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What are the arguments against the use of transgenic seeds? Religious argument Environmental argument Sanitary argument Lack of scientific informat...

What are the arguments against the use of transgenic seeds?
Religious argument
Environmental argument
Sanitary argument
Lack of scientific information in the media
Economic argument
Legal argument
Technological dependence
The use of transgenic seeds can cause a rupture in the natural balance and lead to erosion of the soil and extinction of species.
There is uncertainty about the safety of transgenic foods and the presence of allergens.
The privatization of life and the monopolization of the agricultural market by large transnational corporations are some of the problems associated with transgenic seeds.
The lack of diffusion of scientific information in the media is a problem that can be solved with the labeling of products derived from transgenic crops.
The use of transgenic seeds increases the dependence of farmers on transnational corporations that provide seeds and agricultural inputs.
The privatization of information about transgenic seeds is a new form of colonialism that increases the gap between those who have and those who do not have.
The use of transgenic seeds increases the dependence of farmers on transnational corporations that provide seeds and agricultural inputs.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Semillas Transgênicas: Debate Bioético
20 pag.

Alimentos e Alimentação Animal Vicente Riva PalacioVicente Riva Palacio

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