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Investigate the following topics related to the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) and relate them to a real example: mandatory commercia...

Investigate the following topics related to the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) and relate them to a real example: mandatory commercial documents required by AFIP, commercial documents that a Monotributista and a Responsable Inscripto in IVA must issue, whether non-profit associations and foundations are required by AFIP to issue any commercial document, and information about electronic invoices and fiscal controllers.
Investigate mandatory commercial documents required by AFIP
Investigate commercial documents that a Monotributista and a Responsable Inscripto in IVA must issue
Investigate whether non-profit associations and foundations are required by AFIP to issue any commercial document
Investigate information about electronic invoices and fiscal controllers
Relate the information found to a real example

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31 pag.

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