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What is the best treatment for allergic disease? Complete avoidance of allergens is the best treatment for allergic disease. Once the allergens re...

What is the best treatment for allergic disease?

Complete avoidance of allergens is the best treatment for allergic disease.
Once the allergens responsible for the symptoms have been identified, the patient should make an effort to reduce exposure to these allergens.
The elimination of exposure to an animal epithelium by removing a feather pillow or animal from the house or eliminating a food allergen from the diet can provide complete or partial relief of symptoms.
It may be more difficult to avoid ubiquitous allergens such as pollen, dust, and mold.
Patients with persistent or intermittent severe symptoms that affect daily activities, especially adverse effects on school or work performance, difficulty sleeping, or failure of previous medications to control symptoms, require referral to an allergy specialist.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Atlas de alergia e inmunología clínica, 3a edición
398 pag.

Medicina Universidad Nacional De ColombiaUniversidad Nacional De Colombia

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