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What are the main impacts of human activity on coral reefs? a) The dumping of organic waste and high temperatures can degrade coral reefs. b) Cor...

What are the main impacts of human activity on coral reefs?

a) The dumping of organic waste and high temperatures can degrade coral reefs.
b) Coral reefs provide protection for various species of fish and crustaceans.
c) Coral reefs are used for crafts and jewelry, such as black coral and gorgonians.
d) Coral reefs are the only natural source of hormones used in medical treatments.
e) The negative impact of human activity on coral reefs will decrease in the future.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Salud Ambiental I
229 pag.

Medicina Universidad Bolivariana de VenezuelaUniversidad Bolivariana de Venezuela

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