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According to the PLAN MUNICIPAL DE GESTIÓN DEL RIESGO DE DESASTRES DEL 2015 de TAURAMENA CASANARE (TAURAMENA, 2015), obtained from the city hall's ...

According to the PLAN MUNICIPAL DE GESTIÓN DEL RIESGO DE DESASTRES DEL 2015 de TAURAMENA CASANARE (TAURAMENA, 2015), obtained from the city hall's website, what are the identified threats in the municipality of Tauramena?

The vulnerability understood as the physical, economic, social, environmental or institutional susceptibility or fragility that a community has to be affected or to suffer adverse effects in case of a dangerous physical event is classified as follows:
The prioritization of risk scenarios will be carried out taking into account the information collected by the institutions that are part of the CMGRD, the minutes raised and the meetings with the community and under the following criteria:
The phenomenon of El Niño, understood as the recurrent climatic pattern that implies changes in the temperature of the waters in the central and eastern part of the tropical Pacific, affecting directly the distribution of precipitation in tropical zones, has hit the countries located in the equatorial belt hard, causing considerable droughts.
The Plan Municipal para la Gestión del Riesgo del año 2011 y el Esquema de Ordenamiento Territorial del año 2014 identify the following threats according to the characteristics and conditions mentioned above:
Inundation, Remoción en Masa, and Sismos.
Fenómenos de origen hidrometeorológico, Fenómenos de Origen geológico, and Sismos.
Fenómenos de origen hidrometeorológico, Remoción en Masa, and Incendios Forestales.
Inundation, Remoción en Masa, and Incendios Forestales.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Estado del arte de la gestión del riesgo de los municipios perten
263 pag.

Engenharia Civil Pontificia Universidad JaverianaPontificia Universidad Javeriana

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