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Verbos y Expresiones en el Salón de Clases de Inglés

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Glosario	de	Inglés	I	
• Salón	de	clases		
Tema	2	
Act		 Actuar	 You	have	to	act	immediately.	
Ask	your	partners	 Pregunta	a	tus	compañeros	 Ask	your	partners	about	their	family.	
Answer	the	questions	 Responde	las	preguntas	 Now,	you	have	to	answer	the	questions.	
Check		your	answers	(with	a	
Checa	tus	respuestas	(con	tus	
You	have	to	check	your	answers.	
Choose	the	correct	answer	 Escoge	la	respuesta	correcta	 In	the	next	activity,	choose	the	correct	
Circle	the	correct	answer	 Pon	un	círculo	a	la	respuesta	correcta	In	your	answer	sheet,	circle	the	correct	
Close	your	books!	 Cierra	los	libros	 Close	the	books	and	listen	to	me!	
Come	in!	 Entrar/	pasar.	 May	I	come	in?	
Complete	 Completar		 Complete	that	sentence,	please.	
Compare	 Comparar.	 Compare	the	pictures	with	the	sentences.	
copy	 Copiar	 Copy	that	page,	please.	
Correct			 Corregir	 He	needs	to	correct	his	homework.	
Cross	 Cruzar	 We	need	to	cross	the	street.	
Count	 Contar	 Count	until	ten.	
Dibujar	 Draw	a	cat	on	your	notebook.	
Find	 Hallar,	encontrar	 I	can’t	find	it.	
Know	(don’t	know)	 Saber,	conocer	(no	saber	-	no	
I	know	you	are	intelligent	but	I	don’t	
know	your	name.	
Learn	by	heart	 Aprender	de	memoria.	 Learn	by	heart	the	verbs.	
Listen	(to)	 Escuchar	 Listen	to	your	friends.	
Look	(at)	 Mirar	 Look	at	that	house.	
Match	 Corresponder	(a)	 That	copy	has	to	match	with	its	original.	
Number	the	sentences.	 Enumera	las	oraciones.	 First,	number	the	sentences	in	the	correct	
Open	your	books…	 Abre	tus	libros.	 Everybody,	open	your	books.	
Practice	with	a	partner.	 Practica	con	tu	compañero.	 In	the	next	exercise,	practice	with	a	
Raise	your	hand.	 Levanta	la	mano		 If	you	don’t	understand,	raise	your	hand.	
Read	the	instructions…	 Lee	las	instrucciones…	 Read	the	instructions	carefully.	
Repeat	 Repite.	 Repeat	after	me!	
Say	hello!	 ¡Di	hola!	 Say	hello	to	everybody!		
Unscramble	…	 Descifrar.	 Unscramble	letters	to	form	words.	
Sit	down!	 ¡Siéntate!	 Sit	down,	please!	
Speak	louder,	please!	 Habla	fuerte,	por	favor.		 Can	you	speak	louder,	please?	
Speak	slowly,	please!	 Habla	despacio,	por	favor.		 Teacher,	can	you	speak	slowly,	please?	
Speak	up	please!	 ¡Habla	más	alto,	por	favor!	 Pablo,	speak	up	please!	
Stand	up!	 Pararse.	 Now,	stand	up!	
Spell	 Deletrear	 How	do	you	spell	your	name?	
Turn	to	page	…	 Ve	a..,	da	vuelta	a….	 Turn	to	page	27.	
Translate	 Traducir	 Translate	the	paragraph	for	me,	please.	
Underline	(the	correct	answer)	 Subrayar	(la	respuesta	correcta)	 Underline	that	word	on	your	notebook.	
Understand	 Entender	 Do	you	understand	the	sentence?	
Work	by	yourself.	 Trabaja	tú	mismo.	 Don’t	copy,	work	by	yourself.	
Work	in	groups.	 Trabajar	en	grupo.	 In	the	next	activity,	you	work	in	groups.	
Work	(in	pair)	 Trabajar	(en	pareja)	 Work	in	pairs	for	the	lesson!	
Write	your	name	on	your	notebook	 Escribe	tu	nombre	en	tu	libreta.	 Remember	to	write	your	name	on	your	
May	I	come	in?	 ¿Puedo	pasar?	 Sorry	to	be	late,	may	I	come	in?	
May	I	go	out?	 ¿Puedo	salir?	 I	have	to	go	to	the	dentist,	may	I	go	out?	
May	I	step	out?	 ¿Puedo	salir?	 I	have	to	go	to	the	doctor,	May	I	step	
How	do	you	say…in	English?	 ¿Cómo	dices…..	en	Ingles?		 How	do	you	say	pizarrón	in	English?	
What’s	the	meaning	of..?	 ¿Qué	significa…?	 What’s	the	meaning	of	that	word?	
What	does	“…”	mean?	 ¿Qué	significa…?	 What	does	“notebook”	mean?	
I	don’t	know	 No	sé		 Teacher,	I	don’t	know	the	answer.	
Sorry,	I	don’t	understand…	 Lo	siento,	No	entiendo	 Sorry,	I	don’t	understand	what	you	are	
How	do	you	spell…?	 ¿Cómo	deletreas…?	 How	do	you	spell	“Switzerland”?	
Could	you	spell	that	for	me,	please?	¿Podrías	deletrearme	eso,	por	favor?	 I	don’t	know	how	to	write	the	word.	
Could	you	spell	that	for	me,	please?		
How	do	you	pronounce…?	 ¿Cómo	pronuncias…?	 How	do	you	pronounce	“sheep	and	
How	do	you	write	…?	 ¿Cómo	escribes…?	 How	do	you	write	“watch”?	
Please,	speak	slowly.	 Por	favor,	habla	lento.	 Please,	speak	slowly.	I	can’t	understand	
Can	you	repeat,	please?	 ¿Puedes	repetirlo,	por	favor?	 I	don’t	understand.	Can	you	repeat,	
Say	it	again,	please	 Dilo	otra	vez,	por	favor	 I	didn’t	listen.	Say	it,	again.	
Again	please	 Otra	vez,	por	favor	 Do	your	homework	again,	please.	
I	have	a	question	 Tengo	una	pregunta/duda	 Teacher,	I	have	a	question	about	the	
I	didn’t	do	homework	 No	hice	la	tarea	 I	didn’t	do	homework	yesterday.	
Can	you	lend	me…,	please?	 ¿Puedes	prestarme….,	por	favor?	 Can	you	lend	me	your	book,	please?	
What’s	this?	 ¿Qué	es	esto?	 What’s	that?	That	is	my	house.	
What’s	that?	 ¿Qué	es	eso?	 What’s	this?	This	is	my	pen.	
What	are	these?	 ¿Qué	son	estos?	 What	are	these?	These	are	my	keys.	
What	are	those?	 ¿Qué	son	aquellos?	 What	are	those?	Those	are	my	books.	
Right!	(	correct)	 Bien,	correcto	 Your	translation	is	right!	
This	is…	 Esto	es…	 This	is	a	pencil.	
That	is…	 Eso	es…	 That	is	an	eraser.		
These	are…	 Estos	son…	 These	are	keys.	
Those	are…	 Esos	son…	 Those	are		
What’s	this?	 ¿Qué	es	esto?	 What’s	that?	That	is	my	house.	
What’s	that?	 ¿Qué	es	eso?	 What’s	this?	This	is	my	pen.	
Correct		 Correcto	 Your	answer	is	correct.	
That’s	right	 (Eso)	está	bien	 That’s	right,	my	class	begins	at	8:00.	
That’s	wrong	 (Eso)	está	mal	 That’s	wrong,	it	is	incorrect.	
Wrong	 Mal,	equivocado	 The	last	sentence	is	wrong.	
Alphabet	 Alfabeto	 Do	you	know	the	alphabet?	
Class	 Clase	 What	is	the	name	of	that	class?	
Cassette	player	 Grabadora		 There	is	a	cassette	player	on	my	desk.	
Classroom	 Salón	(de	clase)	 Where	is	your	classroom?	
Competition	 Competencia	 What	competition	is	that?	
Exam	(examination)	 Examen	 They	have	to	take	that	exam.	
Example	 Ejemplo	 Follow	the	example.	
Homework	 Tarea	 We	have	to	finish	our	homework.	
Language	 Lenguaje	 Her	language	is	Spanish.	
Lesson	 Lección	 What	is	the	number	of	the	lesson?	
Letter	(as	in	alphabet)	 Letra	 I	don’t	know	what	letter	that	one	is.	
Mistake	 Error	 Sorry,	it	is	my	mistake.	
Number	 Número	 What	is	her	phone	number?	
Question		 Pregunta	 What	is	the	question?	
School	 Escuela	 Is	that	your	school?	
Sentence	 Oración	 Complete	the	next	sentence,	please.	
Test	 Prueba,	examen	 He	needs	to	pass	that	test.	
Text	 Texto	 That	is	an	interesting	text.	
Tick	 Palomear	 Tick	the	correct	answer.	
University	 Universidad	 She	goes	to	the	university.	
Word	 Palabra	 Repeat	the	last	word,	please.	
Board	 Pizarrón	 Write	that	sentence	on	the	board.	
Book	 Libro	 They	read	that	book.	
Cassette	player	 Reproductor	de	casetes	 That	cassette	player	is	nice.	
Chair	 Silla	 Sit	on	that	chair.	
Chalk	 Gis,	yeso	 Take	that	piece	of	chalk.	
Computer	 Computadora	 They	have	a	computer	at	home.	
Desk	 Escritorio	 The	book	is	on	the	desk.	
Dictionary	 Diccionario	 Use	your	dictionary.	
Eraser	 Borrador	 Take	that	eraser	near	the	board.	
Map	 Mapa	 We	need	a	map.		
Marker	 Marcador	 Take	the	red	marker.	
Mouse	 Ratón	 There	is	a	mouse	in	the	kitchen.	
Notebook	 Libreta	 Show	me	your	notebook.		
Pen	 Pluma	 What	color	is	your	pen?	
Pencil	 Lápiz	 Take	that	yellow	pencil	on	the	desk.	
Picture	 Fotografía	 That	is	a	beautiful	picture.	
Piece	of	paper	 Hoja	de	papel	 Can	you	give	me	a	piece	of	paper,	please?	
Table	 Mesa	 Put	your	books	on	that	table.	
Wall	 Pared	 There	is	a	picture	on	the	wall.	
Wastebasket	 Bote	de	basura	 Put	those	papers	in	the	wastebasket.	
Workbook	 Cuaderno	de	trabajo	 The	workbook	is	to	practice	exercises.

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