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What is the classification and description of commercial acts? a. Actos de comercio terrestres/marítimos y actos de comercio conforme a su naturale...

What is the classification and description of commercial acts?
a. Actos de comercio terrestres/marítimos y actos de comercio conforme a su naturaleza.
b. Actos formales y actos jurídicos de intermediación con ánimo de lucro.
c. Actos mercantiles y actos civiles.
d. Actos de doble carácter, de actos mixtos o de actos unilaterales de comercio.
I - The enumeration of article 3 of the Commercial Code has been sub-classified for pedagogical reasons.
II - The theory of formal acts indicates that there are legal acts that, regardless of the subjects who execute them, will be regulated by commercial laws.
III - An act of commerce is made up of a legal act of intermediation with a profit motive, that is, an act of speculation.
IV - The concept of the company corresponds to a legal definition.
V - The right only provides different ways of organizing the company.
a) I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
b) I, II, III and IV are correct.
c) II, III, IV and V are correct.
d) I, III, IV and V are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

10 Guía de aprendiaje Derecho Comercial y sus Fuentes Autor Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
18 pag.

Direito Penal, Direito Civil, Direito Natural, Direitos Humanos Universidad Juan Agustín MazaUniversidad Juan Agustín Maza

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