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What is the first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias? The first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias was made by Pér...

What is the first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias?

The first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias was made by Pérez Civantos in an article on chest pain in the emergency department in 1990.
The first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias was made by Jiménez et al. in an article on the functioning of an observation area attached to the emergency department in 1991.
The first reference to the UO in the publication Emergencias was made by Caballero et al. in a case study on patients admitted to the UO in 1996.
a) The first statement is correct.
b) The second statement is correct.
c) The third statement is correct.
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