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What are the general care procedures for piglets in the first 10 days of life? Examination and dilution of semen Quality control of semen Optimal t...

What are the general care procedures for piglets in the first 10 days of life?
Examination and dilution of semen
Quality control of semen
Optimal time for artificial insemination
Difficulty in reproduction
General care of newborn piglets
Provision of supplementary heat
The piglets should be dried with towels or clean cloth after birth.
The umbilical cord should be cut and disinfected.
The piglets should be kept at a temperature of 32-35°C after birth.
The piglets should be fed with colostrum within the first 2-3 days of life.
The piglets should be given iron on the second or third day of life.
If the mother dies or does not produce milk, an artificial colostrum can be made with milk, water, eggs, cod liver oil, and honey.
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