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What is the main idea of Rousseau's social and political philosophy? I - Rousseau believed that the progress of productive forces is inevitably ac...

What is the main idea of Rousseau's social and political philosophy?

I - Rousseau believed that the progress of productive forces is inevitably accompanied by the retrogression of customs and the worsening of the social and material situation of the popular masses.
II - Rousseau related the origin and increase of inequality to the appearance and development of private property.
III - Rousseau believed that the cause of social evils should be sought in the political regime.
IV - Rousseau believed that the education of children should follow the indications of nature and that corporal punishment is pedagogically harmful.
a) Only I and II are correct.
b) Only II and III are correct.
c) Only III and IV are correct.
d) I, II, III and IV are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Filosofo Rosseau
4 pag.

Filosofia Institucion Educativa Colegio Universidad Virtual De ColombiaInstitucion Educativa Colegio Universidad Virtual De Colombia

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