are d- were 
e- for b- on c- in d- at 
4. -The bear can(Q) a dangerous animal. The adult bear is very 
strong and it can kill a person. 
Q- a -is b-being c –be 
5. Bears are good at(•) trees and they can run very fast. 
e-a- climbed b- climb c- climbing 
6. they find food by using(Q) noses. 
Q-a-them b -those c- their 
 Build your own story: 
1. Look at this comic strip.
2. Analyze the situation.
3. Write the story according to the situation and some questions.
4. Read your story to your classmates and ask them some questions about it.
5. Compare your stories with a partner.
Guide: 2 Activity 1
Topic: Basic tenses review, connectors of sequence , synonyms and 
1 Read the text. 
Welcome to New York 
Welcome to the Big Apple, the city of the tall buildings! There are many 
interesting buildings and other important places to visit. Start with the Empire 
State building, a 102 story building. Then visit the Rockefeller Center in the 
Heart of Manhattan. There is also the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. You also 
have to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art 
with paintings by important artists as Picasso and Van Gogh. 
Circle T for true or F for false. 
A. There are a lot of tall buildings in this New York. T F 
B. The Cathedral in this city has two names. T F 
C. There are many places to see in this city. T F 
D. New York has many interesting museums. T F 
E. Rockefeller Center is located in the middle of Brooklyn. T F 
F. Another name for New York is The Pineapple. T F 
G. There are 102 floors in the Empire State Building. T F 
Underline the best option in each case. 
A. Two artists mentioned in the text are 
QVan Gogh and Dalí Q Dalí and Picasso Q Van Gogh and Picasso 
B. New York is the city of 
Qmuseums gtall buildings Q apples 
C. St. John the Divine is a 
Q church Q museum Q building 
D. The text says that the buildings are 
Q imaginative Q interesting Q inappropriate 
E. The text is likely to be a 
Q magazine article Q radio news Q TV program 
EXPRESSIVE: That I identify and use connectors in a text for showing my 
written and reading comprehension skills. 
. Identifico conectores, personas, situaciones, lugares, temas, en una 
situación de habla para comprender su sentido. 
Some connectors express sequence. You will find some examples in the box below. 
The next day: the day after as soon as: immediately 
While: when, at the same time once: 1. some time ago, at one time 
2. At once: as soon as
First: at the beginning once upon a time: there was a time. 
as: While, at the same time finally: at the end 
Soon: in a short time 
At this point: at the moment 
 Complete the text using soon, at first, once and eventually. 
Throughout the ages, many stories have been told about mermaids. 
they were frightening, but they became part of the 
dreams and fantasies of many. 
they enchanted men with their songs and beauty, but they 
entered the fantasies of the children as sweet stories. 
 Complete the sentences by writing the antonym of the underlined word 
in the space provided. See the example. 
Some people love horror films, others hate them. 
a. When I was a child I used to read short stories, but now that I am an , I 
prefer novels. 
b. On Halloween, two babies got scared by their cousins’ fancy dresses. On Christmas
day they were 
c. Witches are wicked, angels are . 
d. While some people die, other people . 
e. Sunny days are lively, days are depressing. 
f. On Christmas Eve we have a formal dinner, but on New
Year’s we have a formal lunch. 
g. My dad is very skeptical with respect to UFOs, but I
in aliens because I have seen some. 
h. Children say trick or on Halloween. 
1- Read and organize the following fable. Pay special attention to the 
connectors and the verb tenses. 
2-Underline the connectors. 
The Milkmaid and her Bucket of Milk 
 Then, she thought that she could sell the eggs and she would get a lot of 
 As she thought this, she tossed her head back, the bucket fell off, and all 
the milk, along 
with her dreams, was gone. 
 First, she would buy some hens from Farmer Brown, and the hens would 
lay eggs every morning. 
 At this point, she imagined that the women of te village would be so jealous 
of her new 
clothes that she would just toss her head at them. 
1 Once upon a time there was a maid who lived in the countryside. She had a 
small piece of 
land where she had a cow that had started to give good milk. 
 While she was on her way, she began to think what she would do with the 
money she 
would get for the milk. 
 As soon as she had the money, she would buy herself a new dress and a 
 Once she got a bucket of milk from the cow, she put it on her head and 
decided to take it to the market. 
2. Discuss the following questions as a class.
a. What is the moral of the fable? b. Has this ever happened to
3. Complete the chart with the information about fable .
Characters Setting Events Objects 
4. Correct the underlined word using and, but, or, so, because.
1. We don´t go to the beach BUT it´s cold.
2. They don´t like meat AND fish.
3. It´s winter BECAUSE I´m not cold.
4. It´s raining, OR take your umbrella!.
5. Now, in groups write a happy end of the fable. Use the connectors seen
in class 
Guide: 3 Activity 1
Topic: Basic tenses review, connectors of sequence and synonyms. 
Y Ask your partner about first-time and last-time experiences 
- When was the first time you kissed a boy-girl? 
- When was the last time you kissed a boy- 
- When was the last time you practiced a 
- Why did you finish your 
- When was the first time you went to 
a party? 
- When was the last time you ate 
healthy food? 
- When was the last time you ate 
junk food? 
- Why did you quit the gym? 
Possible answers : 
In july 
Last week 
A month ago 
When i was 
a child 
- A few days 
EXPRESSIVE: That I interpret specific information from a text. Showing my written 
and reading comprehension skills. 
. Contesto, en forma escrita, preguntas relacionadas con textos que he leído 
atendiendo a los diferentes tiempos gramaticales vistos en el periodo. 
Ronaldo Luiz Nazario da Lima 
A The famous soccer player was born on 22nd September, 1976 in 
a poor area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
B Ronaldo didn’t have many things most children have, but his 
great joy in life was football. He often missed school and was 
usually outside, with no shoes playing football with a rag ball. 
Ronaldo’s mother didn’t want him to play football. 
C When Ronaldo was 14 years old, a former football player, 
Jairzinho, discovered him. He realized he was a talented player 
and two years later, Ronaldo played for a Brazilian team. Now he 
was on his way to the top. 
D Today, Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world and 
everyone knows his name. He is living proof of a person who 
turned his dream into reality!! 
1- Read the text. 
2 Answer the questions. 
In which paragraph does the writer mention... 
A. Ronaldo’s present life and feelings? 
B. Ronaldo’s job, date and place of birth? 
C. Ronaldo’s early years? 
D. The beginning of his success? 
Underline the best answer in each case. 
A Where was Ronaldo born? 
QLima Q Rio de Janeiro Q Quito 
B How old was he when he was “discovered”? 
Q fourteen Q four Q forty 
C Was he from a rich family? 
Q Yes Q No Q It doesn’t say 
D What sport does he play? 
Q basket Q hockey Q soccer 
E What did Ronaldo turn his dreams into? 
Q a reality showQ a reality Q a real wish 
Laurence Stephen Lowry was born in Manchester, a city in the north of England, in 1987. 
He hated school and was happy when he left to work in an office. His colleagues there were 
friendly and often asked him to go to the cinema or 
theater in the evenings but he did not go; he preferred to 
go to art school. 
Lowry loved walking through the city streets, looking at 
people doing everyday things. He painted these things in 
his pictures. His parents though his paintings were very 
good but nobody ever bought one. Then one day, a man 
who knew a lot about art bought one and showed it to 
some people in the art business. 
Suddenly, many people knew Lowry’s paintings, but he 
could only paint in the evenings until he stopped working when he was sixty-five. Then he 
painted and sold many pictures and earned a lot of money, which he used to help young 
artists. Now, twenty years after his death, he’s one of the Britain’s favorite artists, but not 
many people in other countries know Lowry’s work. 
 1. Lowry was born in the A. 18th century 
B. 19
C. 20
2. When Lowry was at school, he A. did not like it 
B. had a lot of friends 
C. was happy 
3. Lowry painted A. people at home 
B. people in the street 
C. people in school 
4. Lowry’s family A. didn’t understand his paintings 
B. sold his paintings 
C. liked his paintings 
5. Lowry became famous because A. he knew a lot about art 
B. an important man liked his paintings 
C. he was a good businessman 
6. When Lowry stopped working A. taught art 
in the office, he B. started an art business 
C. became rich 
7. Today, Lowry’s work is A. loved in his own country 
B. not know in Britain 
C. famous all over the world 
One fine 
and the 
and afte 
Vocabulary practice 
 Match each word with the synonym. 
a. a trick traditions 
b. crops a monster 
c. frightened evil 
d. tales powerful 
e. a treat bright 
f. ugly stories 
g. wicked obscurity 
h. sunny chilly 
i. customs a gift or a surprise 
j. darkness a fraud 
k. cold awful 
l. a beast scared 
m. mighty plants 
The Belly and the Members 
(An Aesop’s Fable) 
day, it occurred to the Members of the body that they were doing all the work 
Belly _ (have) all the food. So, they _ (have) a meeting, 
r a long discussion, they _ _ (decide) to stop work until the Belly 
_ _ (do) its part of the work. So for a day or two, the Hands _ 
to take the food, the Mouth _ (refuse) to receive it, and the Teeth 
 _ (have) no work to do. But after a day or two the Members 
(begging) to find that they were _ (get) weaker and weaker: the Hands 
 (can) hardly move, and the Mouth was all dry, while the Legs _ 
(can not) support the rest of the body. This way they _ (find) that even the 
Belly, in its quiet way, _ (do) necessary work for the Body, and that they all 
 (have to) work together or the Body would go to pieces. 
1- Complete the following text by conjugating the verbs in parentheses. 
Combine the simple past and the past progressive . 
1. What is the main idea about text? 
2. Why did the Members decide to stop work? 
3. Underline the connectors. 
Guide: 4 
Activity 1 
Topic: Basic tenses review, connectors of sequence and synonyms. 
Warm up 
Let´s Enter a TV Studio 
1. Discuss these questions with a partner. 
 Why do you think so many people like to watch 
 Is television better than the radio? Why? 
2. Read the following TV program introductions and 
match them with the kind of program in the Word 
h Our expedition tonight arrives at Galapagos islands where you´ll see the most amazing species 
and wonderful flora and fauna… 
Last week sheriff Mason arrested two bank robbers who were becoming the terror of theWest… 
You´ll be really excited with all the things you´re about to see: action, passion and horror. 
Everything at the same time…. 
You´ll need to take your umbrella tomorrow. There´s a heavy storm moving to Los Angeles, it 
will rain and strong winds will blast the city… 
You´ll laugh and enjoy our jokes and actor imitations… 
If you like to grow beautiful flowers such as tulips, carnations, roses and daisies, stay with us all 
Last night, poor Caroline was fired by her boss who had been his lover. This happened because 
she saw him with a woman who is not his wife… 
Good evening, our guests make up a family: a husband, a wife and a son, who will find out 
tonight that he was adopted… 
Captain Super Dog saved the little kids who had fallen in a lake while playing in a boat.. 
Word Bank 
a. a thriller b. a soap opera c. a talk show 
d. a cartoon 
e. a comedy 
f. a western 
g. a gardening program 
h. a documentary 
i. a weather forecast 
Note : teachers can continue this exercise with 10 teenagers page 25 exercise 
# 4 
EXPRESSIVE: That I interpret and rank specific sentences from a text. Showing my 
written and reading comprehension skills. 
. Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de comprender 
las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes tiempos verbales 
• Read the definitions related to 
television and movies and match them 
with the Word Bank. 
a. A man who operates a camera when 
making movies or 
b. A room where television and radio 
programs are made, or where music is 
c. The person who gives instructions to the 
actors, cameraman, etc. in a film or 
d. Someone who looks after an actor´s clothes in the theater and helps them to dress 
for a play. 
e. A person whose job is to get information about news events and describe them for a 
newspaper, magazine, radio or television. 
f. A person who plays the part of a character in a movie. 
g. A single piece of action that happens in one place in a film. 
h. Substances that actors put on their faces to improve or change their 
Word Bank 
Actor dresser scene reporter 
Studio make- up cameraman director 
1- Answer the followings questions. 
-What types of TV programs do you like? Why? 
- Do you think TV programs are very violent? YES/NO why? 
- What types of TV program would you do if you were director? 
1- Match the following words with the corresponding definitions. 
a. Cast 
b. Opera 
c. Ballerina 
d. Conductor 
e. Choir 
1. A performer who makes people laugh. 
2. A woman who dances in a ballet. 
3. The group of actors selected for a movie. 
4. Some who conducts an orchestra 
5. Someone who performs gymnastic 
f. Stuntman 
g. Juggler 
h. Director 
i. Director 
6. Someone who performs stunts. This person replaces 
actors in dangerous scenes 
7. Someone who entertains others by throwing and 
catching things 
8. A group of people that sings regularly 
9. A drama in which all actors sing. It contains arias, duos 
and recitatives. 
j. Clown 10. Someone who tells actors what to do. 
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the World Bank 
Word Bank 
make-up dresser talk show forecast 
westerns scenes documentary 
a. Yesterday I saw a about hippopotamus. 
b. Cowboys are the principal characters of 
c. I didn’t like the movie because there are many bloody 
d. The actress had to put on a lot of to look older. 
e. The bought all the clothes for the actors in the flea market. 
f. A man who has been a widower for 10 times was interviewed on the 
g. I heard on the that today is going to be sunny. 
What are we watching this Weekend? 
A drama in which allactors sing. It contains arias, duos and recitatives. 
1. Discuss with a partner. 
a. How often do you watch TV? 
b. What types of programs do you prefer to watch? 
2. According to the television programs you watch, fill in the chart below. 
Category TV program title Comment 
Movie specials 
Drama and mystery 
Home and leisure 
3. What are the good points and bad points about television? List them with a partner. 
Good points Bad points 
You can get lots of information Sometimes you just get bored 
4- Find a partner. Choose your favorite TV program and write a summary of what is 
going to happen in the next chapter. 
Guide: 5 
Activity 1 
Warm up 
EXPRESSIVE: That I interpret texts in English and answer question. Showing my 
advances in reading comprehension. 
Contesto, en forma escrita, preguntas relacionadas con textos que he 
leído atendiendo a los diferentes tiempos gramaticales vistos en el 
Past tenses 
 Conjugate the missing verbs using the simple past, past progressive and past 
a. When I (be) a child, I (love) to read and create fairy 
b. I (buy) books and (visit) the library very often. 
c. Friends and family always (give) me books for presents. 
d. When I turned 12, I (already read) most of the literature for 
e. I (not like) to play much. While my friends (play) 
games, I (read) books. 
f. After I (begin) a story, I (can not) put the book down. 
g. I once (participate) in a story contest. 
h. I (think) that I would win it, but I (negative). This is 
how my life as a writer began. 
1- What is the main idea about text? 
2- Underline the connectors about text. 
Sentence building 
Choose the correct sentence. 
1. Yesterday Susan 
a.were going to the museum 
b.went to the movies. 
c.has been to John´s house. 
d.had gone to the mall 
2. When I arrived home 
a.everybody had already eaten . 
b.my mom has prepared dinner. 
c.my friends are there. 
d.my dad was watched television. 
3. The elf appeared 
a. when I collect mushrooms in the woods. 
b.because I am calling him. 
c.he has come suddenly. 
d.while I was collecting wood. 
4. While the knight was planning how to rescue the princess 
a.a witch had arrived. 
b.the princess escapes with another knight. 
c.a dragon took the princess to another place. 
d.an ogre were kidnapping her. 
Verb contrast 
Conjugate the verbs using present, past and future. 
The Mermaid 
Do you believe in mermaids? Do you _ (know) anything about them? 
Well, stories say t hat somewhere in Britain, there is a pool called Mermaid’s Pool. It is 
called this because a water spirit, the mermaid, _ _ (swim) in its dark, deep waters. 
Every year, at midnight on Easter Eve, the mermaid (appear), 
and if you _ _ _ (look) attentively into the water, you _ 
(see) her swimming at the bottom. If you _ __ (see) her, she _ _ 
(grant) you eternal life or take you to your death. And if you (stare) into 
the pool long enough, you _ (receive) visions of your future. 
Long ago, people used to believe that the pool’s water (be) the entrance 
to “The Other World” and that the mermaid (be) a water goddess. So, 
they _ (make) sacrifices and (celebrate) rituals of 
death in the pool. 
1. Do you believe in the mermaid? Why? 
2. What is the main idea about text? 
1. Do a brainstorm of ideas. 
2. Based on the ideas from the brainstorm, make sentences 
3. Divided your ideas into paragraphs and develop each idea. 
4. Write titles, subtitles and pay attention to the punctuation. 
5. Rewrite the text using the correct connectors. 
Guide: 6 Activity 1 
Warm up 
1- Fill in the crossword puzzle. Use 
the Word bank 
1. A place in which the city garbage is 
2. Material that has no more use and is 
thrown away. 
3. Food processing technique 
4. Personal pronoun 
5. The gives nutrients to living creatures 
6. The waste carried off by pipes. 
7. To consume something when you are the 
8. {lnverted) pollution is not new. 
 is the result of a long 
9. Some chemical fertilizers can be 
10. A food preservation technique that has 
become very common recently. 
11. A poisonous mixture of fog and smoke. 
12. Rivers, lakes and rain consist of this 
13. What people dump in the streets 
Word Bank 
EXPRESSIVE: That I use skimming skill to understand text .Showing my written and 
reading comprehension . 
. Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje 
como la puntuación, la ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión. 
Read the following text: 
Do you know how to describe an ecosystem? 
An ecosystem is all the living and non-living things in an 
environment and the interaction among them. Most energy in 
an ecosystem comes from the sun. The organisms in an 
ecosystem exchange energy and food among themselves 
and with the non-living parts of the environment. 
Now, imagine one ecosystem, there is a tree, the leaves from 
the tree make their own food by using the energy from t he 
sun during the process of photosynthesis. Animals can’t make their own food. They get food by 
eating plants or other animals. The squirrel eats acorns from the tree. Then the wolf eats the 
squirrel. Now, you are in other ecosystem, the cattle eat the grass and the person eats the cattle 
as a hamburger. 
When a plant is eaten by an animal, the energy stored in the plant is passed to the animal as 
food. Some of the energy is used by the animal; the rest is stored in the animal’s parts. This 
stored energy, which started in the plant, is then passed on when another animal eats the first 
animal. Thus, the energy that the squirrel got from eating the acorns is passed on to the wolf 
when it eats the squirrel. The energy that the cattle got when it ate the grass is passed on to the 
person when she or he eats the cattle as a hamburger. 
The ecosystem always starts with plants, which are called producers because they make food 
for the whole ecosystem. Animals and other organisms that get their food by eating other 
organisms are called consumers. 
1. Tick (x) the best option in each case: 
a. An ecosystem is made up of: 
 Animals living together. All the plants in an environment 
 Humans living together. Humans and animals. 
Animals, plants and non – living things interacting in their environment. 
b. The provides most of the energy in an ecosystem. 
Food plant sun water 
c. Plants. 
Get food from humans. Make their own food. 
Eat other plants. Eat animals. 
d. Animals. 
Eat plants. Eat other animals. 
Make their own food. Don’t eat other animals. 
2. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence. 
• Plants are called _ because they make food for the ecosystem. 
a. Producers b. consumers c. energy d. stores 
• Energy stored in an organism is onto the animal that eats it. 
a. Kept b. stored c. passed d. used 
• Animals that eat otherorganisms are called. 
a. Producers b. consumers c. carnivores d. processors 
• Each animal _ some energy. 
a. Keeps b. stores c. passes d. uses 
• It the rest in its parts. 
a. Keeps b. stores c. passes d. uses 
3. Complete the web with the information from the text. 
In an ecosystem living and _ things interact and energy. 
The provides most of the in an . 
1. Look at the following list of ideas for a text about “wildlife in the Rocky Mountains” 
a. The survival of the grizzly is threatened by logging, mining and development. 
b. Other deer are the moose, the white-tailed deer and caribou. 
c. The Rocky Mountains is the habitat for many different species of mammals. 
d. The gray wolf is the largest of the wild dogs. 
e. The most common deer in the Rockies is the mule deer. 
f. Many rodents live in the Rockies. 
g. To protect these animals, it is important to preserve their habitat. 
h. Bears such as the black bear and the grizzly live here. 
i. Other animals that belong to the dog family are the red fox and the coyote. 
j. The Rockies must be protected and considered the reflection of unique wilderness. 
k. Common rodents in this area are beavers, squirrels, porcupines and hares. 
1. How would you classify the information into different paragraphs? 
C. H. 
2. Rewrite correctly the text: 
a. Introduction _ 
d. Conclusion_ 
Now I know 
Sentence building 
Choose the sentence that is 
grammatically correct and logical 
according to the situation. 
1. Pollution in big cities is one of the 
world´s major problems. 
a. Oil spills really affect wildlife. 
b. Governments are trying to help 
endangered species. 
c. Smog is a dangerous form of 
pollution produced by cars and 
d. We can all help the planet. 
2. Oil spills harm animals. 
a. They are then liberated. 
b. Acid rain is another result of 
c. The fuel affects their organisms and 
they have to be given special 
d. New methods have been developed 
to prevent oil spills. 
3. Organic products, as opposed to 
industrialized agriculture products, 
a. are grown without using chemical 
b. aren´t taken to supermarkets. 
c. is not produced by many farmers. 
d. use many preservation agents. 
4. Recently, recycling 
a. is become important. 
b. is another pollution factor. 
c. was implement by different 
d. has become very important. 
Sentence comprehension. 
Choose the compound noun that best 
completes the sentence. 
1. is caused by 
bacteria in 
the food. 
a. nutritional value c. organic 
b. food poisoning d junk food 
2. _ have disappeared 
because of different factors. 
a. endangered species 
b. aquatic animals 
c. animal abuse 
d.extinct animals 
3. _ _ are one of the 
main causes of air pollution. 
a. sewerage systems . 
b.burning fuels 
c. acid rain 
d. nuclear energy 
Guide: 7 Activity 1 
Warm up 
1. Use the words in the Word Bank to label the pictures 
Word Bank 
Wikipedia web server web provider World Wide Web social networks 
 modem web page browsers computer 
EXPRESSIVE: That I analyze advantages and disadvantages in a text for showing my written 
and reading comprehension skills. 
. Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de 
comprender las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes 
tiempos verbales. 
1-Read the text carefully. 
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet 
The Internet provides opportunities galore, and can be used for a variety of things. Some of the things that 
you can do via the Internet are: 
E-mail: E-mail is an online correspondence system. With e-mail you can send and receive instant 
electronic messages, which works like writing letters. Your messages are delivered instantly to 
people anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mail that takes a lot of time. 
Access Information: The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information 
on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The ‘search engines’ on the Internet can 
help you to find data on any subject that you need. 
Shopping: Along with getting information on the Internet, you can also shop online. There are 
many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using your 
credit card. You do not need to leave your house and can do all your shopping from the 
convenience of your home. 
Online Chat: There are many ‘chat rooms’ on 
the web that can be accessed to meet new 
people, make new friends, as well as to stay in 
touch with old friends. 
Downloading Software: This is one of the most 
happening and fun things to do via the Internet. 
You can download innumerable, games, 
music, videos, movies, and a host of other 
entertainment software from the Internet, 
most of which are free. There are 
certain cons and dangers relating to the use of 
Internet that can be summarized as: 
Personal Information: If you use the Internet, your personal information such as your name, 
address, etc. can be accessed by other people. If you use a credit card to shop online, then your 
credit card information can also be ‘stolen’ which could be akin to giving someone a blank check. 
Pornography: This is a very serious issue concerning the Internet, especially when it comes to 
young children. There are thousands of... 
2. Complete the chart with the information about text. 
Advantages Disadvantages 
3-Find internet related words . Use the Word Bank. 
IP - software 
w e b p r o v i d e r h h w 
e t h l g b l s k n y k c i 
b r l h t r y o w w w p o k 
p n p n y o h f h s f v m i 
a r a o i w l t i h h s p p 
g e t y u s r w p n n e u e 
e q m o d e m a m p b r t d 
d n g h k r l r j c v v e i 
s f d r j s h e l z x e r a 
s o c i a l n e t w o r k s 
1-Read the text carefully 
Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook 
I think nobody has doubts about the impact of social networks on the web today, including the importance 
that Facebook is becoming an issue. Every time there are more users to create a custom URL on 
Facebook . However, Facebook, and presents numerous advantages, they also revealed some facets 
less good. 
Facebook helps maintain a good relationship with others, who identify with certain tastes or products, is 
very important, because later you can sell a product or promote products or services, thus increasing the 
possibilities of making money on the Internet. Facebook allows the establishment of partnerships between 
various projects. 
The greater the participation of a user in different groups, provided that interventions show quality, that 
user may be seen as an expert eyes of other users, thereby increasing its credibility. 
On Facebook you can upload photos, videos and texts that you particularly like, or even disclose the 
contents of a site. This content will serve to bring other people interested in those subjects. 
One of the most prominent disadvantages of Facebook has to do with the violation of privacy rules. For 
even a short time ago, Facebook has kept user information. The users could only deactivate the account. 
Currently, users can now delete the Facebook account. 
Another situation to consider has to do with the availability of information too personal, whether in video, 
pictures or text. Never give out too much personal information. As throughout the Internet, we should bear 
in mind the privacy of your personal data, because after they are placed online loseyour control. 
With the emergence of the fifth Farmville and other games associated with Facebook, many users spend 
too much time on tasks that are just for leisure. If your goal is to make money on the Internet, should not 
waste too much time on unproductive activities. Manage your time well, remember that you can spend 
long hours in Farmville, read profiles of your friends or even update your. In conclusion, it should make a 
good management and setting limits on time spent each day on Facebook, as there are other ways to 
promote their business and they all need attention if the aim be successful in them. 
Weighing the scales as well, where we put the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook, we can 
conclude that, Facebook is used in the right proportions and with proper care can be a powerful tool for 
marketing and dissemination of a variety of business or businesses are online, whether physical business. 
Inclusive you can make money on Facebook. It’s why Facebook has become, in a short time, one of the 
most widely used marketing tools in today’s world. 
2. complete the chart with the information about text. 
Advantages Disadvantages 
3- Underline the connectors. 
1. Now with your partner write the advantages and disadvantages of the followings 
• Television 
• Fall in love 
Advantages Disadvantages 
2. Discuss with your class the answers. 
Guide: 8 Activity 1 
Warm up 
I am an activist, and a party goer! 
1. Discuss the following questions as a class. 
a. How would you describe yourself? 
b. What kind of activities do you like doing? 
2. Look at the photos. What lifestyle do you think these people have? 
EXPRESSIVE: That I describe personalities for talking about different lifestyles and customs. 
. Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de 
comprender las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes tiempos 
Prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word. In contrast, a suffix 
is a group of letters added after a word or base. 
Prefixes and Suffixes Word Lists (PDF) 
anti- de- dis- ex- er- -ly 
pre- re- un- -ful -less or 
1-Complete the following letter by using the infinitive or gerund form of the verbs in parentheses. 
1Jear rerry, 
J-{ere I am, ín tfie 'Bíg ..'yy{e, as tfiey ca{{ ít. I am enjoyíng ít very mucfi. You can't 
ímagíne! 'By (trave{), I've {earned (ayyrecíate) tfie 
contrast ín tfie wor{d and íts yeoy{e. I rea{{y tfiínk tfiat I wou{dn't {íke ({íve) 
duríng any otfier tíme yeríod. Just tfiínk fiow great ít ís to 6e a6{e to sít fiere ín tfiís 
6ust{íng cíty and get a taste of tfie wor{d 6y just ({ook around). 'By 
 ({ook) at tfie yeoy{e and tfieír ayyearance, you can ímagíne tfieír 
natíona{ítíes, ínterest, and {ífesty{es. rfiere are some tfiat wa{k around ín tfie wfiíte and 
green yromotíng eco{ogy. Otfiers are more ínterested ín (6e) ín fasfiíon 
and (fiave) money, and tfiey {íke (wear) exyensíve 
c{otfies. Young yeoy{e wear dístínctíve fiaírsty{es, yíercíngs and tattoos tfiat ref{ect tfieír 
6e{íefs and ínterests. It ís níce to see fiow tfiere ís room for everyone. If on{y yeoy{e 
wou{d decíde ({íve) ín yeace and to{erance desyíte tfieír dífferences. 
I fioye (see) you soon, 
2-Make sentences using the followings clues. Decide if the second verb is an infinitive or 
a gerund. Use different tenses and add complementary information. 
An artisan be interested inchange interviews 
A pacifist hate give the world 
An executive talk bout dress meetings 
A party goer try take care his/her ideas 
An actor love attend fashionably 
3-Complete the table. Use prefixes in-, un-, ir-, and im- to form negative adjectives. See 
the example. 
Complete Incomplete 
Listen to the teacher and complete the dialogue with the words you hear. Use the Word 
Tom: Have you seen my new car? 
Christine: Another car? You really love me, don’t you? Do you expect me 
to be happy about it? 
Tom: Why not? You are my girlfriend! 
Christine: But don’t you realize cars continue the main cause of pollution in the 
Tom: Well, they are a necessity. I enjoy and besides, I can’t do without my 
Christine: Well, I can! I go around on my bike. It’s healthier, it’s 
cleaner and cheaper too! 
Tom: That’s because you don’t need as far 
as I do… 
Christine: It’s not because of that! It’s because I decided 
 my planet! By my bike I 
feel more conscientious than most people! I wish 
people didn’t insist on the world and would consider 
more bikes. Tom? Tom! 
Ahh! Some people never change! 
Word Bank 
Bothering, to be, driving, to commute, riding, polluting, riding, to help 
Based on the conversation, answer the following questions. 
A. What types of people are Tom and Christine? 
B. Can you get along with someone who has totally different beliefs? 
Look the followings situations. What is happening? What types of people are they? What 
are the differences between them? 
4.in pairs, imagine that one of you is the woman and the other is the man above. You are 
dating and having some problems with your relationships. Improvise a short role play. 
5.Guess these adjectives with the help of the clues. See the example. 
a. Somebody who likes making friends. f r i e n d l y 
b. A person who enjoys god health. 
c. Someone who exercises a lot. 
d. Someone who behaves in a weird manner. 
e. Lawyers usually wear smart suits. 
f. Adolescents tend to be idealistic. 
g. The policeman made a trivial inspection. 
6- Get in groups of four: 
_ Choose one of the following lifestyles. 
a. A Rastafarian b. A Buddhist monk c. A punk 
7- Find out about this lifestyle. Describe its particular characteristics, customs, beliefs, way of 
dressing, activities, etc 
8- Find or make pictures about the lifestyle you chose and organize the information in a poster. 
9- Present your poster and the information to the rest of the class. 
10- Put the posters on a bulletin board. 
Guide: 9 Activity 1 
Warm up 
Likes and dislikes 
Match the correct answer: 
1-Dave dislikes drinking milk 
2- He can´t stand eating sweets 
3- He adores playing football 
4- He is fond of eating curry 
5- He doesn´t like drinking milk 
EXPRESSIVE: That.I describe different lifestyles and customs for showing my advances in 
general comprehension and production skills 
. Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de 
comprender las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes 
tiempos verbales. 
A. Read the definitions and choose the right adjective. 
Q He wants to become the boss and have a lot of power and money (1) _ 
Q Harry loves partying, meeting people and talking to them. He's so (2) 
Q Sheila insisted on giving a party to celebrate Pete's birthday although all her friends said it was next 
month. She's as (3) as a mule. 
Q My new neighbor is really (4) . He has lived next door for three 
months and he hasn't even introduced himself. 
Q What l like the best about my friend Jamie is how (5) he is. He 
never left me alone in my worst moments. 
Q You never know how Nadine will react. One moment she's so nice and the next 
she's the nastiestperson in the world. She's really (6) 
Q Be careful when you give Tess the bad news. You can hurt her easily because 
she's very (7) 
Q Jeff would never be a good actor. He's so (8) he thinks 
everybody's looking at and judging him all the time. 
Q He won't tell a lie. He's absolutely (9) 
Q He only sees his side of things. He's (10) 
1. A. selfish B. ambitious C. self-confident D. narrow-minded 
2. A. indecisive B. moody C. shy D. outgoing 
3. A. critical B. imaginative C. stubborn D. impetuous 
4. A. adventurous B. reserved C. considerate D. tolerant 
5. A. loyal B. truthful C. responsible D. sensible 
6. A. shy B. realistic C. tolerant D. moody 
7. A. sensible B. affectionate C. considerate D. sensitive 
8. A. self-conscious B. self-confident C. selfish D. aggressive 
9. A. truthful B. critical C. narrow-minded D. obedient 
10. A. tolerant B. reliable C. narrow-minded D. materialistic 
1.Describing famous people 
2. According to the chart, how would you describe yourself? Make sentences 
Person Attitudes and appearance Activities and beliefs 
Philosopher Outgoing Joining marches 
artist Casual Attending lectures 
hiker Formal Going to exhibitions 
Artisan Healthy Being in fashion 
Dreamer Superficial Fighting for justice 
Party goer Sociable Writing poems 
Pacifist Elegant Exploring nature 
Activist Hard-working Defending nature 
Ecologist Enthusiastic Spending money 
Consumer Stressed Exercising 
executive Calm Practicing yoga 
Well-dressed Attending meetings 
Sporty Going to parties 
Eccentric Doing manual work 
easygoing Living carelessly 
3. Share your descriptions with the rest of the class. 
1. Read the following descriptions and decide what types of people they are. 
My name is Todd. I am 19 years 
old. I like sports. I enjoy nature and 
love going on excursions. I don’t 
like school. I live with my parents. 
On weekends, I usually go 
camping with my friends. 
My name is Sussan. I’m 32 
years old. I am a lawyer. I 
work for a very important 
company. I travel a lot and 
live in a huge apartment with 
my dog. I like shopping and 
enjoy playing tennis. Money 
is my main concern. 
Note: teacher can work 11 teenagers book page 28 exercise 9. Listening comprehension. 
Guide: 10 
Activity 1 
Warming up 
1- Discover your own personality. Ask yourself the following questions and place 
either a check ( yes) or ( no). 
Personality game Quiz 
a. Are you idealistic/ a dreamer? 
b. Are you good at persuading others? 
c. Are you fond of changes and challenges 
d. Are you keen on keeping records and organizing 
e. o you take risks to reach success? 
f. Are you determined and impulsive to do things your own way? 
g. Do you trust yourself? 
h. Are you good at following orders and adjusting to schedules? 
i. Do you mind getting up early and working late? 
k. Are you fond of superficial or trivial conversations? 
l. Are you careful with money? 
2. Match the adjectives with the questions of the quiz game. Write the letter of the 
question in front of the corresponding adjective. 
Hard-working _ Artistic _ Persuasive_ Disciplined _ 
Affectionate _ Tight-fisted/ stingy Shallow Stubborn 
Enterprising Systematic _ Progressive Self-confident 
3. Now use your dictionary to look up the opposite of the adjectives above. Decide 
whether those adjectives are negative, positive or both. 
EXPRESSIVE: That I structure my writing taking into account the formal elements of language 
as punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence and cohesion. 
Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje como la 
puntuación, la ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión. 
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E T O P I C 
Contrast connectors 
 but, yet, but 
still, but 
although, even though, 
though, while, whereas, 
(despite, in spite of, 
regardless of) 
nevertheless, nonetheless, 
however, on the one hand, 
on the other hand 
 by selecting the appropriate contrast connector. Use the Word Bank 
Word Bank 
On the other but Nonetheless 
Hand Although On the one hand 
a. Parent-child attachment models have been studied theoretically and empirically 
 the origins of the romantic models haven’t been deeply studied yet. 
b. Adolescents’s romantic relationships depend on different aspects. , these 
are molded by sociocultural connections. , they are also the 
result of relations among family members. 
c. experience helps maintain more sophisticated and deep relations, 
early love stories are beautiful and unforgettable. 
d. Without doubt, the type of relationship children have with their parents seriously shapes their 
romantic relationships. , other close relationships such as those with 
classmates, partners and friends also affect how adolescents build their romantic relationships. 
A Chinese Wedding 
Chinese weddings like Western weddings are romantic and beautiful. 
Once a couple decides they want to be married, they go to their 
parents and ask for their blessing. The groom’s family sets the date for 
the wedding, after consulting the Chinese Astrological calendar for 
lucky days. Unlike American wedding customs, it is the responsibility 
of the groom’s family to organize the wedding. Red is the most 
important color since it means a new beginning, prosperity, happiness, 
and it brings good luck. About a week before the wedding, the groom’s 
family goes to the bride’s house bringing gifts in red baskets or boxes. 
Three days before the wedding, the bride’s family returns the favor 
and brings presents to the groom’s house. During both occasions, the 
gifts are sorted and half of them are returned. On the day of the 
wedding, both families decorate their houses with red. The bride wears a red wedding gown, but she may 
change her costume four or five times. The couple goes to the bride’s family home first. Where the bride 
and groom serve their parents tea and receive gifts. They do the same with the groom’s parents. Then, 
the ceremony is performed. After the ceremony, everybody goes to the wedding banquet, which is 
considered the most important part of the day. 
1-With a partner, compare the Chinese wedding customs with the ones in your country. 
2-In pairs, look for information about wedding customs in another country and fill in the chart to 
help you organize your ideas. 
Country Preparations 
for a wedding 
The ceremony The reception 
3- Write an article comparing and describing both wedding customs. Then, present your article to the rest of the 
class. As a class, discuss how you would combine both customs if you married a person from the other country. 
Writing Strategies 
When writing an article comparing two things, make sure that you: 
a. Illustrate comparison using plenty of examples. 
b. Use appropriate connectors. 
c. Divide each section of the text according to the different topics. 
d. Remember that you are just showing two things and comparing them, not judging them. 
 Read the passage and complete it using gerunds or infinitives. 
Besides anorexia, there are other _ disorders. Bulimia consists on eating 
compulsively at all times, but then self-inducting vomiting by laxatives, diurects 
or pills. 
A person with bulimia should look for medical advice and sometimes should get a 
counselor him or her cope with this disorder. Compulsive overeating is another 
eating disorder and it consists on eating excessively. 
This is usually due to stress or depression. Compulsiveovereaters are always trying 
_ eating and start a diet every Monday. It’s important to look for a professional help 
as soon as possible, and _ to your parents about your feelings in this respect. 
1) a) eat 2) a) used 3) a) to helping 
b) to eat b) to using b) helping 
c) eating c) using c) to help 
4) a) to stop 5) a) talking 
b) stopping b) to talk 
c) stop c) using 
 Match each word with its meaning 
EXPRESSIVE: That I argue in an oral and written way, different kind of texts 
to improve my oral and written skills. 
Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje 
como la puntuación, la ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión. 
Looking back over the long history of mankind, we can´t but admire the capacity of the human 
being to dominate his environment and to create ways of making his life easier. But we have 
also witnessed how many of his own inventions have turned against him because of misuse or 
due to their nature. 
In fact, no one would doubt that the automobile has actually made life easier by making 
transportation faster and bringing the world closer. However, if it hadn´t been made to run on 
gasoline, the world wouldn´t be as polluted; cars actually one of the most polluting agents in the 
As such, when we think of major changes such as the Industrial Revolution, we can´t deny the 
fact that this gave way to the mass production of goods, creating employment and decreasing 
costs. But, if man hadn´t concentrated on the money he could make, we wouldn´t have had such 
a repressive, consuming society, and we wouldn´t have seen the work of man so dehumanized. 
Another example of inventions whose risks haven´t been measured is the cloning process, 
through which it is possible to manipulate genetic factors in order to obtain the highest quality of 
agricultural and animal production. The benefits of this seem obvious, but the misuse of this 
technology is yet to be seen. 
Until now, it seem as though man has been misguided by his own capacity to dominate the 
Unconcerned about what he has done to it, and unaware of the consequences of their actions, 
they might have applied their inventions more consciously. Apart from acquiring the knowledge 
needed to manipulate and understand the world, people must be taught values that encourage 
them to care about others. Only then can man stop his own inventions from turning against him. 
4. Discuss the following questions with a partner. 
a. What is the author´s point of view? Do you agree? 
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the inventions mentioned by the 
c. Can you name other inventions that have turned against human beings? 
When reading a text, make the difference between opinions and facts. 
Make sure that you also identify the kind of text you´re reading. Is it 
trying to convince you? Is it informative? Does it state and support an 
argument? Identify the audience of the text also. 
An essay is an analytical short composition written from a personal point 
of view. The author makes a personal statement and gives arguments to 
support his/her ideas. He/she also gives counter arguments, but in the 
end. His/her proposal is reaffirmed. It has an introductory paragraph, 
5- Write whether the following statements taken from the previous text are facts (f) or 
opinions (o). 
a. ( ) “….the automobile has actually made life easier by making transportation faster 
and bringing the world closer….” 
b. ( ) “…. Cloning process through which it is possible to manipulate genetic factors in 
order to obtain the highest quality of agricultural and animal production…..” 
c. ( ) “….it seems as though man had been misguided by his own capacity to dominate 
his environment.” 
d. ( ) “…. If man hadn´t concentrated on the money he 
could make, we wouldn´t have had such a repressive, 
consuming society…” 
6- Check what kind of text this is and explain your answer. 
O an informative text 
O an essay 
O a short story 
O an advertisement 
Da scientific text 
7- Check who the text is written for 
Explain your answer. 
O students 
Othe general public 
8- Underline each of the arguments and counterarguments in the text. 
9- Match each of the following arguments with their counterarguments. 
A-It is certain that technology has made 
incredible progress during the last two 
decades. ( ) 
B- Machines have definitely made our lives 
easier nowadays. ( ) 
C- Children nowadays can interpret visual 
information rapidly and effectively because 
they are in constant contact with visual 
1-On the other hand, today´s kids have 
difficulties in reading 
comprehension because their reading skills are 
not as 
exploited as they used to be. 
2-Unfortunately, humans have used it to create 
massive destruction, nuclear and chemical 
3-However, we depend on them more and 
10- Writing a short essay. 
a. Choose one of the following topics. 
1- The Greatest Invention in the 20
Century. 2- the worst Invention in the 20
3- The most important Figure in the 20
b. Summarize your statement in a sentence. 
c. Look for facts to support your statement and write two arguments and their counter 
Argument 1: 
Counter – argument 1: 
Argument 2: 
Counter- argument 2: 
d. Organize your text. Make sure it has an introductory paragraph, a paragraph for each of your 
arguments, and a conclusion. 
Guide: 12 
1-Choose the words to complete the text. 
likes - doesn’t like - works - live - has - lives - 
doesn’t have - work 
María Martínez in Cali, 
Valle. She in a 
restaurant. She 
classical music. She _ 
rock music, 
but she’s not really a rock fan. She_ _ 
any children but she_ 
two nieces and a 
nephew. They in 
Bogotá with María’s sister, Lucía. 
Lucía and her husband Juan 
in a museum. 
2 Fill in the blanks with the option that best completes each statement. 
A What right now? 
• do you • don’t you • are you doing 
B How ice cream is left? 
• much • many • a lot 
C He _ soccer at the moment. 
• played • is playing • are playing 
D Jeans are _ than pants. 
• more comfortable • most comfortable • comfortable 
E We don’t have _ potatoes for the soup. 
• some • a • any 
F Mary is the girl in her class. 
• pretty • prettier • prettiest 
3-Choose the words that best complete the text. 
An Australian native 
Kangaroos (1) the largest living marsupials in 
the world. They live in Australia in small 
groups. They are about two meters tall and(2) 
about 60-90 kilos.(3) have babies and 
they carry them in a pouch. They(4) two (5) 
front legs and two strong back legs, a long 
muscular tail and a small head. They can jump 
very high. They eat grass, leaves and short 
green plants. Kangaroos(6) the only large 
animals to use hopping as a means of 
locomotion. They live about 4 (7) 6 years. 
1 a. is b. are c. be 
2 a. weigh b. weight c. weighing 
3 a. Them b. They c. Their 
4 a. have b. had c. has 
5 a. short b. shorter c. shortest 
6 a. are b. isc. being 
7 a. to b. for c. in 
4- Underline the correct word in each sentence. 
1 How many/much cookies do you want? 
2 I love going to sound/rock concerts. 
3 Speak louder please. I can/can’t hear you. 
4 The teacher said we must/go study. 
5 I want to go/come to the movies. 
6 Let’s eat/drink pizza. 
7 They went/go to Cali last year. 
8 My favorite/happy group is Bacilos. 
9 Her brother is an actor/sister. 
10 We drink milk/apples every morning 
5-rite the letter of the option that best completes each sentence. 
My friend Andrea 
Andrea is a very pretty girl with long(1) _ black hair and brown 
eyes. She(2) _ born in Bogotá(3) _ years ago. Her mother 
works at a restaurant. She is a(4) ______. Andrea lives with(5)_ _ 
family in a small house near the city. Andrea is a very(6)______ 
student. And,(7)_ she gets up at 5:00 a.m. She takes a shower, 
she gets dressed and then she eats breakfast. She(8) _home 
around 6:00 a.m. and takes the bus to school. She(9) _ studying 
English and Math, which are her favorite classes. 
1 a. tall b. straight c. fat 
2 a. be b. was c. is 
3 a. fifty b. fifteen c. fifth 
4 a. nurse b. waitress c. artist 
5 a. she b. hers c. her 
6 a. better b. good c. best 
7 a. yesterday b. at the moment c. every morning 
8 a. arrives b. leaves c. goes 
9 a. enjoys b. dislikes c. hates 
6. Match the English words with Spanish words. 
1. Mice a. Piernas 
2.Fingers b . Tener 
3. Climb c. Ratones 
4. Have d. Cuello 
5.Small e. Dedos 
6.Neck f. Trepar-Subir 
7.Legs g. Pequeño 
School: Grade: ENGLISH 
Teacher: Time: Hours: 
El Ministerio de Educación Nacional, particularmente en la Ley General de Educación, que establece como uno de 
sus fines “El estudio y la comprensión crítica de la cultura nacional y de la diversidad étnica y cultural del país, como 
fundamento de la unidad nacional y de su identidad”. En la misma ley se fijan como objetivos de la Educación 
Básica y Media “La adquisición de elementos de conversación y de lectura al menos en una lengua extranjera” y “La 
comprensión y capacidad de expresarse en una lengua extranjera”. 
AFFECTIVE: That we show interest in activities related to different verbal tenses. 
COGNITIVE: That we identify passive voice, idioms, second conditionals and forming 
compound nouns. 
EXPRESSIVE: That we produce creatively their own texts by using the grammatical 
tools (passive voice, idioms, second conditional, expressing wishes forming compound 
nouns) Showing improvement in written skills. 
• Describo en forma oral mis ambiciones, sueños y esperanzas utilizando un 
lenguaje claro y sencillo. 
• Participo espontáneamente en conversaciones sobre temas de mi interés 
utilizando un lenguaje claro y sencillo. 
• Realizo hipótesis, haciendo uso de los condicionales, donde expreso mi opinión, 
deseos, ambiciones… 
Competencia Lingüística Competencia Pragmática 
Habilidades: Habilidades: 
Inferir Transferir 
Interpretar Organizar Escribir 
Competencia Sociolingüística 
Preguntar y responder significativamente 
• Passive voice. 
• Identifying and forming compound nouns. 
• Second conditional. 
• Expressing wishes. 
• Identifying and using idioms. 
1. Anticonstructivista: Los estudiantes participan dando ejemplos de hechos que 
ejemplifican la temática propuesta. 
2. Interrogativa: Los estudiantes potencian sus capacidades de comprehender las 
preguntas y de expresar respuestas cada vez con mayor profundidad y sentido. 
3. Expresiva: Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de desplegar su creatividad 
expresándose a través de diferentes lenguajes y disfrutando plenamente del 
Guide: 13 Activity 1 
Warming up 
1. Complete this word square by writing the missing letters of the following compound 
nouns. Use the Word Bank and the clues given below. See the example. 
Word Bank 
recycling venture - rain forest - environment degradation - 
recycling practice - acid rain - waste disposal - oil spill 
top soil loss - air pollution - animal rights - gas emissions 
a E 
b N 
e R E C Y C L N G V E N T U R E 
e R 
f o 
g N 
h M 
k T 
a. A is a dense forest which is typically found in tropical 
areas of heavy rainfall. 
that is dangerous to crops. 
 contains a corrosive solution 
c. All schools should launch a recycling venture to make students become aware of the 
d. in the ocean damages animals. 
e. Many sensible people around the world promote and defend . 
f. Smoke from cars and factories cause 
g. Uncontrolled development and growth have caused 
h. Greenhouse are growing strongly at the same pace with economy 
i. Sorting our garbage and waste helps our garbage collectors get rid off it. Also, it 
encourages health authorities to improve our 
resource exhaustion. 
 will help humankind prevent 
k. Due to industrialization, farmers have seen their arable land affected by 
EXPRESSIVE: That I identify and use compound nouns in conversations and in text to improve 
my skills. 
Participo espontáneamente en conversaciones sobre temas de mi interés 
utilizando un lenguaje claro y sencillo. 
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E T O P I C 
Compound Nouns: compound nouns are words formed by two words. They are spelled in one 
word, example: bedroom, or in two example: sleeping bag. 
monthly ticket 
swimming pool 
hanger on 
1. Underline the following compound nouns of the text. 
2. Take out a list of them. 
3. What is the main idea about the text? 
Two and a half years ago, my fifty- 
two-year-old brother-in-law, a 
highly respected (and, might I add, 
well paid) vice-president of a bank, 
moved to the forty-third floor of a 
high-rise apartment building in New 
York City. The building was brand- 
new and still about three-quarters 
empty. For us, this was unheard-of 
luxury, and I remember standing in 
my in-laws' living room, looking out 
at all those skyscrapers and down on 
Central Park under a full moon in a 
coal black sky, and thinking, "This 
is it! This is the best the twentieth 
century has to offer!" 
But my sister-in-law's reaction was 
not a happy one. We should've 
known all along that our little- 
understood and long suffering relative 
would not be overly happy in that overpopulated environment. In fact, her resistance to living there was 
greater than expected. In a matter-of-fact moment, and in in her self-confident and thought-provoking 
way, she said, "When I'm fifty-five years of age, I'll be out of here." 
And she was nearly right, too, for a year and a half later, they'd left behind the rat race pace and helter- 
skelter lifestyle of Manhattan's Upper West Side and moved backto their much loved and happily 
familiar suburban hideaway in Upstate New York, northeast of Albany. 
2. Listen to the teacher and complete the dialogue between Lucy and Tanya, with the 
correct compound words. Use the Word Bank. 
Lucy: Are you nearly ready? By the way, I like your new . 
Tanya: Thanks. I've just got to do my and 
Lucy: OK. Oh, I'm such a_ . I've forgotten my . Can I borrow yours? 
Tanya: Sure. Do you think I'd be , if I wore that black dress of mine. 
Lucy: Yes, that would be .Most people will be wearing jeans. You could wear 
that dark green skirt. 
Tanya: OK, but doesn't it make my look too big? 
Word Bank 
1-hairdo 2- waistline 3 – lipstick 4- overdressed 
5- scatterbrain 6- eyebrows 7- eyelashes. 8- overkill 
3. Choose a sentence to complete the dialogue. Follow the example. 
Size 8 or 10. A Blue or black. D 
How much is it? B I’ll buy it! E 
Can I try it on? C Can I help you? F 
.4 Tick (./) the best answer to each situation. 
Salesperson: Good afternoon. F . Can I help you? 
Customer: I’m looking for a jacket. 
Salesperson: What color are you looking for? 
Customer: ._ 
Salesperson: What size do you need? 
Customer: ._ 
Salesperson: Do you like this one? 
Customer: ._ 
Salesperson: Certainly! 
Customer: ._ 
Salesperson: It’s US$25.oo 
Customer: ._ 
5. Practice this dialogue with your partner. 
6. Look at the pictures and organize the dialogues. 
I’m hungry. Let’s 
go eat breakfast. B 
Sorry, I’m sick. 
I want to sleep. e 
Come on. It’s a 
beautiful day. Let’s A 
go to the lake. 
. I’m not hungry. Let’s go 
swimming and then we D 
can go eat something. 
1. Look at the pictures and create with your partner a dialogue using compound Nouns. 
Guide: 14 
Activity 1 
Warming up 
1- Discuss the following questions as a class. 
a. What environmental problems worry you? 
b. How have human beings affected the environment? 
c. How can human beings help prevent these problems? 
Word Bank 
Paper processing mail 
Poisonous basket painting 
Canned tanker spill 
Plane fast 
OIL _ 
AIR FOOD: food processing 
• EXPRESSIVE: That I interpret, argument and express myself through oral and written texts. 
Showing my advances in general comprehension and production skills. 
Analizo textos descriptivos, narrativos y argumentativos con el fin de 
comprender las ideas principales y específicas. En los diferentes tiempos 
Before reading 
Answer these questions. 
1. Can you give a pretty recent example of food poisoning? 
2. Do you know what causes food poisoning? 
3: Have you been taught the minimum rules we should follow to prevent food poisoning? 
4. What is the institution that regulates food quality in your country? 
In the following excerpts, the topic sentence is clearly stated. As you read them, 
underline the topic sentence. 
1-One of the finest and 
most conspicuous 
examples of food 
poisoning ever was 
provided by the British 
Medical Association in 
1998 when all raw meat 
was considered infected 
and a possible source of 
food poisoning. 
This institution reported 
that the number of cases 
of food poisoning as at 
its highest level in 1997 
when 200 out of one 
million people infected 
by salmonella and other 
bacteria died. The only 
safe approach for the 
food industry and 
general public to treat all 
raw meat as infected 
and adopt universal 
precautions in handling 
and cooking raw meat. 
2- According to the 
Texas Agricultural 
Extension Service, 
following these steps 
prevents food poisoning: 
washing hands, food 
preparation surfaces and 
utensils before and after 
handing raw food; 
keeping refrigerated 
food below 40 degrees 
F; serving hot food 
immediately or keeping it 
heated above 140 
degrees F; dividing large 
volumes of food into 
small portions for rapid 
cooling in the 
refrigerator; following 
approved by USDA 
bulletins; and heating 
canned food thoroughly 
before tasting. 
Therefore, the first step 
in preventing food 
poisoning is to assume 
that all foods may cause 
food-born illnesses. 
3- Food-born illnesses 
are an ever- present 
threat that can be 
prevented with proper 
care and handling of 
food products. 
It is estimated that 24 to 
81 million cases of food- 
born diarrhea occur 
each year in the United 
States, costing between 
US$5 billion and US$17 
billion in medical care 
and lost productivity.. 
Food-born illnesses are 
caused by chemicals, 
viruses, fungi, parasites, 
heavy metals and 
A- What is the main idea about the reading? 
B- What can you infer about the following pictures? 
After Reading 
Select the answers to these questions. 
1. raw meat as infected and adopting handling and cooking precautions is the safest 
alternative for 
a. general consumers b. industries c. both of them 
2. The acronym BMA stands for 
a. British Meat Association b. British Medical Association c. British Medical Aid 
3. The expression 200 out of a million people infected died means: 
a. 900,800 survived b. 200 survived c. 800 died 
4. Food-born illnesses are very expensive in terms of 
a. Medical care costs b. productivity loss c. both a and b 
5. The most efficient way to prevent food poisoning is 
a. to follow hygienic rules b. to consider all food as infected c. to regard all food as a 
possible source of food poisoning 
Join each word on list A to a word on List B to make a compound word. Write out the new words. 
Example No.1: under + ground = underground 
Need a few clues to start you off? Among the new words, there is 
• A vegetable, 
• a fruit, 
• something you would find on a car, 
• something you would find on a bike, 
• an item of jewellery. 
A B A B 
1. under room 
2. straw ordinary 
3. mush screen 
4. handle ground 
5. ear less 
6. mid berries 
7. every ring 
8. bus down 
9. extra bars 
10. run fare 
11. care body 
12. wind night 
Writing activity 
Observe the two pictures below. They show how much a place has 
changed in a decade. Express the 
changes using the items given. See 
the example. 
New buildings My town has changed so much since I was here a long time ago. For 
example new buildings have been built._ 
New roads 
 Hotels and apartment 
Big entertainment parks 
New companies 
A bridge for a cars 
The beach 
 The green 
The little houses_ 
Guide: 15 
Activity 1 
Warming up 
1. Go around the class and find at least one person who has experienced one of 
the following situations. Then share your findings with your classmates. 
Find someone who…

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