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If we do not add any bacteria to the milk with which we want to make cheese, then A) it would be possible to make cheese anyways with an appropriat...

If we do not add any bacteria to the milk with which we want to make cheese, then
A) it would be possible to make cheese anyways with an appropriate temperature.
B) the milk we are using would eventually transform into a liquid and solid mix.
C) most of the milk utilized to make that cheese would stop being useful anymore.
D) we would be unable to obtain curds and whey to continue with the process.

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16 pag.

Leitura Universidad César Vallejo S.A.C.Universidad César Vallejo S.A.C.

💡 1 Respuesta

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La respuesta correcta es: D) no podríamos obtener cuajada y suero para continuar con el proceso. Sin bacterias, no se produciría la fermentación necesaria para formar la cuajada y el suero, lo que haría imposible continuar con el proceso de hacer queso.


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