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What is the author's opinion on the idea that education can make people more moral and happy? The author disagrees with this idea and believes tha...

What is the author's opinion on the idea that education can make people more moral and happy?

The author disagrees with this idea and believes that it is a dogma of democracy.
The author agrees with this idea and believes that education is the key to improving society.
The author believes that education can make people more moral, but not necessarily happier.
a) Apenas a afirmativa I está correta.
b) Apenas a afirmativa II está correta.
c) Apenas a afirmativa III está correta.
d) As afirmativas I e III estão corretas.
e) Todas as afirmativas estão incorretas.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Psicologia-de-las-masas-G -Le-Bon
103 pag.

Psicologia OutrosOutros

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