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En el texto 'Manual de Pediatria - Neonatologia I Infecciones en el recien nacido', what are the risk factors for neonatal sepsis caused by Strepto...

En el texto 'Manual de Pediatria - Neonatologia I Infecciones en el recien nacido', what are the risk factors for neonatal sepsis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae or Group B beta-hemolytic streptococcus (SGB)?

Women who during pregnancy have had a urinary infection by SGB or a positive urine culture for SGB.
Premature labor before 37 weeks.
Rupture of membranes for more than 18 hours.
Mother with fever during labor.
Mother with a history of a previous child with sepsis caused by group B streptococcus.

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518 pag.

Saúde da Mulher e do Recém Nascido Instituto Politécnico NacionalInstituto Politécnico Nacional

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