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Case Study A20245 - Carlos D

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Case Study
You are the project manager for the development of an interactive dog toy. It is a remote control ball, approximately the size of a tennis ball. The ball works on the basis of the dog wearing a collar with a sensor attached to it. When the collar gets within 1 metre of the ball, the ball moves direction. The ball can also be controlled by an app on the user’s phone. The ball will run for 2 hours of continuous use before it needs charging.
Funding has just been approved, based on the proof of concept design� It is January and you have been given a 12 month timeline to develop the prototype, test it and then release the dog toy to the public.
You currently have a team of 8 people, including yourself, that have been working
on the proof of concept for the toy. They include software and hardware developers and engineers and 1 marketing person. You now need to put together the work breakdown structure and work out what staffing resources you will need through the various stages of the project – hardware design of the ball and sensor, software design to interact and control the ball from the sensor as well as the mobile app, testing, product packaging, logistics and marketing.
Your current team members are a mix of hardware and software engineers and programmers. All answers to this assessment must be based on this case study.
Question 1:
Complete the basic Work Breakdown Structure below� Create two tasks for each of the stages of the project that is listed and then identify the resource requirements for each task.
1.1 Identify resource requirements for each project task
1.2 Allocate personnel to the project according to planned work outputs and project timeline KE - tool and techniques to identify resource requirements including required project personnel levels and competencies
	Start Date
	End Date
	Human Resource
	Software Design
	Develop Software for sensor
	10 January
	15 March
	Software engineer x 2
	Develop app
	20 January
	20 April
	iOS app developer x1 Android app developer x 1
	Hardware Design
	 Hardware Developer
	10 January
	 15 February
	 Hardware Designerx2
	 Hardware engine creation
	 10 February
	 15 May
	 Hardware Engineerx2
	 Product Packaging
	 20 May
	 15 July
	 Product Delivering
	 20 July
	 15 September
	 Logistic Coordinator
	 Market analisys
	 5 January
	 15 February
	 Marketing Asistantx2
	 Recruit (1)
	 Marketing campaign
	15 May
	 20 November
	 Marketing DIrector
Question 2:
Below are details of two existing team members. Review their skills and knowledge then explain which task you are going to assign to each of them to, from your list of tasks in question 1. You need to explain how this is the best use of their skills and knowledge to complete their task for the benefit of the project.
1.2 Match skills and knowledge of individuals and groups with project tasks
KE - tool and techniques to identify resource requirements including required project personnel levels and competencies
Adam – 2 years experience in hardware design and 3 years experience in iOS app development. He has a double degree in hardware engineering and app design. He has been working in the hardware design team for the proof of concept of the dog toy for the last 6 months.
Sarah – has been working in the marketing and advertising industry for the last 10 years. She has experience in marketing products, however no experience in marketing apps. She has been involved in testing a broad range of the public to determine if there is a market for the dog toy concept.
Adam: I would ask Adam to keep working on the hardware design team since he has been working during the last 6 months with this team.
Sarah: I would ask Sarah to work on the Market Analysis team.
Question 3:
Explain how you would use each of the following to support the performance of members in your project:
• Performance management: I would use performance management tools to measure how good is performing each team member, if the results are good we will empower them to keep working the same way. If results are negative we will use Coachings and mentoring to work with those team members.
• Coaching: We will use tools that will help us to see current project progress however if someone is not performing well we will have every 3 days coaching sessions and if after 3 sessions the team member does not show any improvement we will start sending warning notices.
• Recruitment: Recruitment will help us find the right team members for this project
1.4 Support performance of personnel using human resources management (HRM) methods and tools
PE - apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to the project. KE - human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools
Question 4:
Based on your Work Breakdown Structure in question 1, develop a RASCI chart for each of the tasks you have listed and note the role each person has for each task� Add additional columns for more staff if required.
2.1 Define and communicate clear project role descriptions to organizational personnel
	Martin Porter – App Developer
	John Smith – Hardware Developer
	Logistic team member
	Marketing asistant
	Develop android app
	Develop App
	Hardware Developer 
	Product Packaging
	Product Delivering
	Market Analysis 
	Marketing campaign
Question 5
Select one stage of the project which will require you to provide training and development for project team members. You need to explain in sentences the following:
Marketing campaign
• What is the gap in staff skills and knowledge that requires training and development?
We have never offered or made a marketing campaign for a service or product as this one.
• How many people will need this training and development?
• What type of training and development method will you use?
I will see a Refresher type of training
• Why did you select this method?
Because in this case they already handle marketing it is just required that those team members are aware of the process changes
• Explain one other method you considered and why you decided not to use it.
Training for promotion since we will just add some skills to the current team members skills
• Who will develop and deliver the training and development?
We will hire a specialized worker
2.2 Plan and implement training and development of project team members PE - identify and organise project personnel training and development
KE - relevant training and development methods
Question 6
Select one person from your project that has not been performing effectively thereby causing a negative impact on project deliverables. Explain the following:
• How did you measure the individual’s performance?
By reviewing deliveries and results provided in every step.
• Provide an example of one measure where there was a shortfall in the individual’s
performance and write what their result was.
Marketing analysis does not help us properly to understand how to reach success on the market
• How you would use the performance agreement in this process?
I would how the team member the expectations provided at the beginning of the process and tell him why he is not performing properly.
• What action can you take to negate the shortfall in performance?
Have clear conversations with the team member and document each step and requirement.
2.3 Measure individuals’ performance against agreed criteria and initiate actions for shortfalls in performance
KE - processes used to measure individuals’ performance against agreed criteria
Question 7
Explain what processes you will implement to support the individual to improve their performance in order to improve overall project effectiveness.
3.1 Implement processes for improving individual performance and overall project effectiveness
PE - manage project personnel to achieve project outcomes
PE - manageproject human resources on at least two occasions.
KE – techniques for managing and improving performance
Provide team member with a short review of the expectations and information required to succeed and then would provide him with advises to improve his work.
Case Study
Continue using the case study from Assessment 1 to answer all of the questions in this assessment.
Question 1:
As a project manager you need to monitor the external and internal environment continually to identify any impacts on individual or team performance and morale� Complete the table below and provide 1 example of an external and an internal factor that could cause an impact.
3.2 Monitor and report, for remedial action, internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale
KE - strategies for managing project human resources and their application to different situations
	External Environment Factor
	Internal Environment Factor
	Will it impact specific individuals or the whole team? 
Explain what the impact will be on those affected.
	Pandemic: Will not allow team members to work in the office or will make it easier to get sick.
	Company internal technology or equipment failure will not allow team members to work properly.
	What strategies will you implement to improve performance and boost morale? 
	Will have an action plan for team members working out of the office
	Will have a plan B for technology and equipment.
	How will you monitor the effectiveness of your strategies? 
	Will do a weekly review or meeting to make sure team members have clear understanding on how to proceed if there is a pandemic.
	Will make sure we assess immediately if our team members can keep working with the implemented plan.
Question 2:
Explain how you have implemented each of the following procedures and include an example of each within the context of your project:
• interpersonal communication: Team members will have Slack as the internal communication tool that will help us have groups and team members will be able to tag other team members to make sure information is clear and public.
• counseling: We will use counseling to make sure all our teams will have success and will agree on resolutions and how to process
• conflict resolution: We will be precisive on asking for conflict resolution to make sure all our team members will get to an agreement.
3�3 Implement procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling, and conflict resolution
KE - procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling, and conflict resolution
Question 3:
Your marketing lead has informed you that they have also been assigned to a second project in the company that has a similar timeline to your project� Explain what your approach will be for monitoring and resolving any resource conflict that arises between the two projects.
3�4 Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict PE - manage project human resources on at least two occasions.
Since we still have another month I would ask the marketing leader to help me get a better schedule or due date for his tasks that he can meet.
Question 4:
Your testing lead is responsible for testing the hardware as well as the app� The hardware engineer has sent you an email asking the testing manager to organise testing next week� The iOS app developer has also sent an email requesting the testing manager to schedule testing of the iOS app for next week as well� There are insufficient resources to deliver both at the same time� Explain how you will resolve this resource conflict�
3�4 Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict PE - manage project human resources on at least two occasions�
Question 5:
Your project is one month away from completion� It is now time to plan for disbanding the team according to the policies and procedures of the company� You need to finalise all the human resource activities related to the project� Explain four key activities you will complete as part of this process�
4�1 Disband project team according to organisational policies and procedures
First I will make sure residual tasks will be clear and the who and how will be completed is going to be clear.
We will also need to: 
· Document learnings
· Complete contacts 
· Transfer all deliverables.
Question 6:
Explain three human resources issues that you experienced during the project and provide recommended improvements for future projects�
4�2 Identify and document human resource issues and recommended improvements
· Not having all the technical skills required: we will need to verify if those are skills that we can train or improve and them we will be able to decide if we keep our staff or if we need to recruit more staff.
· Change management: We will need to make sure during change management we will have a defined team that will keep following their expected tasks to make sure we will not affect project outcome. 
· Retention: It is sometimes hard to keep all the required human resources so we will need to make sure if we can not keep those team members we will have to get other team member with the same skills.

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