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Write an email to the director of a radio program offering to volunteer in the Eloísa Cartonera project in prison, based on a BBC radio program. Ju...

Write an email to the director of a radio program offering to volunteer in the Eloísa Cartonera project in prison, based on a BBC radio program. Justify why you are interested in participating and why you consider yourself suitable for it.
Listen to the audio program
Write an email to the director of the radio program
Offer to volunteer in the Eloísa Cartonera project in prison
Justify why you are interested in participating
Justify why you consider yourself suitable for it
Sheila Calixto is a Brazilian Literature student
Sheila Calixto participated in a similar project called 'Portuguese and Spanish: traveling the paths of Latin American identity'
Sheila Calixto is prepared to work in the preparation and direction of classes for the prisoners
Sheila Calixto can contribute to the creation of the Cantonera editorial in prison
Sheila Calixto believes that education is the key to changing lives

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